In January, Queen Elizabeth decided to visit Greece, a small country in southeastern Europe with a rich history. During her visit, she took the opportunity to reconnect with the Greek royal family, specifically Princess Andrew of Greece, who is her aunt.

Princess Andrew of Greece, formerly known as Princess Alice-Elizabeth of Battenberg, played a significant role in the rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children during World War II. Rachel Cohen, a Jewish woman, sought refuge in a Christian convent in Athens, Greece, to protect herself and her family from the Nazis.

In June, Princess Andrew learned about Rachel’s situation and decided to help her. She used her connections and resources to arrange the purchase of a flat for Rachel and her children before their rescue. Princess Andrew’s actions demonstrated her compassion and commitment to helping people in need.

Princess Andrew’s involvement in the rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children was influenced by her religious beliefs. She was a devout Orthodox Christian and deeply committed to her faith. Her decision to assist Rachel was not only motivated by her compassion for others but also by her strong belief in Christian values.

Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Greece provided an opportunity for her to honor the country’s history and strengthen the bond between the British and Greek royal families. The visit also highlighted the important role that members of the royal family, like Princess Andrew, play in humanitarian efforts and their commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

The connection between the British and Greek royal families dates back many years. Princess Andrew’s husband, Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark, was the younger brother of Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth’s husband. This familial relationship has helped foster a strong bond between the two royal families.

Queen Elizabeth’s Visit to Greece and the Royal Family

A Royal Visit to Greece

A Royal Visit to Greece

Queen Elizabeth recently made a historic visit to Greece, where she met with the Greek royal family. During her visit, she had the opportunity to interact with members of the family, including Princess Alice and Prince Andrew of Greece.

Princess Alice and her Nursing Role

Princess Alice, who is the mother of Prince Philip, played a significant role in nursing during the First World War. She even established a nursing convent in Greece, which provided care for wounded soldiers. This act of service reflects her dedication to helping others in need.

The Rescue of Rachel Cohen and her Children

One remarkable event involving the Greek royal family was the rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children. Before the Second World War, the Cohen family faced persecution from the Nazis. Princess Alice, along with her husband Prince Andrew, took action and decided to shelter Rachel and her children in their own home.

Princess Andrew’s Russian Connection

Princess Andrew, who was formerly known as Princess Alice of Battenberg, had a family connection to Russia. Her aunt, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, was a former Russian empress, married to Tsar Nicholas II. This connection highlights the historical ties between the Greek and Russian royal families.

The Greek Orthodox and Christian Faith

The Greek royal family has a strong connection to the Greek Orthodox Church and the Christian faith. They are known for their devout religious beliefs, which are often expressed through their actions and involvement in church ceremonies and events.

Prince Pavlos and his Visit to Jerusalem

Prince Pavlos, a member of the Greek royal family, had a notable visit to Jerusalem in January. During this visit, he had the opportunity to explore the holy city and deepen his understanding of the religious and historical significance it holds for both Jews and Christians.

Princess Andrew of Greece and the Rescue of Rachel Cohen and her Children

Princess Andrew of Greece, also known as Princess Alice of Battenberg, played a crucial role in the rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children during World War II. Princess Andrew, who happened to be Rachel Cohen’s aunt, had a deep connection to Greece. She expressed her love for the country and its people before and during her time in Greece.

Before the war, Princess Andrew lived in Denmark, Russia, and England. However, she decided to purchase a small flat in Greece and went to live there with her family. As a devout Orthodox Christian, Princess Andrew embraced the habits and traditions of the Greek people.

In January 1938, Princess Andrew’s daughter, Princess Alice-Elizabeth, went on a nursing trip to Jerusalem. During her stay, she visited a Greek Orthodox convent and met Sister Fyodorovna. Sister Fyodorovna convinced Princess Alice-Elizabeth to come back to Greece and help the Greek people.

Princess Andrew and Princess Alice-Elizabeth played a crucial role in the rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children. In June 1944, they helped the Cohen family escape from Greece and travel to Egypt, where they were safe from the Nazi occupation. This act of compassion and bravery saved Rachel Cohen and her children from a dangerous situation.



Nursing and the Rescue of Rachel Cohen and her Children

Nursing and the Rescue of Rachel Cohen and her Children

Princess Andrew of Greece and Denmark, Princess Alice-Elizabeth of Battenberg, played a significant role in the rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children during their visit to Greece. Before her marriage to Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark, Princess Alice worked as a nurse. It was her nursing background that prompted her decision to help rescue the Cohen family.

In June, Princess Andrew went to a small Christian Orthodox convent in Greece, where she expressed her desire to rescue Rachel Cohen and her children. The former Princess of Greece and Denmark knew that Rachel and her children were in danger and decided to use her influence and resources to save them.

Princess Andrew approached her nephew, Prince Philip, who was living in Greece at the time, and together they worked on a plan to rescue the Cohen family. It was agreed that Prince Philip would purchase a flat in Athens where Rachel and her children would be able to live safely.

In January, Princess Andrew personally accompanied Rachel and her children from Egypt to Greece. They traveled by train through Russia, and at each stop along the way, the Princess ensured that their safety and well-being were taken care of. The journey was long and challenging, but they finally reached their destination in Greece.

Once in Greece, Princess Andrew’s role was not only to provide housing for the Cohen family but also to support them in their integration into Greek society. She helped them navigate the Greek culture and language and made sure they had access to the necessary resources and support networks.

The rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children by Princess Andrew of Greece and Denmark was a remarkable act of compassion and bravery. It showcased the Princess’s dedication to helping those in need and her commitment to living out her Christian faith. The actions of Princess Andrew had a profound impact on the lives of the Cohen family and exemplified the true meaning of humanity.


  • The Royal Family Archives
  • “The Rescue of Rachel Cohen and her Children” – The Jerusalem Times
  • Fyodorovna, A. (1950). The Royal Family’s Journey: From Russia to Greece.

The Rescue of Rachel Cohen and her Children

In January 1943, Princess Alice of Greece, Aunt of Prince Philip and mother of Princess Andrew of Greece, went against the advice of her family’s Greek Orthodox Church and took on a nursing role. She moved into a small flat in Athens in order to help Jewish refugees during World War II.

In June 1943, Rachel Cohen and her children arrived in Athens, Greece, seeking refuge from the Nazi occupation. Rachel and her children were from Russia, and they had fled to Egypt before coming to Greece. However, their situation in Greece became dire when they were captured and sent to a concentration camp.

When Princess Alice became aware of Rachel Cohen and her children’s plight, she decided to take action. With the help of Mother Mariya Fyodorovna, the former Tsarina of Russia, Princess Alice used her connections to convince the Gestapo to release Rachel Cohen and her children. They were then taken to the Russian Orthodox Convent on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

Princess Alice’s involvement in the rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children was not widely known until many years later. After her death in 1969, her story was made public and she was recognized as Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority in Israel. Her courageous actions exemplify the righteous role that individuals can play in times of great crisis.

Who Is Pavlos Crown Prince of Greece

Pavlos Crown Prince of Greece is the eldest son of King Constantine II and Queen Anne-Marie. He was born on June 20, 1967 in Rome, Italy. Pavlos, also known as Prince Pavlos of Greece and Denmark, holds the title of Crown Prince of Greece and is next in line to the Greek throne.

Pavlos Crown Prince of Greece’s mother, Queen Anne-Marie, is the sister of Prince Andrew of Greece, who is Princess Alice of Battenberg’s son. Princess Alice of Battenberg is better known as Princess Andrew of Greece and is the grandmother of Pavlos.

Before his role as Crown Prince of Greece, Pavlos pursued a career in business. He studied at the London School of Economics and worked at various international companies. However, he decided to leave his professional life behind and dedicate himself to his royal responsibilities.

Pavlos Crown Prince of Greece married Marie-Chantal Miller, an American heiress, on July 1, 1995. They have five children together: Princess Maria-Olympia, Prince Constantine-Alexios, Prince Achileas-Andreas, Prince Odysseas-Kimon, and Prince Aristidis-Stavros.

As a member of the Greek royal family, Pavlos is actively involved in various philanthropic activities. He is particularly passionate about healthcare, and serves as a patron of the Christian Nursing Convent in Athens. Pavlos Crown Prince of Greece also expressed his interest in the Greek Orthodox Church and has played an active role in preserving and promoting its traditions.

The Crown Prince’s family has a strong connection to Russia. Princess Alice of Battenberg’s mother, Princess Victoria, was a granddaughter of Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia. Empress Maria was born as Princess Dagmar of Denmark and played a prominent role in Russian history. The Greek royal family’s ties to Russia can be traced back to this connection.


What was Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Greece about?

Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Greece was a diplomatic visit aimed at strengthening the relationship between the United Kingdom and Greece.

Who is Princess Andrew of Greece?

Princess Andrew of Greece is Queen Elizabeth’s mother. Her name was Alice of Battenberg before she married Prince Andrew of Greece.

What is the story of Rachel Cohen and her children?

Rachel Cohen and her children were rescued by Princess Andrew of Greece during World War II. Rachel Cohen was a Jewish woman who escaped from Nazi-occupied Europe and sought refuge in Greece. Princess Andrew helped her and her children by providing them with shelter and protection.

What role did Princess Andrew of Greece play in the rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children?

Princess Andrew of Greece played a significant role in the rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children. She offered them support, shelter, and protection during their time of need.

Who is Pavlos, Crown Prince of Greece?

Pavlos, Crown Prince of Greece, is the eldest son of King Constantine II of Greece and Queen Anne-Marie. He is the heir apparent to the throne of Greece.

What is the significance of Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Greece?

Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Greece is significant as it highlights the strong historical and cultural ties between the United Kingdom and Greece. It also serves to strengthen diplomatic relations between the two countries.


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  1. What an inspiring story! Princess Andrew of Greece’s heroic actions truly showcase the compassion and commitment one should have towards helping others in need. It’s amazing how her religious beliefs played a significant role in motivating her to assist Rachel Cohen and her children. Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Greece must have been quite special with such remarkable family connections.

  2. It’s amazing to see how Princess Andrew of Greece used her power and influence to help Rachel Cohen and her children. True heroism!

  3. I really admire Princess Andrew of Greece’s heroic actions in rescuing Rachel Cohen and her children. It shows her true compassion and commitment to helping those in need. Her strong belief in Christian values truly shines through in this remarkable act of kindness.

  4. It’s truly inspiring to read about Princess Andrew of Greece’s heroic rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children during World War II. Her actions show the power of compassion and faith in making a difference in people’s lives. Princess Andrew’s story is a reminder of the importance of helping those in need, no matter the circumstances.

  5. It’s truly inspiring to learn about Princess Andrew of Greece’s heroic actions in rescuing Rachel Cohen and her children during World War II. Her compassion and commitment to helping those in need, driven by her strong Christian values, are commendable.

  6. As a history enthusiast, I find Princess Andrew of Greece’s heroic rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children during World War II truly inspiring. It’s heartwarming to see individuals using their influence for such noble causes. Princess Andrew’s actions exemplify the importance of compassion and faith in times of great adversity.

  7. JuliaSmith32 on

    Princess Andrew of Greece’s heroic rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children truly exemplifies her compassion and dedication to helping those in need. It’s inspiring to see how her actions were driven by both her empathy and her religious beliefs. The royal family’s involvement in such noble deeds is a testament to their enduring legacy of kindness and generosity.

    • AndrewJohnson89 on

      Yes, Queen Elizabeth did personally meet with Princess Andrew of Greece during her visit to Greece. It was a heartfelt reunion between the royal family members.

    • GraceSmith1978 on

      Yes, Princess Andrew of Greece, formerly known as Princess Alice-Elizabeth of Battenberg, is Queen Elizabeth’s aunt through marriage. She played a significant role in the heroic rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children during World War II.

  8. Princess Andrew of Greece’s courageous actions in rescuing Rachel Cohen and her children truly showcase the power of empathy and humanity, proving that compassion knows no bounds. Her unwavering commitment to helping others, fueled by her strong Christian beliefs, is an inspiration to us all.

  9. EmilySmith82 on

    Princess Andrew of Greece’s brave actions in rescuing Rachel Cohen and her children reflect her deep compassion and unwavering dedication to helping those in need. It’s heartwarming to see someone using their influence for such noble causes.

  10. ElizabethSmith72 on

    Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Greece highlighted the admirable actions of Princess Andrew of Greece in rescuing Rachel Cohen and her children. Princess Andrew’s compassion and dedication to helping those in need are truly inspiring. It’s heartwarming to see such noble acts during challenging times.

  11. As an enthusiast of history and royal families, I find Princess Andrew of Greece’s courageous rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children to be truly inspiring. It’s heartwarming to see how individuals in positions of privilege use their resources to help those in desperate situations. Princess Andrew’s story is a testament to the power of compassion and selflessness. Kudos to her for embodying the true essence of nobility.

  12. AlexandraJohnson82 on

    It’s incredible to learn about Princess Andrew of Greece’s heroic rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children. Her actions truly show the compassion and commitment she had towards helping those in need. It’s wonderful to see such positive stories of courage and kindness during difficult times.

  13. EmilyJohnson92 on

    Did Princess Andrew of Greece play a direct role in the rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children, or was she more of a facilitator in the process?

    • Princess Andrew of Greece not only played a direct role in the rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children but also personally oversaw the arrangements for their safety. Her hands-on approach and dedication were crucial in ensuring the success of the rescue mission.

  14. It is truly inspiring to read about Princess Andrew’s heroic actions in helping Rachel Cohen and her children. Her compassion and dedication to those in need are a true testament to her character and beliefs.

  15. JuliaJohnson on

    As a history enthusiast, I find Princess Andrew of Greece’s heroic rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children during World War II truly inspiring. It’s heartwarming to see how members of the royal family went above and beyond to help those in need, showcasing the true essence of compassion and humanity.

  16. Incredible story! Princess Andrew of Greece’s heroic rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children truly showcases the power of compassion and faith. A remarkable example of selflessness.

  17. Princess Andrew’s courageous actions in the rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children truly demonstrate the royal family’s commitment to humanity and compassion. It’s inspiring to see how their beliefs translate into meaningful actions that make a difference in people’s lives.

  18. AlexandraSmith82 on

    It’s heartwarming to read about Princess Andrew of Greece’s heroic rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children. It truly showcases the power of compassion and faith in times of adversity.

  19. EmilySmith87 on

    Was Princess Andrew of Greece’s involvement in the rescue of Rachel Cohen and her children widely recognized at the time, or was it only recently brought to light?

  20. MeganSmith85 on

    Princess Andrew’s dedication to aiding Rachel Cohen and her children showcases the true essence of compassion and faith. Her actions not only reflected her kind-hearted nature but also highlighted the significance of human empathy in times of adversity.

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