December is a month of celebrations and festivities in Greece. While many countries in Europe tend to hibernate during this time of the year, Greece embraces the winter season with open arms. With mild weather and fewer crowds, December is an ideal time to visit this popular destination.

One of the most popular places to visit in Greece in December is Athens, the country’s capital. With its rich history and vibrant culture, Athens offers a unique experience for visitors. The city comes alive during the holiday season, with festive decorations, music, and performances filling the streets.

Another must-visit destination in Greece during December is Thessaloniki. Known for its lively nightlife and vibrant atmosphere, Thessaloniki is a perfect place to celebrate the holiday season. Visitors can enjoy the city’s Christmas markets, where they can find unique gifts and traditional Greek treats.

For those who are looking for a more tranquil experience, the island of Crete is a great choice. Known for its beautiful beaches and stunning landscapes, Crete offers a peaceful retreat during the winter months. Visitors can explore the island’s ancient sites, indulge in local cuisine, and enjoy the peacefulness of the island.

Greece is a country with a rich history and culture, and a visit during December allows visitors to immerse themselves in this unique experience. From the traditional Greek celebrations during the Christmas season to the colorful festivities of New Year’s Eve, Greece offers a memorable holiday experience for millions of visitors each year.

Best Places to Visit in Greece in December

Best Places to Visit in Greece in December

When it comes to the best places to visit in Greece in December, there are some popular destinations that offer a unique and unforgettable experience.

1. Athens

Athens, the capital city of Greece, is close to many historical sites and is a great place to explore during December. Visitors can enjoy the mild weather and shorter days while strolling through the ancient ruins of the Acropolis, visiting the world-renowned museums, or experiencing the vibrant nightlife.

2. Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki, the second-largest city in Greece, offers a different perspective of the country with its rich history, diverse culture, and vibrant atmosphere. Visitors can explore the city’s historic sites like the White Tower and the Roman Rotunda, indulge in delicious Greek cuisine, and wander through the bustling markets to experience the local way of life.

3. Crete

Crete, the largest Greek island, is a popular destination year-round with its stunning beaches, scenic landscapes, and ancient ruins. In December, visitors can enjoy a more peaceful and relaxed atmosphere as the island is less crowded. They can explore the charming villages, hike through the Samaria Gorge, and taste the delicious local cuisine.

4. Delphi

Delphi is a must-visit destination in Greece for history enthusiasts. Known as the center of the ancient world, Delphi was dedicated to the god Apollo and was considered the most important oracle in the Greek world. Visitors can explore the archaeological site, visit the Temple of Apollo, and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.

5. Meteora

5. Meteora

Meteora is a unique and awe-inspiring destination in Greece with its monasteries perched on top of towering rock formations. Visitors can witness the stunning beauty of the monasteries and the surrounding landscapes, and learn about the history and religious significance of this UNESCO World Heritage site.

In conclusion, Greece offers a variety of wonderful destinations to visit in December. Whether you want to explore the historical sites of Athens, experience the vibrant atmosphere of Thessaloniki, relax on the beaches of Crete, discover the ancient world in Delphi, or witness the unique beauty of Meteora, Greece will not disappoint. Plan your trip and come to Greece in December for an unforgettable experience!

Take a Trip during Winter

If you are planning a trip to Greece in December, you will not be disappointed. Despite the cooler weather, the country still offers a variety of popular places to visit and things to do.

One of the reasons why Greece is a great destination during December is because the weather is relatively mild compared to other European countries. While it may not be warm enough for a beach vacation, visitors can still enjoy exploring the historic sites and picturesque towns without the large crowds that can often be found during the peak tourist season.

During the winter months, some of the most popular places to visit in Greece include Athens, Thessaloniki, and Santorini. In Athens, visitors can explore the iconic Acropolis and enjoy the city’s vibrant nightlife. Thessaloniki offers a rich cultural experience with its museums, art galleries, and lively festivals. Santorini, known for its stunning sunsets and unique volcanic landscapes, is a must-see destination for any trip to Greece in December.

Greece is also a country that knows how to celebrate. December is a time when Greeks embrace the holiday spirit, particularly during Christmas and New Year’s Eve. The cities and towns come alive with festive decorations, music, and traditional celebrations. Whether you want to experience the bustling Christmas markets, attend a traditional Greek concert, or participate in a local holiday event, there are plenty of opportunities to immerse yourself in the Greek culture during this time of year.

Furthermore, visiting Greece in December means you can avoid the crowds that typically flock to the country during the summer months. Instead, you can enjoy a more quiet and intimate experience, where you can truly immerse yourself in the local culture and get to know the charm and beauty of the country.

In conclusion, while the weather may not be as warm in Greece during December, there are still plenty of reasons to visit. From exploring historic sites to experiencing the festive holiday celebrations, Greece offers a unique and memorable winter travel experience. So pack your bags and get ready to discover the best of Greece during the winter months.

Weather in December in Europe

December is a winter month in Europe, and the weather can vary from country to country. In Greece, for example, the weather in December is relatively mild compared to other European countries.

With an average temperature of around 13 degrees Celsius during the day, Greece is a popular destination for visitors looking to escape the colder weather in other parts of Europe. While the days are shorter and the weather may be colder in Greece during December, there are still plenty of reasons to visit the country during this time.

One of the main attractions in Greece during December is the Christmas celebrations. The country is known for its lively and festive atmosphere during this time of year, with music, food, and decorations filling the streets. Visitors to Greece in December can experience the Greek Orthodox tradition of Advent and lent, as well as the Christmas and New Year’s celebrations.

Some of the most popular places to visit in Greece during December include Athens, Thessaloniki, and the Greek islands. Athens offers a mix of ancient history and modern culture, with iconic landmarks such as the Acropolis and the Parthenon. Thessaloniki, on the other hand, is known for its vibrant nightlife and cultural events. The Greek islands, including Santorini and Mykonos, offer a more relaxed and scenic environment, with beautiful beaches and charming villages to explore.

Whether you’re looking to escape the cold weather in other European countries or simply want to experience the festive atmosphere and traditions of Greece, December is a great time to visit. With mild temperatures, beautiful scenery, and plenty of cultural events, Greece offers a unique and memorable destination for visitors from all over the world.

Greece Places to Visit in December

When it comes to travel destinations in Europe, Greece is always a popular choice. In December, the country offers a unique experience for visitors with its festive celebrations and pleasant weather.

One of the best places to visit in Greece in December is Athens, the capital city. Here, visitors can explore iconic landmarks such as the Acropolis and the Parthenon, while also enjoying the vibrant Christmas markets and live music performances.

Thessaloniki is another close destination to consider. This city is known for its lively nightlife and cultural events. In December, Thessaloniki hosts various festivals and concerts, making it a favorite spot for music lovers.

For those who want to experience the authentic Greek Christmas traditions, a visit to the villages of Arachova and Kalavryta is a must. These places are famous for their charming celebrations and beautiful decorations.

Another popular destination in December is the island of Crete. With its mild weather and picturesque landscapes, it offers a serene and relaxing holiday experience. Visitors can explore historic sites such as the Palace of Knossos, or simply enjoy the peaceful beaches.

Overall, Greece is a country that has a lot to offer to its visitors in December. From the lively cities to the traditional villages, there are plenty of options for everyone to enjoy their time in this beautiful country. So, if you are planning a trip to Europe in December, Greece would be a perfect choice!

When to Come

If you are planning a visit to Greece in December, it is important to know that this time of year is considered off-season for tourism in the country. While the weather may not be as warm as the summer months, there are still plenty of reasons to visit Greece in December.

The Christmas season is a popular time for visitors to come to Greece, as the country celebrates the holiday in a unique and festive way. One of the highlights is the music, with traditional Greek carols being sung and played throughout the country. The cities and towns are beautifully decorated with lights and ornaments, creating a magical atmosphere.

Another reason to visit Greece in December is to experience the country’s rich cultural heritage. Greece is known for its ancient history, and many of its archaeological sites and museums are open year-round. This is a great time to explore ancient ruins and learn about the fascinating history of the country.

Additionally, Greece is a great destination for outdoor activities in December. The weather may be cooler, but there are still plenty of opportunities for hiking, biking, and exploring the beautiful landscapes of the country. It’s also a good time to visit the islands, as they are less crowded and you can enjoy the beauty of nature at a slower pace.

Discover the Athens Acropolis

If you are planning a trip to Greece in December, a visit to the Athens Acropolis should be at the top of your list. The Acropolis is a significant historical and cultural site in Greece, attracting millions of visitors from all over the world each year. When you visit the Acropolis in December, you will have the opportunity to explore the ancient ruins and learn about the rich history of Greece firsthand.

During December, Greece celebrates the Christmas season with various festivities and traditions. The country is known for its vibrant music and dance performances during this time, and there are often special events and concerts held near the Acropolis. Visitors can immerse themselves in Greek culture and experience the joyous atmosphere of the holiday season.

What makes a visit to the Athens Acropolis in December even more special is the relatively smaller crowds compared to the peak tourist season. The weather may be cooler during this time, but it is still pleasant enough to explore the archaeological site. Some visitors may also choose to visit during this time to avoid the hot summer months when the temperatures can be quite high.

If you are a history buff or simply interested in ancient civilizations, a visit to the Athens Acropolis is a must. The Acropolis is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe and has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It offers breathtaking views of the city of Athens and a glimpse into the architectural achievements of the ancient Greeks.

So if you are planning a trip to Greece in December, don’t miss the opportunity to visit the Athens Acropolis. It is a chance to experience the rich history and culture of Greece, while also enjoying the festive celebrations of the holiday season. Make sure to check the opening hours and plan your visit accordingly, as some parts of the site may be closed for maintenance during this time.

Explore the Santorini Caldera

If you are visiting Greece in December, one place you should not miss is the Santorini Caldera. Known as one of the best places to visit in the country, the Santorini Caldera offers visitors a unique and breathtaking experience.

The Santorini Caldera is a volcanic crater that was formed thousands of years ago. It is located in the Aegean Sea and is a popular destination for tourists from all over the world. The caldera is surrounded by several beautiful islands, including Thirassia, Nea Kameni, and Palea Kameni.

During the winter months, the weather in Greece is mild, making it a great time to explore the Santorini Caldera. You can take a boat tour around the caldera to get a close look at the volcanic landscape and the beautiful views of the surrounding islands. The caldera is also home to several charming villages, where you can stroll through the narrow streets, visit local shops, and enjoy traditional Greek cuisine.

If you visit the Santorini Caldera in December, you will also have the opportunity to witness the country’s unique Christmas celebrations. Greece has a rich and vibrant culture, and during the holiday season, the streets come alive with music, lights, and various festivities. Many visitors come to Greece during this time of year to experience the traditional Greek Christmas customs.

In conclusion, the Santorini Caldera is a must-visit destination in Greece, especially during the winter months. The beautiful volcanic landscape, the charming villages, and the unique Christmas celebrations make it a popular choice for visitors from all over the world. Whether you are looking for a peaceful retreat or a lively holiday experience, the Santorini Caldera has something to offer for everyone.

Visit the Delphi Archaeological Site

When planning a trip to Greece in December, one destination that should be on your list is the Delphi Archaeological Site. Located on the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Delphi is an ancient sanctuary and a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is considered one of the most important archaeological sites in Greece and is known for its rich history and stunning landscape.

Visiting Delphi during the winter months can be a unique and memorable experience. While the weather might be colder, the site is usually less crowded, allowing you to explore at your own pace. Plus, the misty atmosphere and snow-capped mountains create a picturesque backdrop for your visit.

What makes Delphi even more special during December is the opportunity to attend the Delphi Music Festival. This annual event brings together talented musicians from Greece and around the world to perform classical and contemporary music in the ancient theater of Delphi. It’s a truly magical experience that combines the beauty of the ancient site with the power of live music.

Aside from the music festival, there are plenty of other things to do and see in Delphi. You can visit the Delphi Museum to admire the ancient artifacts found at the site, or hike up to the Temple of Apollo for breathtaking views of the surrounding area. The nearby town of Arachova is also worth a visit, with its charming streets, picturesque architecture, and traditional Greek cuisine.

Overall, visiting the Delphi Archaeological Site in December offers a unique opportunity to explore one of Greece’s most popular historical sites without the crowds. Whether you’re a history buff, a music lover, or just looking for a winter getaway, Delphi is sure to impress. So, come and discover the wonders of this ancient sanctuary in the heart of Greece.

Key Points:

  • Delphi is an ancient sanctuary and archaeological site in Greece.
  • Visiting Delphi in December allows you to enjoy the site without the crowds.
  • The Delphi Music Festival takes place in December, showcasing classical and contemporary music in the ancient theater.
  • You can also visit the Delphi Museum and explore the nearby town of Arachova.
  • Delphi offers a unique and memorable experience during the winter months.

Relax on the Navagio Beach

If you will visit Greece in December, one of the places you should definitely visit is the famous Navagio Beach. Located on the island of Zakynthos, Navagio Beach is known for its stunning scenery and crystal clear turquoise waters. The beach is surrounded by towering cliffs, making it a truly breathtaking sight.

During this time of the year, Navagio Beach is not as crowded as it is during the summer months, allowing you to enjoy a more peaceful and relaxed atmosphere. The beach is also a popular destination for winter celebrations, with many Greek locals and visitors coming to enjoy the festivities. You can experience the unique Greek culture and traditions, listen to live music, and participate in various holiday activities.

The weather in Greece during December can be quite mild, with temperatures ranging from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. While it might be too cold for swimming, the days are still enjoyable and perfect for exploring the island and taking in the beautiful sights. You can also take long walks along the beach and enjoy the stunning views of the cliffs and the sea.

Navagio Beach is a must-visit destination in Greece any time of the year, but in December, it offers a special experience. The beach has a unique charm during the winter months, and you will get a chance to see it in a different light. So if you are planning a trip to Greece in December, make sure to include Navagio Beach in your itinerary.

Marvel at the Meteora Monasteries

If you are looking for a unique and breathtaking destination in Greece to visit in December, the Meteora Monasteries should be at the top of your list. The weather may be a bit cold, but the stunning beauty of these monasteries will more than make up for it.

These monasteries are perched on top of towering rock formations, creating a mesmerizing sight that attracts visitors from all over the world. In fact, the Meteora Monasteries are one of the most popular tourist attractions in Greece, drawing millions of visitors each year.

During the Christmas season, the monasteries come alive with celebrations and festivities. Many of the monasteries host religious services and ceremonies to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. The atmosphere is filled with the sound of greek music and the scent of traditional greek food. It’s a truly magical time to visit the Meteora Monasteries and experience the unique blend of Greek culture and spirituality.

Although some of the monasteries may be closed during December for the winter season, there are still plenty to see and explore. You can take guided tours to learn about the history and architecture of these ancient buildings, or simply enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

So, if you’re planning a trip to Greece in December, don’t miss the opportunity to visit the Meteora Monasteries. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will leave you in awe of the beauty and spirituality of this historic destination.

Take a Ride on the Athens Tram

When visiting Greece in December, one of the best places to experience the local culture and vibrant atmosphere is Athens. The capital city offers a variety of attractions and activities, and one unique experience is taking a ride on the Athens Tram.

Why visit Athens?

Athens is a popular destination for visitors from all over the world, especially during the winter months. The weather is mild, making it a comfortable time to explore the city and its many historical sites. Additionally, Athens is known for its rich history, delicious food, and lively nightlife. There are also plenty of shopping opportunities, with both traditional markets and modern malls to choose from.

What is the Athens Tram?

The Athens Tram is a modern transportation system that connects the city center with its coastal suburbs. It offers a scenic route along the Athenian Riviera, providing stunning views of the sea. The tram operates every day, including weekends and holidays, allowing visitors to easily explore different parts of the city.

What to expect on the tram?

When riding the Athens Tram, passengers can enjoy the comfort of the modern trams, which are equipped with air conditioning and comfortable seating. There are also audio guides available in multiple languages, providing interesting information about the city and its surroundings.

Music and Lent Celebrations

During the month of December, Athens comes alive with music and festive celebrations. The city’s main squares and streets are decorated with lights and colorful displays, creating a lively and magical atmosphere. Visitors can witness traditional Greek celebrations, such as the preparation for Lent, where locals participate in various customs and rituals.

Close proximity to other popular destinations in Greece and Europe

Athens is a convenient base for exploring other parts of Greece. From the city, visitors can easily take day trips to famous sites such as Delphi, the ancient city of Corinth, and the picturesque town of Nafplio. Additionally, Athens is well-connected to other European countries, making it a great starting point for travelers who wish to explore more of Europe during their visit.

In conclusion, taking a ride on the Athens Tram is a fantastic way to experience the beauty of Athens and its surroundings. From the stunning views of the Athenian Riviera to the festive celebrations in December, the tram offers a unique and enjoyable way to explore this vibrant city.

Enjoy the Mykonos Nightlife

If you are visiting Greece in December, don’t miss the opportunity to experience the vibrant nightlife of Mykonos. Despite the cooler weather, Mykonos remains a popular destination for visitors from all over the world. Known as one of the most popular party islands in Europe, Mykonos attracts millions of visitors each year who come to enjoy its lively atmosphere and legendary nightlife.

During the days leading up to Christmas and New Year’s Eve, Mykonos is especially lively, with plenty of events and celebrations happening throughout the island. The bars and clubs are filled with music and excitement, offering visitors the chance to dance and celebrate into the early hours of the morning.

What makes Mykonos nightlife unique is the lent given to the local traditional Greek music during this time. Many venues and bars feature live performances by Greek musicians, creating a truly authentic and memorable experience for visitors. So, if you are a lover of Greek music or simply want to immerse yourself in the local culture, Mykonos is the place to be.

Whether you prefer the bustling crowds of the main town or the tranquility of the beach bars, Mykonos has something for everyone. With its charming streets, beautiful beaches, and lively nightlife, Mykonos is a must-visit destination when traveling to Greece in December.

Discover the Ancient City of Olympia

The ancient Greek city of Olympia is a must-visit destination in Greece, particularly during December. Located in the western part of the country, Olympia is close to the city of Patras and offers visitors a chance to experience the rich history and culture of Greece.

When you visit Olympia in December, you would be able to explore the ruins of this ancient city at your own pace, without the crowds that usually flock to the country’s most popular tourist places during the summer months. With pleasant weather and fewer visitors, you will have the opportunity to truly immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of Olympia.

One of the main attractions of Olympia is the ancient Olympic Stadium, where the Olympic Games were held for over a thousand years. Walking through the stadium, you can almost feel the energy and excitement that millions of athletes and spectators have experienced here throughout the years.

Another highlight of a visit to Olympia in December is the chance to witness the Greek celebrations and festivities that take place during this time. From music performances to traditional dance shows, there is always something happening in Olympia to keep you entertained during your trip.

If you are interested in Greek history and want to learn more about the origins of the Olympic Games, visiting Olympia is a must. This ancient city holds a wealth of historical and archaeological treasures, including temples, statues, and the renowned Temple of Zeus, which housed one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World – the gold and ivory statue of Zeus made by the sculptor Phidias.

As you explore the ancient city, you will also come across the museum of Olympia, where you can see artifacts and exhibits that provide further insight into the history and significance of this sacred site. From ancient weapons and tools to decorative objects and artwork, the museum offers a fascinating glimpse into the lives of the ancient Greeks.

In conclusion, a visit to the ancient city of Olympia in Greece during December is a unique opportunity to discover the rich history and culture of the country. With pleasant weather, fewer visitors, and a range of festive celebrations, Olympia is a perfect destination for anyone seeking an immersive and educational experience. So, don’t miss the chance to explore this remarkable site and learn more about the ancient roots of Greece.

Visit the Beautiful Island of Rhodes

Journey to the picturesque island of Rhodes, a popular destination in Greece, and discover its captivating beauty even in the winter months of December. Rhodes offers a unique blend of ancient history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture that is sure to enchant visitors.

Beautiful Weather: Despite being in the winter season, Rhodes experiences mild temperatures during the day, making it a great place to visit during this time. With an average temperature of around 17 degrees Celsius, visitors can enjoy exploring the island without being overwhelmed by the heat.

Rich Greek History: Rhodes is steeped in Greek history, with many ancient ruins and historical sites to explore. From the ancient city of Rhodes with its medieval fortress, to the ancient temple of Apollo, there is no shortage of fascinating landmarks to discover.

Christmas Celebrations: When December comes, Rhodes gets ready to celebrate Christmas in its own unique way. Visitors can witness the island’s festive spirit as the locals engage in traditional celebrations, complete with music, dance, and delicious Greek cuisine. The streets come alive with colorful decorations and the atmosphere is filled with joy and merriment.

Charming Towns and Villages: Take some time to explore the quaint towns and villages scattered throughout the island. From the charming village of Lindos with its beautiful whitewashed houses and narrow cobblestone streets, to the lively town of Rhodes with its bustling markets and vibrant nightlife, there are plenty of places to experience the local Greek culture.

Close Proximity to Other Islands: Rhodes is located in close proximity to other popular Greek islands, making it an ideal base for island hopping. Visitors can easily take day trips to nearby islands such as Symi or Kos, allowing them to explore even more of Greece’s beautiful landscapes and coastal areas.

In conclusion, visiting the beautiful island of Rhodes in December is a wonderful opportunity to experience the charm and beauty of Greece. With its mild weather, rich history, festive celebrations, and proximity to other popular destinations, Rhodes has something to offer every traveler.

Explore the Samaria Gorge

When it comes to exploring the natural beauty of Greece, one of the must-visit places in December is the Samaria Gorge. Located in the southwestern part of the country, the Samaria Gorge is a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts.

With its close proximity to other European countries, Greece is an ideal destination for a winter getaway. In December, the weather is mild and perfect for outdoor activities. The Samaria Gorge offers visitors the opportunity to hike through breathtaking landscapes and enjoy the tranquility of nature.

Every year, millions of visitors come to Greece to experience the beauty of its natural wonders. The Samaria Gorge is one of the most popular places to visit, especially in December. The gorge is known for its stunning views, crystal-clear waters, and diverse flora and fauna.

During the winter months, the Samaria Gorge takes on a unique charm. With the Lent celebrations in full swing, visitors can experience the rich culture and traditions of Greece. Many locals organize music and dance events to celebrate this festive time of year, making it a truly memorable experience for visitors.

Planning your visit to the Samaria Gorge

Before planning your trip to the Samaria Gorge, it’s important to note that it is closed for several days in December for maintenance. However, with careful planning, you can still enjoy the beauty of this natural wonder.

If you decide to visit during the open days, make sure to come prepared with appropriate hiking gear and clothing. The trail can be challenging at times, so it’s important to wear comfortable shoes and dress in layers. Additionally, it’s recommended to bring water and snacks to keep you hydrated and energized during the hike.

Overall, exploring the Samaria Gorge in December is an unforgettable experience. From its stunning natural beauty to its rich cultural celebrations, this destination offers something for every visitor. So, if you’re planning a trip to Greece, make sure to include the Samaria Gorge in your itinerary. You won’t be disappointed.

Relax on the Beaches of Crete

If you’re looking for a place to relax on the beaches in Greece in December, Crete is one of the best destinations you can choose. The island offers some of the most beautiful and pristine beaches in the country, attracting both locals and visitors from all over the world.

The weather in Crete in December is mild, with temperatures ranging from 10 to 16 degrees Celsius. While it may not be warm enough for swimming, the beaches are still a great place to unwind, take long walks, and enjoy the stunning coastal views.

During this time of the year, the popular beach resorts in Crete are less crowded compared to the summer months, offering a more peaceful and serene atmosphere. It’s the perfect time to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the island and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

There are also some unique experiences you can have on the beaches of Crete in December. Many beachfront bars and restaurants remain open, allowing you to enjoy a drink or a meal with a breathtaking view. Some places even organize live music events, where you can listen to traditional Greek music and dance along.

In addition, December is the time for holiday celebrations in Greece. The days leading up to Christmas and New Year’s Eve are filled with festivities, and Crete is no exception. You can join in the local customs and traditions, experience the joyous atmosphere, and get a taste of Greek culture.

Overall, if you want to relax on beautiful beaches, enjoy mild weather, and experience the unique festivities of Greece in December, Crete is a must-visit destination. Whether you prefer solitude or want to celebrate the holiday season with the locals, the island offers something for everyone.

Experience Authentic Greek Cuisine

When you visit Greece in December, you will have the opportunity to experience the authentic Greek cuisine. Greece is known for its delicious and diverse food, and trying the local dishes is a must for all visitors. From traditional Greek souvlaki and moussaka to fresh seafood and feta cheese, there are plenty of dishes to satisfy your taste buds.

One of the best things about Greek cuisine is its use of fresh, local ingredients. The country is blessed with a mild climate and fertile soil, which allows for the production of high-quality fruits, vegetables, and olive oil. In December, you can enjoy dishes made with seasonal produce, such as oranges, pomegranates, and chestnuts.

Greece is also famous for its traditional festive dishes that are prepared during the holiday season. One of the most popular celebrations in Greece is Christmas, and during this time, you can try traditional sweets like melomakarona and kourabiedes. These delicious treats are usually made with honey, nuts, and butter, and they are a true delight for anyone with a sweet tooth.

Moreover, the Greek Orthodox Church has a significant influence on the country’s cuisine. For example, during Lent, many Greeks follow a strict fasting period, which means that they avoid consuming meat and dairy products. As a result, you can find a wide variety of vegan and vegetarian dishes in Greece, especially during this time of the year.

In addition to the delicious food, Greece offers a vibrant dining scene with cozy tavernas and restaurants. Whether you are in Athens, Santorini, or any other popular tourist destination, you will find numerous places where you can enjoy a meal. The friendly and hospitable nature of the Greek people will make you feel welcome, and the traditional music and warm ambiance will enhance your dining experience even more.


What are some of the best places to visit in Greece in December?

Some of the best places to visit in Greece in December include Athens, Thessaloniki, Delphi, Meteora, and Santorini.

Is December a good time to visit Greece?

December can be a good time to visit Greece, especially if you enjoy a less crowded and more peaceful atmosphere. However, it is important to note that the weather is colder and some tourist attractions may have limited opening hours during this time.

What is the weather like in Greece in December?

The weather in Greece in December is generally cool and mild. Daytime temperatures can range from 10-15 degrees Celsius (50-59 degrees Fahrenheit), and it can get colder in the evenings. It is advisable to bring warm clothing and layers, as well as a rain jacket, as there may be occasional rain showers.

Are there any festivals or events in Greece in December?

Yes, there are several festivals and events that take place in Greece in December. The most notable one is Christmas, which is celebrated with various traditions and festivities throughout the country. Additionally, there are New Year’s Eve celebrations and the Feast of Epiphany, which involves the blessing of the waters.

When should I come to Greece in December?

You can visit Greece in December at any time, but it is recommended to plan your trip around the Christmas period to experience the festive atmosphere. Additionally, the first week of December is a good time to visit if you want to avoid the peak holiday season.

What are the advantages of visiting Greece in December?

Visiting Greece in December has several advantages. Firstly, there are fewer tourists, so you can enjoy a more authentic and less crowded experience. The prices for accommodation and flights are also usually lower during this time. Additionally, the festive atmosphere and Christmas decorations can be quite charming.

Can I visit the islands in Greece in December?

Yes, you can visit the islands in Greece in December. While some of the popular tourist islands may have fewer facilities and activities available during this time, there are still plenty of islands that have a local population and offer a more serene and peaceful atmosphere. Some of the islands that you can consider visiting in December include Santorini, Crete, Rhodes, and Corfu.


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  1. I visited Athens last December and it was absolutely magical! The city was beautifully decorated with lights and ornaments, and there was a festive atmosphere everywhere you go. I highly recommend visiting during this time of the year!

  2. AlexandraGreece on

    As a native Greek, I can confirm that December is a wonderful time to visit Greece. The festive atmosphere in Athens is magical, and there are so many historical sites to explore. Plus, the mild weather is perfect for outdoor activities. Don’t miss out on the Christmas markets in Thessaloniki too, they’re a must-see!

  3. I visited Greece in December last year and it was absolutely magical. Athens and Thessaloniki were bustling with festive activities and the atmosphere was incredible. The Christmas markets in Thessaloniki had the most amazing gifts and delicious Greek treats. I also took some time to relax in Crete and it was pure bliss. The beaches were stunning and the landscapes were breathtaking. I highly recommend visiting Greece in December for a unique winter getaway!

  4. Wow, I never thought Greece would be a great destination in December! I always associate it with summer vacation. I love the idea of exploring Athens during the holiday season and experiencing the festive atmosphere. Can’t wait to visit!

    • Yes, the Christmas markets in Thessaloniki are open throughout December. It’s the perfect place to find unique gifts and immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere. Don’t miss out on the traditional Greek treats too!

  5. I visited Athens in December and it was absolutely magical! The city’s festive decorations and lively atmosphere made it the perfect destination for the holiday season. I highly recommend exploring the historical sites and indulging in the local cuisine. Can’t wait to go back!

  6. EmilyTraveler12 on

    I visited Athens last December and it was absolutely magical! The city was beautifully decorated for the holidays and there was so much to see and do. I highly recommend visiting during this time of year.

    • Yes, the Christmas markets in Thessaloniki are open throughout December. It’s a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in the festive spirit and browse unique gifts while enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of the city!

  7. I visited Athens in December and it was magical! The city was filled with holiday spirit, and the festive decorations made everything look so beautiful. I highly recommend visiting during this time of year!

  8. Athena_HistoryLover on

    As a history enthusiast, Athens is definitely the best place to visit in Greece during December. The city’s rich history comes alive during the holiday season, and the festive decorations add a magical touch to the ancient sites. I can’t wait to explore Athens and soak in its vibrant culture!

  9. I recently visited Athens in December and it was absolutely magical! The city was beautifully decorated for the holiday season and there was a festive atmosphere everywhere. I highly recommend exploring the historical sites and experiencing the vibrant culture during this time of the year.

  10. As someone who visited Greece in December, I highly recommend exploring Athens during this time. The city’s festive atmosphere and rich history make it a perfect winter getaway destination.

  11. As a travel enthusiast, I truly believe that exploring Greece in December is a hidden gem. The country’s festive spirit combined with its historical sites and winter beauty make it a magical experience. Also, the fact that there are fewer crowds at this time of year adds to the charm of the trip.

    • JohnTraveler on

      Hi KateTraveler! Yes, Thessaloniki hosts a variety of events and festivals in December. You can experience the festive Christmas spirit at the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, enjoy traditional music and dance performances at the Winter Music Festival, and shop for unique gifts at the bustling Christmas markets. Thessaloniki truly comes alive with cultural activities during this month!

  12. EmilyTravels on

    As a seasoned traveler, I can attest that visiting Greece in December is a magical experience. The festive atmosphere combined with fewer crowds make it an ideal time to explore the country’s rich history and stunning landscapes. Athens and Thessaloniki offer a perfect blend of culture and holiday spirit, while Crete provides a peaceful getaway for those seeking relaxation. Greece truly shines in the winter season!

  13. As a frequent traveler to Greece, I completely agree that December is a wonderful time to visit. The festive atmosphere and mild weather make it a perfect winter getaway destination. Athens and Thessaloniki are my top recommendations for anyone looking to experience the holiday spirit in Greece!

  14. AlexandraBrown on

    As a travel enthusiast, I believe Greece in December is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. The festive markets, historical sites, and winter beauty truly make it a magical winter getaway destination. I highly recommend experiencing Athens and Thessaloniki during this time for a unique holiday experience!

  15. As a travel enthusiast, I completely agree that Greece is a hidden gem in December. The serene beauty of Crete during winter is unmatched, perfect for a peaceful getaway away from the hustle and bustle. Can’t wait to explore Athens and Thessaloniki during the festive season!

  16. As a seasoned traveler, I highly recommend visiting Athens in December. The city’s festive vibes and historical treasures make it a magical winter getaway destination. Plus, the mild weather allows for comfortable exploration without the summer crowds.

  17. As a travel enthusiast, I believe exploring Greece in December is a magical experience. The festive markets, mild weather, and fewer crowds make it an ideal time to visit. Athens and Thessaloniki are bustling with holiday cheer, while Crete offers a peaceful retreat. Can’t wait to plan my winter getaway!

  18. In my opinion, December is truly a magical time to explore Greece. The country’s vibrant culture and festive spirit shine through during the winter season. Athens and Thessaloniki offer a dynamic mix of history and modernity, while Crete provides a serene escape surrounded by natural beauty. It’s definitely a wonderful time to visit!

  19. EmilySmith123 on

    Have you been to any of these places in Greece in December? Which one would you recommend for a first-time visitor?

    • AlexJohnson456 on

      Yes, I’ve visited Athens in December, and it was truly magical! The city was adorned with beautiful lights and decorations, and the festive atmosphere was contagious. For a first-time visitor, I would highly recommend Athens for its rich history and vibrant holiday spirit.

    • Alexander78 on

      In addition to exploring historical sites, visitors in Athens during December can immerse themselves in the festive holiday atmosphere by attending Christmas concerts, ice skating in Technopolis, strolling through the charming neighborhoods adorned with lights, and tasting traditional Greek dishes at local tavernas. The city offers a diverse range of cultural events, art exhibitions, and theatrical performances to enjoy during this magical time of the year.

  20. AlexandraTraveler on

    Visiting Greece in December is a wonderful experience! The country’s festive atmosphere and mild weather make it a perfect winter getaway. Athens and Thessaloniki are bustling with holiday spirit, while Crete offers a serene escape. Can’t wait to explore these enchanting destinations!

  21. Is it safe to visit Greece in December considering the weather conditions? Will the attractions mentioned in the article be open during that time?

    • DavidMiller on

      Yes, it is safe to visit Greece in December. The attractions mentioned in the article, such as Athens and Thessaloniki, will be open during that time. You can enjoy the festive atmosphere and explore the beauty of these destinations without the summer crowds. It’s a great opportunity to experience Greece in a different light.

  22. Alexandra_83 on

    As a travel enthusiast, I highly recommend visiting Greece in December. The country’s festive atmosphere and mild winter weather make it a perfect time to explore Athens and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture. Thessaloniki’s vibrant nightlife and Crete’s serene landscapes offer something for every traveler. Don’t miss out on the unique experience Greece has to offer during the winter season!

  23. AlexandraSmith78 on

    Visiting Greece in December sounds like a wonderful idea! The country’s embrace of the winter season with mild weather and festive atmosphere makes it an ideal destination for a holiday getaway. I would love to explore Athens and experience the rich history and lively holiday spirit there. Thessaloniki also seems like a vibrant place to celebrate the season with its Christmas markets and lively nightlife. Can’t wait to plan my trip to Greece this December!

  24. EmilyTraveler on

    Visiting Greece in December sounds like a magical experience! I love how the country embraces the winter season with open arms, offering a perfect blend of festivities and historical charm. Exploring Athens during the holiday season must be truly enchanting with all the festive decorations and cultural performances.

  25. AnnaJohnson on

    Exploring Greece in December sounds like a magical experience! I believe Athens and Thessaloniki would be perfect to immerse oneself in the festive atmosphere, while Crete offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle. Definitely adding these destinations to my winter travel bucket list!

  26. EmilyTraveler on

    Exploring Greece in December sounds like a magical winter escape! The festive markets, historical sites, and winter beauty must create a unique atmosphere that’s perfect for a holiday getaway. I would love to experience Athens and Thessaloniki during this time, and perhaps unwind on the tranquil island of Crete. December in Greece seems like a hidden gem waiting to be discovered!

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