Greece is a popular holiday destination, attracting travelers from all over the world. One of the most suitable months for visiting Greece is May, as the weather is generally pleasant and there are fewer crowds compared to the peak summer months.

When it comes to the weather in May, Greece offers a great climate for outdoor activities. The temperatures start warming up, with average highs ranging from the low 20s to the high 20s Celsius. This makes it an ideal month for exploring the ancient attractions in Athens, such as the Acropolis and the Parthenon.

In Athens, there are plenty of attractions to keep travelers busy. Some of the highlights include the National Archaeological Museum, which houses an impressive collection of ancient artifacts, and the Plaka neighborhood, known for its charming streets and traditional Greek tavernas. For those interested in history, a visit to the ancient Agora or the Temple of Olympian Zeus is a must.

In addition to the historical attractions, Athens also has a vibrant modern side. Travelers can explore the bustling streets of Monastiraki, known for its flea market, or relax in one of the many parks and gardens around the city. For those looking for a cultural experience, catching a performance at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, an ancient open-air theater, is a must.

If you’re looking to relax and unwind during your visit to Greece, you could also take a trip to one of the many baths found in the country. The Baths of Aphrodite, located in the city of Loutraki, are particularly popular. These thermal baths are said to have healing properties and offer a unique experience.

When compared to the UK, Greece has a different atmosphere and vibe. The weather, of course, is much better in Greece, with more sunshine and warmer temperatures. The food and cuisine are also very different, with Greek cuisine known for its fresh ingredients, olive oil, and Mediterranean flavors.

Overall, a visit to Greece in May is a great way to explore the country’s ancient history, enjoy the beautiful weather, and experience the culture and cuisine that make it a popular holiday destination. Whether you’re looking to relax on the beach, visit museums, or immerse yourself in the vibrant neighborhoods of Athens, Greece has something to offer for everyone.

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Athens, the capital city of Greece, is a popular holiday destination for many travelers. It offers a mix of ancient history and modern attractions, making it a great place to visit for people of all interests.

When visiting Athens in May, you can expect good weather, with temperatures ranging from the mid-60s to low 80s Fahrenheit. This makes it a pleasant time to explore the city and its many outdoor attractions.

One of the highlights of Athens is the Acropolis, which is an ancient citadel located on a rocky outcrop above the city. It is home to several famous landmarks, such as the Parthenon, which is a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena. The Acropolis is a must-visit for those interested in ancient history and architecture.

In addition to the Acropolis, there are many other museums and attractions to explore in Athens. The National Archaeological Museum is one of the most popular museums in Greece, housing an extensive collection of artifacts from ancient Greek civilizations.

For those interested in British history, a visit to the British Museum in Athens is a must. This museum showcases the history and culture of the British Isles, with exhibits ranging from ancient artifacts to more modern displays.

When exploring Athens, be sure to wander around the different neighborhoods to get a sense of the city’s vibrant culture. Plaka is a charming neighborhood with narrow streets and colorful houses, while Monastiraki is known for its bustling market and lively atmosphere.

If you’re looking to relax, head to one of the many parks in Athens, such as the National Garden or Pedion tou Areos. These green spaces offer a peaceful escape from the city’s hustle and bustle.

Overall, Athens has something for everyone, whether you’re a history buff, a fan of art and museums, or simply looking to enjoy the beautiful weather. Make sure to include Athens in your Greece itinerary for a well-rounded holiday experience.

Which is Better for a Holiday

When planning a holiday, it can be difficult to decide between visiting Greece or the UK. Both countries offer unique and exciting experiences, but there are some key differences that may help you make a decision.


One of the first factors to consider is the weather. Greece is known for its warm and sunny climate, especially in the month of May. This means you can enjoy outdoor activities and explore the beautiful beaches and islands. On the other hand, the UK is known for its unpredictable and often rainy weather. While there may be some good days in May, it’s not guaranteed, so if you prefer more consistent warm weather, Greece may be the better choice.


Both Greece and the UK have a wealth of attractions to offer. In Greece, one of the highlights is Athens, the ancient capital city with its famous historical sites such as the Acropolis and the Parthenon. The city also has many museums, such as the National Archaeological Museum, where you can find ancient artifacts and learn about Greek history. On the other hand, the UK has attractions such as Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, and the world-renowned British Museum. These attractions offer a different perspective on history and culture.

Crowd and Different Experiences

Crowd and Different Experiences

If you prefer a holiday with fewer crowds and a more relaxed atmosphere, Greece may be the better choice. While Athens can get busy, especially in popular tourist areas, there are still plenty of quieter neighborhoods and lesser-known attractions to explore. In the UK, tourist hotspots such as London can be very crowded, making it a more bustling and lively experience. Both options offer their own unique charm and atmosphere, so it depends on what type of holiday you prefer.

Museums and Art Galleries

If you are an art lover, both Greece and the UK offer a wide range of museums and art galleries to visit. In Greece, you can explore the Museum of Cycladic Art, the Benaki Museum, and the National Gallery. In the UK, there are famous museums such as the Tate Modern, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and the National Gallery in London. Both countries have a rich cultural heritage and offer a variety of art and exhibits to enjoy.

Weather in Greece in May

Weather in Greece in May

Visiting Greece in May is a good choice for travelers who want to explore the country without the intense summer heat and heavy crowds. The weather in Greece in May is generally mild and pleasant, making it an ideal time to visit the ancient attractions and explore the neighborhoods of Athens.

May is a month when the weather in Greece starts to get warmer, with average temperatures ranging from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. However, it’s always a good idea to check the weather forecast before your trip to make sure you pack accordingly.

In Athens, you will find a variety of places to visit and things to do in May. Some of the highlights include the ancient Acropolis and its famous Parthenon, the National Archaeological Museum, and the beautiful neighborhoods of Plaka and Monastiraki. These neighborhoods offer a blend of history, culture, and traditional Greek cuisine.

If you’re looking to escape the city, there are also many other attractions to explore in Greece in May. You can visit the stunning Palace of Knosos in Crete, take a dip in the warm waters of the Aegean Sea, or explore the charming island of Santorini with its picturesque villages and breathtaking views.

One of the advantages of visiting Greece in May is that you’ll have a better chance to experience some of the local customs and traditions. May is a month of celebrations in Greece, with several religious holidays and festivals taking place. It’s a great opportunity to witness traditional Greek music, dance, and food.

How is the UK different from Greece

How is the UK different from Greece

In terms of weather, the UK and Greece are quite different. While the UK is known for its unpredictable and rainy weather, Greece offers a more stable and sunny climate, especially in May. This makes Greece a popular holiday destination for those looking for warmer temperatures.

When it comes to attractions, both countries have their own unique offerings. In Greece, visitors can explore ancient ruins and historical sites such as the Acropolis in Athens or the Palace of Knossos in Crete. On the other hand, the UK boasts a rich history and is home to famous museums like the British Museum and the National Gallery where travelers can immerse themselves in art and culture.

Another difference is the architecture and layout of the cities. In Greece, the narrow and winding streets of Athens lead to charming neighborhoods where visitors can find traditional tavernas, cafes, and local shops. In the UK, cities like Bath are known for their Georgian architecture and well-preserved historic buildings, providing a different atmosphere and aesthetic.

Furthermore, the crowd and popularity of certain places vary between the two countries. While cities like Athens and Santorini in Greece can get quite crowded, especially during the summer months, the UK offers a more spread-out experience. In the UK, visitors can explore smaller towns and countryside areas, such as the Cotswolds or the Lake District, where they can find more secluded and peaceful spots.

In summary, the UK and Greece offer different experiences for visitors. Greece’s ancient ruins, warm weather, and vibrant city life make it a popular destination, while the UK’s rich history, diverse architecture, and peaceful countryside provide a unique charm. Whether you’re visiting museums, exploring neighborhoods, or enjoying the weather, both countries have their own attractions that are sure to make a holiday well-rounded and enjoyable.


What is the weather like in Greece in May?

In May, the weather in Greece is generally warm and sunny. Average temperatures range from 18-25 degrees Celsius, making it a perfect time to visit.

What are some differences between the UK and Greece?

There are several differences between the UK and Greece. One major difference is the climate – Greece has a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters, while the UK has a temperate maritime climate with cool summers and mild winters. Another difference is the culture and history – Greece is known for its ancient ruins and rich heritage, while the UK is famous for its royal family and historical landmarks.

Which is better for a holiday, Greece or the UK?

The choice between Greece and the UK as a holiday destination depends on personal preferences. Greece offers beautiful beaches, ancient sites, and a vibrant nightlife, making it popular among sun-seekers and history enthusiasts. On the other hand, the UK boasts stunning countryside, charming cities, and a rich cultural heritage, attracting those interested in nature and history. Ultimately, it’s a matter of individual taste.

What are some attractions in Athens?

Athens, the capital of Greece, has several attractions for visitors to enjoy. The most famous is the Acropolis, an ancient citadel featuring iconic structures such as the Parthenon. Other notable attractions include the Ancient Agora, the National Archaeological Museum, and the Plaka neighborhood with its charming streets and traditional taverns. Athens offers a mix of history, culture, and modern amenities.

What is the average temperature in Greece in May?

The average temperature in Greece in May ranges from 18-25 degrees Celsius. It is a pleasant time to visit, with warm and sunny weather perfect for outdoor activities and exploring the beautiful Greek islands.


ATHENS TRAVEL GUIDE Things to Do in Athens Greece

ATHENS TRAVEL GUIDE Things to Do in Athens Greece by Laura Bronner 11 months ago 12 minutes, 17 seconds 20,490 views



  1. As an avid traveler, I believe exploring Greece in May is a wonderful experience. The weather is perfect for outdoor activities, and the historical attractions in Athens are truly captivating. The charm of the Plaka neighborhood and the vibrant modern side of the city make it a must-visit destination for anyone seeking a mix of history and culture.

  2. EmilyJohnson on

    Exploring Greece in May sounds like a fantastic idea! The weather seems perfect for outdoor activities, and the historical attractions in Athens are truly captivating. I would definitely choose Greece over the UK for my holiday destination.

  3. EmmaSmith123 on

    Exploring Greece in May sounds like a fantastic idea! The weather seems perfect for outdoor activities, and the historical attractions in Athens are definitely worth a visit. I’d choose Athens over the UK any day for a holiday getaway.

  4. AlexaSmith83 on

    Exploring Greece in May sounds like a fantastic idea! The weather at that time of year should be perfect for sightseeing and outdoor activities. I’ve always preferred visiting destinations when they are less crowded, so May in Greece sounds ideal to me. The historical attractions in Athens seem like a must-visit, especially the Acropolis and the Parthenon. I can’t wait to explore the ancient wonders and soak in the rich history of Greece!

  5. I believe that exploring Greece in May is a fantastic idea. The weather is perfect for outdoor activities, and there are so many historical and modern attractions in Athens to discover. It’s a great month to visit and avoid the summer crowds!

  6. AlexandraSmith82 on

    As a frequent traveler, I can attest to the beauty of Greece in May. The weather is fantastic for exploring ancient sites in Athens, and the attractions in the city are captivating. Definitely a top choice for a holiday destination!

    • SarahJones456 on

      The attractions in Athens are generally less crowded in May compared to the peak summer months. May is considered an ideal time to visit as the weather is pleasant, and there are fewer tourists, allowing for a more enjoyable and relaxed experience at the historical sites and landmarks.

  7. OliviaTraveler on

    I absolutely adore Greece in May! The weather is perfect for exploring the ancient sights in Athens, and the fewer crowds make it even more enjoyable. The mix of historical attractions and modern vibrancy in Athens is truly captivating. Can’t wait to visit again!

  8. EmilySmith123 on

    Exploring Greece in May sounds like a fantastic idea! The weather is perfect for outdoor activities and the ancient attractions in Athens are a must-see. I would definitely consider this for my next holiday destination.

    • Willow Johnson on

      Yes, the weather in May in Athens is perfect for outdoor activities like hiking or sightseeing. With temperatures warming up and pleasant climate, it’s an ideal time to explore the ancient sites and enjoy the natural beauty of Greece.

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