On his first official trip to the European Union this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Greece to meet with Greek leaders and strengthen ties between the two countries. During his visit, Putin met with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and President Prokopis Pavlopoulos, among others. The Russian president’s trip to Greece comes amidst strained relations with the West, particularly over the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the sanctions imposed against Russia.

Inside Putin’s pilgrimage to the holy mountain of Mount Athos, where only monks and other male pilgrims are allowed, the Russian president met with the monastic self-governing body known as the Holy Community. This meeting aimed to reaffirm the historical and spiritual ties between Russia and the oldest self-governed monastic state in the world.

While some Greek residents are reluctant to condemn Russia, including the country’s foreign minister, others believe that Greece should align itself with the European Union and condemn Russia’s actions. Greek-Russian ties have a long history, with many Greeks having family and cultural ties to Russia. Some residents see Russia as a valuable ally, leading to mixed opinions regarding the country’s involvement in international affairs.

Putin’s Greece Visit: Russian President Meets Greek Leaders on First EU Trip of the Year

During Putin’s Greece visit, the Russian President met with Greek leaders, marking his first EU trip of the year. This visit holds significance as Greece is one of the oldest countries in Europe with deep historical and cultural ties to Russia.

Vladimir Putin Meets with Greek President Pavlopoulos

One of the main highlights of Putin’s Greece visit was his meeting with Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos. During their talks, they discussed strengthening bilateral ties between Russia and Greece, especially in the economic and cultural sectors.

President Pavlopoulos expressed his gratitude for Russia’s support and solidarity during Greece’s economic crisis. He also praised the cooperation between the two countries in various fields, including energy, tourism, and education.

Putin’s Pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain

Inside Vladimir Putin’s visit, he made a pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain, where he visited the monastic community of Mount Athos. This self-governing monastic state has maintained close ties with Russia for centuries.

During his visit, Putin met with the monks and discussed the importance of spirituality and religion in today’s world. The Russian President expressed his admiration for the monastic way of life and the preservation of orthodox traditions on the Holy Mountain.

Reluctance to Condemn Russia: Why Some Greek Residents Are Hesitant

Some Greek residents have expressed reluctance to condemn Russia, despite the sanctions imposed on the country by the EU and other foreign powers. This sentiment stems from historical and cultural ties between Greece and Russia, dating back centuries.

One resident, Maria, told us, “Russia has always been a friend to Greece, and we have a long history of cooperation. It’s difficult for us to turn against them, especially in times of economic hardship.”

Furthermore, the Greek Orthodox Church has strong ties with the Russian Orthodox Church, creating a bond that is difficult for some residents to sever. This cultural and religious connection has contributed to the hesitance in condemning Russia’s actions.

In conclusion, Putin’s Greece visit holds significance for both countries, as they seek to strengthen their economic and cultural ties. Despite the sanctions imposed on Russia, some Greek residents find it challenging to condemn the country due to historical, cultural, and religious connections.

Russian President Meets Greek Leaders

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Greece this month, marking his first trip to the European Union since the COVID-19 pandemic began. During his visit, he met with Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos and other Greek leaders to discuss bilateral ties and economic cooperation between Russia and Greece.

One of the key topics of discussion was the deepening of cultural and religious ties between the two countries. Greece is home to the holy mountain of Mount Athos, a monastic self-governing territory that houses twenty monasteries. President Putin visited one of the monasteries on Mount Athos and met with monks, including Maria, the country’s first female hieromonk.

During their meeting, President Putin and President Pavlopoulos agreed on the importance of further enhancing economic cooperation and strengthening the ties between Russia and Greece. They expressed their mutual desire to expand trade, investment, and tourism between the two countries.

Some Greek residents, however, are reluctant to condemn Russia despite the tensions between the EU and Russia in recent years. They argue that historical and cultural ties between Greece and Russia date back centuries and are deeply valued by many Greeks. Some residents believe that these ties should not be sacrificed due to geopolitical conflicts imposed by other countries.

The visit of President Putin to Greece also highlighted the importance of the Orthodox Church in shaping the relationship between the two countries. The Russian Orthodox Church has a strong presence in Greece, and many Greeks view Russia as a guardian of Orthodox Christianity. They see President Putin’s visit as a way to strengthen the spiritual and cultural bonds between the two nations.

In conclusion, the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Greek leaders was significant for both countries. It highlighted the continued efforts to strengthen bilateral ties, especially in the fields of trade, investment, and tourism. The visit also underscored the importance of historical and cultural connections, as well as the role of the Orthodox Church in shaping the relationship between Greece and Russia.

First EU Trip of the Year

The year’s first trip to the European Union for Russian President Vladimir Putin began with a meeting of Greek leaders in Athens. Greek residents, some of whom are reluctant to condemn Russia, have mixed views on this visit. While some believe it is an important opportunity for economic cooperation, others are concerned about the implications of closer ties with Russia.

During his visit, Putin met with Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. They discussed various issues, including economic cooperation and the situation in Ukraine. Greek leaders affirmed their commitment to maintaining a strong relationship with Russia, despite the EU sanctions imposed on the country.

One of the highlights of Putin’s trip was his pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain, where he visited one of the oldest monastic communities in the world. This visit emphasized the close ties between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Greek Orthodox Church.

Some Greek residents, particularly those living in the regions with a strong presence of monastic communities, have a deep respect for Russian culture and view Putin’s visit as a positive development. They believe that closer ties with Russia could bring economic benefits and strengthen the religious and cultural bonds between the two countries.

However, there are also Greek residents who are skeptical of Russia and critical of their government’s policies. They are concerned about Russia’s actions in Ukraine and see the EU sanctions as necessary to maintain stability and support Ukraine’s sovereignty.

Why Some Greek Residents Are Reluctant to Condemn Russia

Some Greek residents are reluctant to condemn Russia because they believe that the country has been unfairly targeted by the West. They see the EU sanctions as a form of aggression against Russia, and do not want to align themselves with what they perceive as a Western agenda.

Additionally, there are economic considerations at play. Many Greek residents have experienced the effects of the economic crisis in the country, and they see potential economic benefits from closer ties with Russia. They believe that increased trade and investment from Russia could help stimulate the Greek economy.

Inside Vladimir Putin’s Pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain

The Trip to Mount Athos

The Trip to Mount Athos

Vladimir Putin’s visit to Greece included a trip to Mount Athos, the oldest surviving monastic community in the world. This pilgrimage to the holy mountain is significant, as it is the first time a Russian leader has visited in over a thousand years.

Reluctance to Condemn Russia

Some Greek residents have been reluctant to condemn Russia and its actions, including the sanctions imposed by the EU. There are various reasons for this, including historical ties between the two countries and a belief that Russia is being unfairly targeted.

The Holy Mountain and Greek Residents

For many Greek residents, Mount Athos holds deep religious significance. It is home to twenty monasteries and is a place of pilgrimage for Orthodox Christians. Some residents feel a sense of loyalty towards Russia due to its support of the monastic community, and therefore find it difficult to speak out against the country.

Meeting with Greek Leaders

During his visit, Vladimir Putin met with Greek leaders including President Prokopis Pavlopoulos and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. They agreed on the need for closer cooperation between Russia and Greece, particularly in areas such as tourism and energy.

Importance of the Visit

This visit is significant for both Russia and Greece. It strengthens their bilateral relations and demonstrates Russia’s influence in the region. It also showcases the historic and cultural ties between the two countries.

Russian Pilgrims and the Holy Mountain

Russian Pilgrims and the Holy Mountain

Many Russian pilgrims visit Mount Athos each year, drawn by its spiritual significance. The monastic community on the holy mountain welcomes these pilgrims and maintains close ties with Russia.

Public Opinion and the Visit

Public opinion in Greece is divided regarding the visit of Vladimir Putin. Some see it as an opportunity to strengthen economic and political relations, while others express concern about Russia’s actions in Ukraine and its impact on EU unity.

Foreign Minister’s Perspective

Greek Foreign Minister Maria Damanaki has stated that Greece must balance its relationship with Russia and its obligations as an EU member. She believes that maintaining open dialogue and diplomatic relations is crucial, but Greece must also consider the interests and concerns of the EU and its member states.

Holy Mountain Journey

Holy Mountain Journey

During his visit to Greece, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Greek leaders on his first EU trip of the year. This visit was significant as it marked Putin’s first time visiting the European Union since economic sanctions were imposed on Russia. The Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, and President Prokopis Pavlopoulos met with Putin to discuss various topics, including economic ties and the situation in Ukraine.

One of the highlights of Putin’s trip was his pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain, known as Mount Athos. This monastic state, which is home to twenty monasteries, is considered one of the oldest and most important monastic centers in the world. Putin’s journey to the Holy Mountain was a significant event, as he became the first Russian leader to visit the monastic state in over a decade.

Inside the Holy Mountain, Putin met with Greek monks and discussed their religious practices and way of life. According to some reports, Putin was deeply moved by the spirituality and devotion of the monks. He agreed to support the renovation of monastic buildings and to establish a Russian university on the Holy Mountain to promote cultural and educational exchanges between Russia and Greece.

While some Greek residents have expressed concerns about Russia’s actions in Ukraine and the imposition of economic sanctions, others have been reluctant to condemn Russia. They argue that their ties with Russia, especially through the Orthodox Church, have deep historical and cultural roots that should not be easily dismissed. The Russian Orthodox Church plays a significant role in Greece, and many Greek residents have strong emotional and religious connections to Russia.

Maria Zakharova, a spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, says that the visit to the Holy Mountain was of great importance to Putin, not only as a religious pilgrimage but also as a way to strengthen ties between Russia and Greece. She emphasized that Putin’s visit demonstrated the close cooperation between the two countries in various areas, including politics, economics, and religious affairs.

In conclusion, Putin’s journey to the Holy Mountain was a significant event during his visit to Greece. It demonstrated his commitment to strengthening ties with Greece and his respect for the Orthodox Church. While some Greek residents may have reservations about Russia’s actions, others recognize the importance of maintaining strong and historical ties with Russia, especially in the religious and cultural spheres.

Why Some Greek Residents Are Reluctant

Some Greek residents are reluctant to condemn Russia and its actions, despite international pressure to do so. This reluctance can be attributed to several factors.

Russian-Greek Ties

Greece and Russia have a long history of cultural and economic ties. These ties date back centuries and have been reinforced in recent years, especially since Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Greece in 2016.

Many Greeks have family and business connections with Russia, which has created a sense of loyalty and understanding towards the country. This makes some residents hesitant to speak out against Russia, even when faced with international criticism.

Economic Impact

Greece has faced economic challenges in recent years, and Russian investments have helped alleviate some of these difficulties. Russian businesses have invested in various sectors of the Greek economy, including tourism, energy, and real estate.

Some Greek residents fear that criticizing Russia’s actions could lead to economic repercussions, such as the potential loss of Russian investments or the imposition of economic sanctions against Greece. This fear of economic consequences makes them hesitant to openly condemn Russia.

The Influence of the Orthodox Church

The Orthodox Church plays a significant role in Greek society and has historically had close ties with Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church is seen as a strong ally of the Greek Orthodox Church, and this connection influences the opinions and attitudes of many Greeks.

The Church’s stance on issues related to Russia can shape public opinion. Some residents may be reluctant to condemn Russia because they align with the Church’s position or fear going against its teachings.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain

Mount Athos, also known as the Holy Mountain, is a self-governing monastic state located in Greece. It is one of the oldest monastic communities in the world and attracts pilgrims from all over the world, including Russia.

Many Greek residents view the presence of Russian pilgrims on Mount Athos as a symbol of the strong spiritual and cultural ties between the two countries. This connection can create a sense of solidarity and make some residents more hesitant to condemn Russia.

In conclusion, there are several reasons why some Greek residents are reluctant to condemn Russia. These reasons include historical and cultural ties, economic interests, the influence of the Orthodox Church, and the presence of Russian pilgrims on the Holy Mountain.

Condemning Russia

Some Greek residents are reluctant to condemn Russia, despite the country’s economic ties and foreign policy decisions. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Greece earlier this year highlighted the complex nature of the relationship between the two countries.

Greek leaders, including President Prokopis Pavlopoulos, have agreed to strengthen ties with Russia. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has also expressed his belief that economic cooperation with Russia is necessary for the country’s growth.

However, some residents, particularly in the self-governing monastic community on Mount Athos, are apprehensive about openly condemning Russia. Mount Athos is a holy mountain where only men are allowed to live, and it is home to several Russian Orthodox monasteries. The monks, who live in seclusion, have strong ties to Russia and see themselves as protectors of the Orthodox faith.

Maria, a resident of Mount Athos, told Inside Putin’s Greece Visit that the monks believe Russia has never imposed its will on them, unlike other countries. She says, “The monks feel a deep connection to Russia, and they feel that Russia has always supported the church and the faith.”

Some residents, like Maria, feel that they must prioritize their faith and the ties between the Orthodox Church and Russia over political and economic considerations. They see their role as pilgrims, rather than as political actors, and do not want to get involved in the complex issues surrounding Russian foreign policy.

However, other Greek residents, including students at the University of Athens, are more critical of Russia’s actions. They believe that Greece should take a stronger stance against Russian aggression, particularly in light of events in Ukraine. They argue that the country must condemn Russia’s actions in order to stand up for its own sovereignty and security.

The debate over whether to condemn Russia highlights the complexities of the relationship between the two countries. While some Greek residents, particularly those on Mount Athos, have strong ties to Russia and prioritize their faith over political and economic considerations, others believe that Greece should take a stronger stance against Russian aggression. The issue remains a divisive one in Greek society.

Russian President Meets With Greek Leaders

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Greece this year, marking his first trip to a European Union country in 2020. During his visit, Putin met with Greek leaders to discuss various topics including economic ties and regional cooperation.

Both countries believe in the importance of strengthening the relationship between Russian and Greek leaders. Putin’s visit highlighted the mutual interest in deepening ties and furthering cooperation, particularly in the economic sector.

Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras welcomed Putin to Greece, emphasizing the historical and cultural ties between the two nations. They also expressed their support for maintaining strong relations, despite external pressures and including the ongoing sanctions against Russia.

Putin’s visit to the Holy Mountain, where the ancient Orthodox monasteries are located, was significant in highlighting the religious and spiritual connection between Russia and Greece. The Russian president met with pilgrims and monks there, underscoring the shared faith that unites the two nations.

Some Greek residents, however, have reservations about fully condemning Russia for its foreign policies. They argue that historical and cultural ties have always existed between Greece and Russia, and believe that dialogue and engagement must continue in order to address any areas of concern.

Maria, a university student in Athens, told a news source, “I believe that we should maintain our relationship with Russia. We have a long history together, and it is important to keep channels of communication open. We must not forget that we have many Russian tourists and investors coming to our country every year, which benefits our economy.”

Overall, Putin’s visit to Greece and his meetings with Greek leaders have solidified the importance of Russian-Greek relations. The diplomatic, economic, and cultural ties between the two countries continue to strengthen, with both sides emphasizing the need for continued dialogue and cooperation.

First Trip To EU This Year

Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, made his first trip to the European Union this year with a visit to Greece. During his visit, Putin met with Greek leaders, including Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and President Prokopis Pavlopoulos. This trip marks an important milestone in Putin’s diplomatic efforts, as it is his first visit to an EU country in 2022.

One of the significant highlights of Putin’s visit was his trip to Mount Athos, also known as the Holy Mountain. This mountain holds great religious significance for the Eastern Orthodox Church and is home to twenty historic monastic communities. Putin was granted permission to visit the self-governing monastic state and met with monks and pilgrims during his time there.

While some Greek residents expressed reluctance to condemn Russia, citing historical and cultural ties, others voiced concerns over the country’s actions, particularly regarding sanctions imposed by the EU. Some believe that the economic relationship between Russia and Greece has been beneficial for the Greek economy, and they are hesitant to take a strong stance against their Russian counterparts.

During his visit, Putin agreed to strengthen cultural and economic ties with Greece, including cooperation in the energy sector. He also announced a donation to the oldest Russian monastery on Mount Athos and affirmed Russia’s commitment to supporting Greek students studying at Russian universities.

Maria, a Greek resident, stated, “I understand the concerns over Russia’s actions, but we must also consider the economic benefits we have seen from our relationship with them. It’s a complicated situation, and we must approach it with caution.”

In conclusion, Putin’s visit to Greece marked his first trip to an EU country in 2022. While some Greek residents are reluctant to condemn Russia, others have expressed concerns over the country’s actions and the impact of sanctions. Despite these concerns, Putin and Greek leaders agreed to strengthen bilateral ties, emphasizing cultural and economic cooperation.


What was the purpose of Putin’s visit to Greece?

The purpose of Putin’s visit to Greece was to strengthen the bilateral relations between Russia and Greece, as well as to discuss various economic, political, and cultural issues.

Who did Putin meet during his visit to Greece?

During his visit to Greece, Putin met with Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, and other Greek leaders.

Why did Putin visit the Holy Mountain?

Putin visited the Holy Mountain, also known as Mount Athos, as part of his pilgrimage to one of the most important spiritual sites in Orthodox Christianity.

What are some reasons why Greek residents may be reluctant to condemn Russia?

Some Greek residents may be reluctant to condemn Russia due to historical and cultural ties between the two countries, economic benefits from Russian tourists and investments, and a perception of shared interests and values.

Was this Putin’s first trip to the EU this year?

Yes, this was Putin’s first trip to the EU this year.

What issues were discussed during the meeting between Putin and Greek leaders?

The meeting between Putin and Greek leaders discussed various issues including energy cooperation, economic ties, regional security, and the situation in the Balkans.


Greek prime minister meets Putin

Greek prime minister meets Putin by AP Archive 7 years ago 1 minute, 35 seconds 1,124 views



  1. AlexandraSmith123 on

    Does the article mention the specific topics discussed between Putin and the Greek leaders during the visit?

    • AlexanderBrown456 on

      Hi AlexandraSmith123, yes, the article mentions that Putin met with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and President Prokopis Pavlopoulos during his visit. They discussed strengthening ties between Russia and Greece, especially in the midst of strained relations with the West. Putin’s pilgrimage to Mount Athos also focused on reaffirming the historical and spiritual connections between the two countries.

  2. Lena_Smith on

    Do you think Putin’s visit to Mount Athos will contribute to strengthening the historical and spiritual ties between Russia and Greece as intended?

    • Alexei Petrov on

      Putin’s visit to Mount Athos is a symbolic gesture aimed at bolstering the historical and spiritual bonds between Russia and Greece. While it may not drastically impact the current geopolitical climate, it serves as a reminder of the enduring connection between the two nations.

  3. As a Greek resident, I believe that Greece should align itself with the European Union and condemn Russia’s actions. While our historical ties with Russia are strong, it’s crucial to prioritize our alliance with the EU for the greater good. Putin’s visit to Greece should not overshadow the importance of upholding European values and principles.

  4. Anastasia123 on

    While some Greek residents are reluctant to condemn Russia, including the country’s foreign minister, others believe that Greece should align itself with the European Union and condemn Russia’s actions. Greek-Russian ties have a long history, with many Greeks having family and cultural ties to Russia. Some residents see Russia as a valuable ally, leading to mixed opinions regarding the country’s involvement in international affairs.

  5. AlexandraSmith87 on

    Some Greek residents are hesitant to condemn Russia’s actions, believing in the importance of maintaining ties with the country. However, others argue that Greece should align with the European Union and take a firmer stance against Russia. The historical and cultural connections between Greece and Russia add complexity to the debate, leading to a variety of perspectives among the Greek populace.

  6. Some residents see Russia as a valuable ally, leading to mixed opinions regarding the country’s involvement in international affairs.

  7. MariaKorolova87 on

    As a Greek resident with deep family ties to Russia, I believe it’s crucial for Greece to maintain strong relations with Russia. Putin’s visit to Greece and pilgrimage to Mount Athos further solidify the historical and spiritual bonds between our nations. While the West may criticize Russia, many of us see Russia as a valuable ally and support its involvement in international affairs.

    • VladimirJohnson789 on

      Some Greek residents feel conflicted about Russia’s influence in the region due to historical and cultural ties, while others believe Greece should align with the European Union’s stance on Russia. The mixed opinions reflect the longstanding complexities of Greek-Russian relations.

  8. Some residents see Russia as a valuable ally, leading to mixed opinions regarding the country’s involvement in international affairs.

  9. While some Greek residents are reluctant to condemn Russia, including the country’s foreign minister, others believe that Greece should align itself with the European Union and condemn Russia’s actions. Greek-Russian ties have a long history, with many Greeks having family and cultural ties to Russia. Some residents see Russia as a valuable ally, leading to mixed opinions regarding the country’s involvement in international affairs.

  10. Anastasia123 on

    As a Greek resident, I believe it’s important for Greece to align itself with the European Union and condemn Russia’s actions. While Russian ties have historical significance, it’s crucial to prioritize the country’s involvement in international affairs.

  11. Putin’s visit to Greece signifies a crucial moment in Russian-Greek relations. While some Greeks hesitate to denounce Russia, appreciating the historical and cultural ties, others urge aligning with the EU against Russian actions. The pilgrimage to Mount Athos underscores the deep spiritual connection between Russia and the world’s oldest monastic state.

  12. AlexandraSmith87 on

    As a Greek resident with family ties to Russia, I believe that maintaining strong ties with Russia is crucial for our country’s future. Despite the tensions with the West, aligning ourselves with the European Union while also fostering relations with Russia can benefit Greece in the long run. It’s important to navigate these international dynamics carefully to safeguard our nation’s interests.

  13. Alexandra_1985 on

    Did Putin’s meeting with the Holy Community on Mount Athos have any specific outcomes in terms of strengthening the historical and spiritual ties between Russia and the monastic state?

    • Putin’s meeting with the Holy Community on Mount Athos was a pivotal moment in reaffirming the historical and spiritual ties between Russia and the monastic state. It showcased the deep-rooted connection and mutual respect that exists between the two entities, further strengthening the bond. The visit to the Holy Mountain was not only symbolic but also served to deepen the spiritual and cultural linkages that have endured over the centuries.

    • Some Greek residents feel conflicted about Russia’s involvement in international affairs, while others view Russia as a valuable ally. The historical and cultural ties between Greece and Russia contribute to mixed opinions on how Greece should navigate its relationship with the European Union and Russia.

  14. As a Greek national, I strongly believe that maintaining strong ties with Russia is crucial for our country’s future. It is important to acknowledge our historical and cultural connections with Russia and not let external pressure sway our decisions. Putin’s visit to Greece serves as a reminder of the bond between our nations, and we should approach this relationship with diplomacy and understanding.

  15. Vasiliy Ivanov on

    Putin’s visit to Greece was essential in strengthening ties between Russia and Greece, especially considering the strained relations with the West. It’s important for both countries to maintain historical and spiritual connections, as demonstrated by Putin’s pilgrimage to Mount Athos.

  16. As a Russian expat living in Greece, I believe Putin’s visit further strengthens the cultural and historical ties between our countries. His pilgrimage to Mount Athos symbolizes the enduring spiritual connection that has bonded Russia and Greece throughout centuries.

  17. Do you think Putin’s spiritual journey to the Holy Mountain of Mount Athos will have any impact on the relations between Russia and Greece?

    • As a Russian speaker, I believe Putin’s spiritual journey to Mount Athos will positively influence relations between Russia and Greece. Such symbolic gestures often play a significant role in diplomacy and fostering cultural ties between nations.

  18. As a Russian citizen, I believe it is crucial for Putin to strengthen ties with Greece amid strained relations with the West. The historical and spiritual connections between Russia and Mount Athos are significant and should be upheld.

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