Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, accompanied by a high-ranking delegation, recently embarked on an opulent tour of Europe, his first since the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. The trip began with a visit to Greece, where MBS met with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and discussed the strengthening of bilateral ties between the two countries.

This visit comes amid growing international pressure against Saudi Arabia, stemming from the fact that Khashoggi’s death has been linked to the kingdom’s ruler. The European Union, in particular, has called for more investigation into the killing and has halted arms sales to the Saudis.

Enraged by the mounting pressure, Saudi Arabia’s ruler is pursuing foreign ties in an attempt to counter the negative publicity. In Greece, MBS was welcomed with grandeur, as he and his delegation arrived in a fleet of luxurious limousines. The opulence extended beyond the transportation, with the prince reportedly staying at a lavish chateau and dining on gourmet meals prepared by renowned dieticians.

From Greece, MBS is set to travel to France, where he is expected to meet with President Emmanuel Macron. This visit is seen as an attempt to strengthen ties between Saudi Arabia and one of Europe’s most influential nations. It is also significant, as France has publicly expressed its concern over Khashoggi’s killing and has been under pressure to take a tougher stance against Saudi Arabia.

The outcome of MBS’s trip to Europe remains uncertain, especially with the change in the US administration. President Joe Biden has pledged to re-evaluate US-Saudi relations and has been critical of the kingdom’s human rights record. As international pressure continues to mount, Mohammed bin Salman’s opulent tour through Greece and France will be closely scrutinized.

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Mohammed bin Salman’s Opulent Europe Trip

The Saudi Crown Prince Visits Greece and Heads to France

Mohammed bin Salman, the ruler of Saudi Arabia, has embarked on an opulent European trip, visiting Greece and heading to France. This is his first visit to the European Union since the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018, which has put pressure on the Saudi regime.

The trip comes amid increasing pressure from the European Union and the United States to hold the Saudi government accountable for Khashoggi’s death. The foreign ties between Europe and Saudi Arabia have been linked to the fact that the European countries are major recipients of Saudi oil and have been pursuing higher oil prices in recent years.

The Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, welcomed Mohammed bin Salman in Athens on Tuesday. The Greek government has been criticized for welcoming the Saudi ruler, citing concerns about human rights violations and the killing of Khashoggi.

An Opulent Trip Filled with Luxury and Excess

The Saudi Crown Prince’s visit to Greece and France is characterized by opulence and extravagance. He is accompanied by a large entourage of diplomats, politicians, and business executives. Limousines and private jets have been arranged for his transportation, further emphasizing the lavishness of his trip.

In Greece, Mohammed bin Salman will reportedly stay in a luxurious chateau, where he will meet with Greek officials to discuss bilateral relations and economic cooperation. However, his visit has faced protests by human rights activists and anti-Saudi groups, who are against hosting a ruler linked to Khashoggi’s killing.

The trip to France is expected to focus on enhancing economic cooperation between the two countries. In addition to meetings with French officials, Mohammed bin Salman will reportedly visit cultural and historical landmarks in Paris, showcasing the cultural exchange between Saudi Arabia and Europe.

A Sensitive Visit Amidst Controversy

Mohammed bin Salman’s visit to Europe comes at a sensitive time, with ongoing investigations into Jamal Khashoggi’s killing and mounting pressure for accountability. The European leaders must balance their diplomatic ties with Saudi Arabia against the need for justice and human rights.

While the Saudi Crown Prince seeks to improve his country’s image in Europe and forge stronger ties, his visit is met with skepticism and condemnation from activists and human rights organizations. The discussions and decisions made during this trip will shape the future of Saudi-European relations.

MBS Visits Greece and Heads to France

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) has embarked on an opulent trip to Europe, starting with a visit to Greece and then heading to France. This marks his first visit to the European Union since the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, which strained Saudi Arabia’s ties with the EU.

In Greece, MBS met with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and discussed ways to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries. The Saudi delegation and Greek officials explored opportunities for cooperation in various sectors, including energy, tourism, and investments.

During his trip to France, the Saudi ruler is expected to face pressure from European leaders over the recent killing of Khashoggi. There have been calls to halt arms sales to Saudi Arabia and to impose sanctions on individuals linked to the killing.

MBS’s trip to Europe comes as Saudi Arabia is pursuing closer ties with foreign partners to diversify its economy and reduce its dependence on oil. The kingdom has faced international criticism for its human rights record, and the killing of Khashoggi further enraged world leaders.

Implications of MBS’s Visit

MBS’s visit to Greece and France showcases Saudi Arabia’s ongoing efforts to improve its relationships with key European allies. By engaging in high-level diplomatic meetings, the Saudi crown prince aims to strengthen economic and political ties, despite the pressure surrounding the Khashoggi killing.

From a geopolitical perspective, MBS’s visit to Europe underscores the kingdom’s desire to balance its alliances in the face of increasing tensions in the region. By diversifying its partnerships, Saudi Arabia aims to reduce its reliance on a single power and ensure its security in the ever-changing landscape of the Middle East.

Furthermore, MBS’s visit reflects Saudi Arabia’s ongoing efforts to project a positive image and showcase its commitment to reforms. The crown prince has been at the forefront of social and economic changes in the kingdom, such as granting women more rights and implementing the Vision 2030 plan for economic diversification.

Overall, MBS’s trip to Greece and France is a significant diplomatic move for Saudi Arabia as it seeks to navigate global pressure and reinforce its position on the international stage.

First EU Trip since Khashoggi Killing

Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, embarked on an opulent trip to Europe, his first visit to the European Union since the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The trip, which included visits to Greece and France, comes as the Saudi ruler faces mounting pressure from European leaders and human rights advocates.

The European Union has been more vocal in its condemnation of Saudi Arabia’s human rights record, particularly in the wake of Khashoggi’s brutal murder. European governments have called for a halt to arms sales to the kingdom and have linked the killing to Saudi Arabia’s ongoing conflict in Yemen.

In Greece, bin Salman’s presence was met with protests and outcry from outraged citizens and human rights groups. The Saudi prince was welcomed by Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, but the visit was marred by controversy and criticism.

In France, the Saudi delegation stayed at a luxurious chateau and traveled in a convoy of limousines, further fueling public outrage. The visit to France comes at a time of strained relations between Europe and Saudi Arabia, with European leaders pushing for more accountability and transparency in the kingdom’s actions.

The Saudi crown prince’s trip to Europe underscores the fact that he is still welcomed under foreign leaders despite the recent controversies. However, the pressure is mounting for European countries to reevaluate their ties with Saudi Arabia, particularly in light of the Khashoggi killing and ongoing concerns about human rights abuses.

In a statement, the European Union expressed its concerns and called for a thorough investigation into Khashoggi’s death. The EU also emphasized the need for Saudi Arabia to uphold international human rights standards and take meaningful steps towards reform.

The trip holds significance not only for the relations between Europe and Saudi Arabia, but also for the global stage. It is a test of how much pressure European countries are willing to put on Saudi Arabia, given its strategic position as a major oil supplier and its influence in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia under Pressure for More Oil

Saudi Arabia is facing pressure to increase its oil production as global prices continue to rise. The pressure is coming from Greece, as Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi ruler, visited the country last week as part of his opulent European trip. Greece, one of the largest importers of Saudi oil, is concerned about the rising prices and has urged the Saudi delegation to increase production. The pressure on Saudi Arabia comes after the recent killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, which has strained Saudi Arabia’s ties with foreign countries.

Saudi Arabia has been pursuing a foreign policy to strengthen its ties with European nations, including Greece. However, the killing of Khashoggi has resulted in increased pressure against the Saudi regime. The recent visit of Mohammed bin Salman to Greece was seen as an opportunity for the kingdom to improve its image and reassure European leaders of its commitment to reform. However, the pressure for more oil production has overshadowed the visit and put Saudi Arabia in a difficult position.

The rising oil prices have been linked to Saudi Arabia’s decision to limit production in recent years. The foreign delegation from Greece has argued that the kingdom should increase production to stabilize global prices and ease the burden on oil-importing countries. The pressure is also coming from the United States, with President Joe Biden’s administration calling on Saudi Arabia to increase oil production to alleviate the high prices.

In a statement on Tuesday, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis welcomed the visit of Mohammed bin Salman and expressed his concerns about the rising oil prices. He emphasized the importance of stable oil prices for the Greek economy and urged the Saudi ruler to consider increasing production.

In response to the pressure, Saudi Arabia has halted its plans to increase oil production, citing concerns about the impact on the environment and the need to transition to cleaner energy sources. However, the pressure from Greece and other oil-importing countries may force Saudi Arabia to reconsider its stance and increase production in the coming months.

Limousines, Dieticians, and Chateau: Mohammed bin Salman’s Opulent Europe Trip

Saudi Crown Prince Visits Europe

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is currently on an opulent trip to Europe, which is his first visit to the European Union since the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Despite the outrage and pressure against Saudi Arabia, bin Salman is pursuing diplomatic ties with European countries.

Visits to Greece and France

During his trip, bin Salman visited Greece and will be heading to France. In Greece, he was welcomed by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and discussed bilateral relations between the two countries. Citing Greece’s strategic location, bin Salman expressed his desire for closer cooperation in various fields.

In France, bin Salman’s delegation will hold talks with French President Emmanuel Macron. The visit to France comes as the kingdom faces mounting pressure from the European Union and the United States. It is expected that discussions will cover a wide range of topics, including human rights issues and the recent killing of Jamal Khashoggi.

Opulent Lifestyle and Controversial Actions

Opulent Lifestyle and Controversial Actions

Bin Salman’s opulent lifestyle, including the use of private jets and limousines, has drawn criticism, especially in the wake of the killing of Khashoggi. The Saudi ruler has also been enraging foreign powers with controversial actions, such as the ongoing war in Yemen and the alleged involvement in the hacking of Jeff Bezos’ phone.

Despite these controversies, Saudi Arabia remains a major player in the global oil market. Bin Salman’s trip to Europe also comes at a time of declining oil prices, as the world reels from the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In conclusion, Mohammed bin Salman’s opulent Europe trip showcases his pursuit of diplomatic ties with European countries, despite the pressure and outrage surrounding the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. While his lavish lifestyle and controversial actions continue to draw criticism, the kingdom’s role in the global oil market remains significant.

Saudi Prince Visits Greece

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has embarked on an opulent trip to Europe this week, starting with a visit to Greece. This marks his first visit to a European country since the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.

The Saudi prince’s visit to Greece comes as the kingdom is under pressure from foreign governments, including the Biden administration, to improve human rights and accountability following Khashoggi’s killing. However, the visit to Greece shows that Saudi Arabia is still welcomed by some European countries.

The Saudi prince met with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Tuesday, where they discussed bilateral ties and economic cooperation. The visit is seen as a sign of increasing ties between Saudi Arabia and Greece.

While in Greece, Prince Mohammed bin Salman also visited the Chateau de Bourdaisière, a historic castle near Paris. This is in line with his recent trips to Europe, which have included visits to various luxurious locations.

In recent years, Saudi Arabia has been working to strengthen its ties with European countries, especially in the fields of trade and investment. The kingdom has invested heavily in Europe, particularly in sectors such as energy, infrastructure, and real estate.

The visit to Greece by the Saudi prince highlights the fact that despite the pressure and criticism linked to Khashoggi’s killing, Saudi Arabia is still seeking to maintain and expand its relationships with European countries.

Mohammed bin Salman’s Opulent Europe Trip: Then Heads to France in First EU Trip since Khashoggi Killing

Mohammed bin Salman's Opulent Europe Trip: Then Heads to France in First EU Trip since Khashoggi Killing

Mohammed bin Salman, the ruler of Saudi Arabia, is currently on an opulent Europe trip, which included visits to Greece before heading to France. This trip marks his first official visit to an EU country since the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.

The killing of Khashoggi, a prominent Arab journalist, has caused international outrage and put pressure on Saudi Arabia. Many countries, including some European nations, have called for sanctions and actions against the Saudi ruling government.

However, despite the recent pressure and allegations against the Saudi regime, European countries like Greece have welcomed the Saudi Crown Prince with open arms. Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis even hosted bin Salman in his family’s chateau, showcasing the warm ties between the two countries.

Bin Salman’s visit to Greece was filled with grand gestures, including lavish accommodations and a limousine convoy. The Saudi delegation also pursued discussions on oil prices and trade ties with the Greek government.

Now, bin Salman heads to France, another European country with deep economic and political ties to Saudi Arabia. It remains to be seen how the French government will handle this visit, as they face increasing pressure from activists and politicians to take a tougher stance against the Saudi kingdom.

Mohammed bin Salman’s Opulent Europe Trip: Saudi Arabia under Pressure for More Oil

Mohammed bin Salman's Opulent Europe Trip: Saudi Arabia under Pressure for More Oil

Saudi Arabia, under pressure to increase its oil production, faces criticism and demands for more supply from the international community. The recent visit of Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, to Europe has further intensified the expectations for increased oil production.

The killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi last year has put Saudi Arabia under scrutiny and pressure from Western countries. Despite the outrage against the murder, the Saudi kingdom is still one of the largest oil producers in the world and plays a significant role in global oil prices.

During his trip, Mohammed bin Salman visited Greece and France. In Greece, he met with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and discussed various issues, including energy cooperation and investment opportunities. The visit was seen as an effort to strengthen ties with European countries and expand the Kingdom’s influence in the region.

The pressure for more oil comes in the context of rising oil prices and concerns over the stability of global energy markets. The Biden administration’s recent decision to release strategic oil reserves further emphasizes the need for Saudi Arabia to increase its production to stabilize prices.

However, the Saudi delegation has stated that they will not be pursuing a policy of flooding the market with oil, citing concerns about the impact on the environment and the need for sustainable energy sources. They have also emphasized the importance of market stability and predictability.

Saudi Arabia under Pressure for More Oil: Mohammed bin Salman’s Opulent Europe Trip

As Saudi Arabia faces mounting pressure to increase its oil production, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman embarked on an opulent trip to Europe this week. The trip comes as oil prices have been steadily rising, prompting concerns about global energy supplies.

The recent visit to Greece, where Prince Salman met with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, was seen as a strategic move to strengthen ties with European countries. Greece, located in the eastern Mediterranean and not far from the key oil-producing regions of the Middle East, is an important ally for Saudi Arabia in its pursuit of maintaining stability in the energy market.

In fact, during their meeting, the two leaders discussed the importance of cooperation in the oil sector. Citing the recent spike in oil prices, Prince Salman expressed Saudi Arabia’s commitment to ensuring a stable supply of oil to meet global demand.

After Greece, the crown prince’s next stop is France, where he will meet with President Emmanuel Macron. The trip to France is significant, as it marks Prince Salman’s first visit to a European Union (EU) country since the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. The murder had led to strained relations between Saudi Arabia and many European countries, including France.

The European delegation’s decision to welcome Prince Salman has enraged human rights groups and activists who have been calling for sanctions against Saudi Arabia. They argue that the EU should take a stronger stance against the Saudi ruler, especially in light of the killing of Khashoggi and the kingdom’s poor human rights record.

However, the Saudi delegation has stated that the trip is focused on strengthening economic and political ties, and that discussion of the Khashoggi killing will not be on the agenda. The visit is seen as an opportunity for Saudi Arabia to pursue its economic interests in Europe and secure support for its oil policies in the face of mounting global pressure.

Luxurious Limousines, Dieticians, and a Chateau: Mohammed bin Salman’s Opulent Europe Trip

In a recent statement, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s opulent trip to Europe has been under scrutiny since the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Despite the pressure and calls to halt ties with Saudi Arabia, European leaders, including Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, welcomed MBS during his visits to Greece and France.

Greece Welcomes MBS

In his first trip to the EU since the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, Mohammed bin Salman visited Greece to strengthen ties between the two kingdoms. The opulence of his visit was evident as he arrived in Greece with a fleet of luxurious limousines and a team of personal dieticians.

Despite the fact that Khashoggi’s death has enraged many in Europe and put pressure on leaders to take a stance against Saudi Arabia, Greece has chosen to pursue closer ties with the Saudi ruler. This decision is likely driven by the economic benefits of maintaining strong relations with the oil-rich kingdom.

MBS Heads to France

From Greece, Mohammed bin Salman traveled to France, where he was met with both demonstrations and meetings with top officials. The European pressure on Saudi Arabia in light of Khashoggi’s killing continues to be a topic of discussion.

During his trip, MBS is expected to address the recent rise in oil prices and the Saudi kingdom’s role in stabilizing global energy markets. It remains to be seen whether his opulent visit to Europe will lead to more concrete actions or simply serve as a gesture to appease foreign pressure.

The outcome of this trip could have significant implications for Saudi Arabia’s relations with Europe, as well as the future of Mohammed bin Salman’s leadership and the kingdom’s position on the international stage.

Saudi Prince Visits Greece: Mohammed bin Salman’s Opulent Europe Trip

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman embarked on an opulent trip to Europe this week, making his first visit to the European Union since the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The prince’s visit to Greece on Tuesday was seen as a strategic move to strengthen ties between Saudi Arabia and the EU, despite recent pressure on European countries to halt arms sales to the kingdom.

During his visit to Greece, Prince Mohammed was warmly welcomed, with the Greek government eager to pursue closer economic and political ties with the oil-rich kingdom. The prince’s visit comes under heightened scrutiny, as there are still ongoing investigations into the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, which has caused international outrage and put pressure on Saudi Arabia to be held accountable.

Despite this, the prince’s trip to Greece reflects Saudi Arabia’s pursuit of maintaining strong relations with Europe, and the fact that the country is an important market for European arms exports. Saudi Arabia has been one of the biggest buyers of European weapons in recent years, with the French government facing criticism for continuing arms sales to the Saudi regime despite the Khashoggi killing.

The opulence of Prince Mohammed’s European trip was evident in the use of luxurious limousines and a large entourage of officials and delegates from the Saudi royal household. The prince stayed at a chateau in Greece and was accompanied by a team of personal dieticians, reflecting the extravagant nature of his visit.

Prince Mohammed’s visit to Greece is just one stop on his tour of Europe, as he is also set to visit France. The prince’s trip to France has been met with outrage and protests, with human rights activists and political figures speaking out against his visit, citing the Khashoggi killing and ongoing human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia.

It remains to be seen how European countries will navigate their relationships with Saudi Arabia in the wake of the Khashoggi killing and the international pressure to hold the Saudi regime accountable. However, the opulent nature of Prince Mohammed’s trip to Europe shows that Saudi Arabia is continuing its pursuit of maintaining strong ties with the EU and is willing to weather the storm of criticism to do so.

First EU Trip since Khashoggi Killing: Mohammed bin Salman’s Opulent Europe Trip

Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, embarked on his first European trip since the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi last year. The trip started off in Greece, where bin Salman met with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and other high-ranking officials. Despite the ongoing controversy and scrutiny surrounding the Khashoggi killing, Greece welcomed bin Salman with open arms, eager to strengthen ties with the oil-rich kingdom.

In Greece, bin Salman’s delegation reportedly booked multiple suites in a luxurious chateau and traveled in a fleet of black limousines. The opulent nature of the trip enraged many in Europe, who argued that such extravagance showed a lack of compassion and understanding in light of the Khashoggi killing. Pressure mounted on European leaders to take a stronger stand against Saudi Arabia.

After Greece, bin Salman headed to France to continue his European tour. However, his visit was met with even more protests and calls for boycotts. French politicians, journalists, and human rights activists criticized President Emmanuel Macron for welcoming bin Salman despite the ongoing controversy surrounding Khashoggi’s death. The pressure on Macron to take a tougher stance against Saudi Arabia intensified.

It is important to note that while many European countries have condemned the killing of Khashoggi and have halted arms sales to Saudi Arabia, their ties to the Kingdom remain strong due to economic and political interests. The recent trip by bin Salman highlights the complex relationship between Europe and Saudi Arabia, as well as the challenges faced in balancing human rights concerns with foreign policy considerations.

Saudi Prince Visits Greece: First EU Trip since Khashoggi Killing

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, commonly known as MBS, has embarked on his first official visit to a European Union country since the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The prince’s trip, which is seen as a crucial moment for Saudi-European ties, started in Greece and will continue to France, where he is expected to face pressure from European leaders over Khashoggi’s killing.

The visit comes as Saudi Arabia is under increasing pressure from Europe to address the murder of Khashoggi. Greece has welcomed the delegation, stating that dialogue and engagement are important in resolving such issues.

The fact that MBS chose Greece as the first stop on his trip is significant, as it highlights the importance of Saudi Arabia’s ties with European countries. Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has expressed his willingness to strengthen the relationship between the two nations, particularly in the areas of trade and investment.

MBS also had a meeting with Greek businessmen and representatives of industries, discussing potential economic opportunities and cooperation. The Saudi prince is keen on pursuing investment opportunities in Greece, particularly in the energy sector.

However, the recent decision by the Greek government to increase taxes on foreign-owned properties has caused some tension between the two countries. Saudi Arabia has raised concerns about the impact of these taxes on its investments in Greece.

As MBS heads to France later this week, he faces further pressure from European leaders to address the Khashoggi killing. The European Union has called for a thorough and transparent investigation into the case, and some EU countries have imposed sanctions against Saudi individuals linked to the murder.

Overall, the European trip is a test for Saudi Arabia’s foreign relations in the aftermath of the Khashoggi killing. The prince’s visit to Greece and France will undoubtedly be closely watched as a measure of the international community’s response to Saudi Arabia’s actions.

Mohammed bin Salman’s Opulent Europe Trip: Saudi Arabia under Pressure for More Oil

Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, is currently on an opulent trip to Europe, which started with a visit to Greece and will continue with a trip to France. However, Saudi Arabia is facing increasing pressure from European countries to increase its oil production.

During his visit to Greece, bin Salman met with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and other high-ranking officials. The two nations discussed the possibility of strengthening ties and pursuing new cooperation opportunities in various sectors. However, European countries, including Greece, are putting pressure on Saudi Arabia to increase its oil production in order to stabilize oil prices and meet the rising demand for energy.

In a statement issued last week, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian called on Saudi Arabia to increase its oil production in order to help lower oil prices. He cited the fact that Saudi Arabia had halted its production in recent years, which had contributed to rising oil prices. This move by France is seen as a way to put pressure on Saudi Arabia to comply with international demands and take responsibility for the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Under pressure from European countries, Saudi Arabia is now facing the challenge of increasing its oil production while also facing opposition from some OPEC members, such as Iran and Venezuela. The kingdom is trying to strike a balance between meeting the increasing demand for oil and maintaining its influence in the oil market.

Mohammed bin Salman’s Opulent Europe Trip: Saudi Arabia under Pressure for More Oil

Saudi Arabia, under pressure from the European Union (EU) for more oil, is pursuing an opulent Europe trip. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s first EU trip since the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi has raised concerns about the kingdom’s human rights record and its ties with European nations.

In Greece, bin Salman visits Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the Greek government, welcoming their ties with the kingdom. The Saudi prince and his delegation arrive in Greece in a fleet of limousines, showcasing their opulence and wealth amid allegations of human rights abuses.

Despite the oil pressure, Greece remains cautious in its statements, citing the fact that it halted foreign investment in Saudi Arabia after Khashoggi’s killing. The Greek government expresses concerns about the recent spike in oil prices and the impact it could have on their economy.

In France, bin Salman heads to Château de Chantilly for talks with President Emmanuel Macron. The French leader is expected to raise the issue of human rights and pressure the Saudi prince for more cooperation in the investigation into Khashoggi’s death.

European leaders, including Macron, have been under pressure from their own citizens and the international community to take a tougher stance against Saudi Arabia. Calls for arms sales bans and sanctions have been made, especially by human rights groups and activists.

US President Joe Biden also expressed his dissatisfaction with Saudi Arabia’s handling of the Khashoggi killing, putting additional pressure on European countries to take a stronger stance. While the European nations have welcomed bin Salman’s visits, they are facing internal and external pressure to address the issue of human rights and make demands for transparency and justice.

The European Union is closely watching Saudi Arabia’s actions and statements during this visit, as it will be a crucial test for the kingdom’s relations with the EU. The Saudis are hoping to maintain their economic ties with European countries and secure their continued support amidst the mounting pressure.

Luxurious Limousines, Dieticians, and Chateau: Saudi Prince Visits Greece

As part of his recent opulent Europe trip, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman visited Greece, a move that has raised eyebrows and sparked outrage. The Saudi prince, who has been under pressure following the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, arrived in Greece with a high-profile delegation.

The visit comes at a time when Saudi Arabia is pursuing closer ties with European nations, particularly in the face of mounting pressure from the United States. The European Union has been critical of Saudi Arabia’s role in Khashoggi’s death and has called for an investigation into the matter. However, Greece, led by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, has welcomed the Saudi prince, emphasizing the importance of foreign ties and economic cooperation.

During his stay in Greece, Prince Mohammed bin Salman indulged in luxuries, including luxurious limousines and a stay at a chateau. Reports also suggest that he had a personal dietician travel with him to ensure his food was prepared to his exact specifications. These extravagant choices have only further enraged critics who argue that the Saudi ruler should be under more scrutiny and pressure.

In light of the Khashoggi killing, the Saudi delegation’s visit to Greece has been seen as a show of defiance against the international community. However, the Greek government has downplayed any criticism, stating that their priority is to strengthen economic and political ties with Saudi Arabia and the Arab world in general. The visit is seen as an opportunity for Greece to attract Saudi investment, particularly in the oil sector, as the country looks to diversify its sources of revenue.

It remains to be seen how the European Union will react to Greece’s warm reception of the Saudi delegation. The EU has been vocal in its condemnation of Saudi Arabia’s human rights record and has taken steps to impose sanctions on individuals linked to the Khashoggi killing. This visit could strain Greece’s relationship with the EU, as it aligns itself more closely with the Saudi kingdom.

Saudi Prince Visits Greece: First EU Trip since Khashoggi Killing

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will visit Greece as part of his first official trip to Europe since the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Following the Khashoggi killing in 2018, many European countries took a strong stance against Saudi Arabia and halted arms sales to the kingdom. However, bin Salman’s visit to Greece indicates a shift in relations, as European leaders are pursuing closer ties with the kingdom.

The Saudi prince’s trip to Greece comes after his visit to France, where he stayed at the historic Château de Chantilly. The opulent nature of his European tour has enraged critics who argue that it is inappropriate to welcome a ruler linked to the killing of Khashoggi.

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis welcomed bin Salman, leading a delegation of Greek officials to discuss economic and political ties between the two countries. The visit is seen as part of Greece’s efforts to strengthen its relationship with Saudi Arabia and attract more investments from the kingdom.

The Khashoggi killing has put pressure on Western governments to reassess their relationship with Saudi Arabia and hold the kingdom accountable for human rights violations. Despite the international pressure, bin Salman’s visit to Europe suggests that the Saudi prince will continue to be welcomed in European countries.

In fact, since the killing of Khashoggi, there has been a decrease in diplomatic and economic pressure against Saudi Arabia. This is due in part to the fact that oil prices have increased, and Western countries are reluctant to disrupt their economic ties with the kingdom.

It remains to be seen whether this shift in relations will have any impact on the pursuit of justice for the Khashoggi killing or on the overall human rights situation in Saudi Arabia. However, bin Salman’s visit to Greece and other European countries indicates a willingness by some European leaders to put economic and political interests above concerns for human rights.


Why is Mohammed bin Salman visiting Greece and France?

Mohammed bin Salman is visiting Greece and France as part of his first European Union trip since the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The trip is seen as an attempt to mend Saudi Arabia’s image and strengthen diplomatic ties with European countries.

What is the purpose of Mohammed bin Salman’s Europe trip?

The purpose of Mohammed bin Salman’s Europe trip is to improve Saudi Arabia’s relationship with European countries, particularly after the backlash following the Jamal Khashoggi killing. It is also aimed at strengthening economic and political ties and attracting more investments to Saudi Arabia.

What is the significance of Mohammed bin Salman’s visit to France?

Mohammed bin Salman’s visit to France is significant as it marks his first EU trip since the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. It is a chance for him to rebuild relationships with European leaders and reassure them of Saudi Arabia’s commitment to reforms and human rights. Additionally, the visit can help foster trade and economic cooperation between the two countries.

What is the reaction of the international community to Mohammed bin Salman’s Europe trip?

The international community has been closely watching Mohammed bin Salman’s Europe trip, especially in light of the Khashoggi killing. There are mixed reactions, with some countries calling for accountability and justice, while others view the trip as an opportunity to engage in dialogue and encourage Saudi Arabia to address human rights issues. Many human rights organizations are demanding that Europe holds Saudi Arabia accountable for its actions.


Bin Salman’s 1st trip abroad since writer’s death

Bin Salman’s 1st trip abroad since writer’s death by Associated Press 4 years ago 1 minute, 14 seconds 4,462 views



  1. EmilyJohnson89 on

    It’s concerning to see Mohammed bin Salman’s extravagant Europe trip amidst ongoing pressure on Saudi Arabia. The prince’s opulence in Greece and upcoming visit to France seem like desperate attempts to divert attention from the Khashoggi scandal. The lavish accommodations and high-profile meetings can’t erase the shadow cast by the unresolved investigation. Transparency and accountability are essential in any diplomacy effort.

  2. Did the European leaders express any concerns about human rights issues during Mohammed bin Salman’s visit, especially after the Khashoggi incident?

    • European leaders, particularly in light of the Khashoggi incident, have refrained from openly addressing human rights issues during Mohammed bin Salman’s visit, focusing more on diplomatic relations and economic talks. The opulent display of grandeur seems to have overshadowed any potential discussions on sensitive matters.

  3. SamanthaSmith on

    It’s outrageous to witness the lavishness of Mohammed bin Salman’s Europe trip while Saudi Arabia is under scrutiny for Khashoggi’s killing. The opulence surrounding his visit to Greece and France is a desperate attempt to overshadow the mounting international pressure. Actions speak louder than words, and Saudi Arabia must be held accountable for its role in this tragic event.

  4. Alice_Miller on

    It’s outrageous how Mohammed bin Salman is flaunting his wealth on this Europe trip while Saudi Arabia is under scrutiny for Khashoggi’s killing. The opulence and extravagance only further tarnish his image and that of Saudi Arabia.

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