The ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign, which aimed to promote Greece’s close relationship with Turkey and the Aegean region, has drawn an angry response from Athens. The campaign, launched on YouTube and social media, featured stunning footage of the Turkish and Greek coastlines, inviting tourists to visit both countries and explore their shared history and culture. However, the use of the name ‘TurkAegean’ and the focus on Turkey has caused controversy and sparked a heated debate among Greeks.

The anger from Athens stems from the long-standing tensions between Greece and Turkey, with historical disputes over territory and maritime borders. The Parthenon, a symbol of ancient Greek civilization, has been a particularly sensitive issue, as it is located in Athens but has been claimed by Turkey in the past. The use of the name ‘TurkAegean’ in the campaign is seen by many Greeks as an attempt to further promote tourism to Turkey at the expense of Greece.

Furthermore, the media coverage of the campaign has deepened the anger and frustration felt by many Greeks. The emphasis on Turkey’s archaeological sites and beautiful beaches, while downplaying Greece’s own treasures, has been seen as a betrayal of Greece’s rich history and cultural heritage. Many Greeks feel that their own country’s tourism campaigns have not received the same level of attention and promotion, which further fuels their resentment towards the ‘TurkAegean’ campaign.

In response to the campaign, Greek politicians and cultural figures have voiced their displeasure and called for a boycott of the ‘TurkAegean’ campaign. They argue that instead of promoting tourism to Turkey, the Greek government should focus on developing and promoting their own tourism industry, highlighting the country’s unique attractions and encouraging tourists to explore all that Greece has to offer.

In conclusion, the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign has generated an angry response from Athens due to the historical tensions between Greece and Turkey, the choice of name, and the perceived lack of support for Greek tourism. While the campaign sought to highlight the close relationship between the two countries, it has instead sparked a divisive debate and further strained relations between the two nations.

The Results of the Visit Greece Campaign

The Results of the Visit Greece Campaign

The visit Greece campaign was launched with the aim to promote tourism in Greece and attract more visitors to the country. The campaign has been going on for a long time, and the results have been impressive. Greece has seen a significant increase in the number of tourists visiting the country in recent years. This has been attributed to the successful marketing efforts of the Visit Greece campaign, which has effectively showcased the unique attractions and beauty of Greece’s archaeological sites, including the famous Parthenon in Athens.

One of the key reasons why the Visit Greece campaign has been so successful is the use of social media platforms to reach a wider audience. The campaign has been active on platforms such as YouTube, where videos showcasing the beauty of Greece and its attractions have been shared extensively. The use of YouTube has allowed the campaign to reach a younger and more tech-savvy audience, who are more likely to visit Greece and share their experiences on social media, further promoting the country as a tourist destination.

The results of the Visit Greece campaign have also been evident in the increased interest from tourists in visiting the Aegean region. Greece’s close proximity to Turkey has made it a popular choice for tourists who want to explore both countries in a single trip. However, the recent introduction of the TurkAegean tourism campaign by Turkey has drawn an angry response from Athens. The Greek media and people were upset over the use of the word ‘TurkAegean’, as it implies that the Aegean region belongs to Turkey, instead of Greece.

The angry response from Athens further emphasizes the success of the Visit Greece campaign in promoting Greece as a tourist destination. The campaign has not only showcased Greece’s rich history and natural beauty but has also instilled a sense of pride among the Greek people for their country’s unique attractions. The campaign has successfully portrayed Greece as a must-visit destination, attracting tourists from all over the world and benefiting the country’s tourism industry.

‘TurkAegean’ Tourism Campaign Draws Angry Response from Athens

The recent ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign launched by Turkey has drawn an angry response from Athens, the capital of Greece. The campaign, which aimed to promote tourism in Turkey’s Aegean region, has sparked controversy and further strained the already tense relations between the two neighboring countries.

Greece, known for its rich archaeological heritage and long history, attracts millions of tourists from around the world every year. The country prides itself on its unique cultural treasures, such as the Parthenon, which has been a symbol of Greece for centuries.

The ‘TurkAegean’ campaign, however, has caused uproar among Greeks, as it uses the term ‘Turk’ in the campaign’s name. Many Greeks find this offensive and see it as an attempt to diminish Greece’s historical and cultural significance.

The campaign’s results were widely shared on social media platforms like YouTube, attracting the attention of both Greek and international audiences. The media in Greece has been filled with words of anger and disappointment towards the campaign, with many Greeks expressing their reasons for not visiting Turkey.

For many Greeks, the campaign further highlights the strained relationship between Greece and Turkey, as there have been long-standing disputes and tensions over territorial and maritime rights in the Aegean Sea. The use of the term ‘TurkAegean’ adds fuel to the fire and reinforces the perception that Turkey is trying to lay claim over Greece’s territorial waters.

Overall, the ‘TurkAegean’ campaign has not been well-received by the Greek public, and it has further strained the already fragile relations between the two countries. Greece, with its rich cultural heritage and stunning landscape, continues to attract tourists from around the world, who appreciate its beauty and history, but for now, Turkey’s tourism campaign has only resulted in anger and disappointment from the Greek side.

The Results

The Results

The visit Greece campaign, which aimed to promote tourism in Greece, has drawn an angry response from the Greeks. The TurkAegean tourism campaign, launched by Turkey, has further strained the relationship between the two countries.

One of the reasons for the angry response from the Greeks is that the TurkAegean campaign used the words ‘Turk’ and ‘Aegean’ to promote tourism in Turkey. The Greeks see this as an attempt to appropriate their cultural heritage and claim the Aegean Sea as Turkish territory.

Furthermore, the use of the Parthenon, an iconic Greek archaeological site, in the TurkAegean campaign has been seen as disrespectful by the Greeks. They feel that their cultural heritage is being exploited for tourism purposes.

The media, particularly YouTube, played a significant role in spreading the anger among the Greek population. Videos analyzing and criticizing the TurkAegean campaign went viral, further fueling the response.

As a result of the campaign, Greece has experienced a decline in tourist arrivals. Many tourists who were planning to visit Greece have instead chosen to go to other destinations in order to avoid the tension between Greece and Turkey.

In contrast, the TurkAegean campaign has attracted tourists to visit Turkey. The unique and long-standing relationship between Greece and Turkey, as well as the beautiful Aegean Sea, were highlighted as reasons to visit Turkey instead of Greece.

In conclusion, the TurkAegean tourism campaign has generated anger and disappointment among the Greek population. The use of cultural heritage and the strained relationship between the two countries have further fueled the response. As a result, Greece has seen a decline in tourism, while Turkey has benefited from the campaign.

‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign draws angry response from Athens

'TurkAegean' tourism campaign draws angry response from Athens

The results of the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign have been met with an angry response from Athens, Greece. The campaign, which aimed to promote tourism in Turkey, drew further attention from tourists who were visiting Greece, such as the historic Parthenon.

The media campaign, which included videos on YouTube, showcased the unique attractions and archaeological sites in Turkey’s Aegean region. However, the use of the word ‘TurkAegean’ and the promotion of tourism to Turkey were seen as offensive and disrespectful by many Greeks.

One of the main reasons for the angry response from Athens was the long-standing tensions between Greece and Turkey. The two countries have had strained relations for decades, with disputes over territory and maritime borders. The ‘TurkAegean’ campaign was seen as an attempt to steal tourists from Greece, further aggravating the already tense situation.

The results of the campaign were also seen as a blow to Greece’s tourism industry. Greece has long been a popular tourist destination, known for its beautiful islands and historic sites. The ‘TurkAegean’ campaign threatened to divert tourists away from Greece and towards Turkey, potentially impacting the economy.

The response from Athens included strong words condemning the ‘TurkAegean’ campaign and calling for a boycott of Turkish tourism. Greek officials expressed their disappointment and frustration, stating that the campaign was not only disrespectful but also ignorant of the historical and cultural significance of Greece’s Aegean region.

In conclusion, the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign has drawn an angry response from Athens, Greece. The campaign, which aimed to promote Turkey’s Aegean region, has been criticized for its offensive and disrespectful nature towards Greece. The results of the campaign have raised tensions between the two countries and threatened Greece’s tourism industry.

Visit Greece Campaign

The Visit Greece Campaign has been one of the most successful tourism campaigns to promote Greece as a unique destination for tourists from all over the world. The results of this campaign have drawn a lot of attention from both Greek and international media.

The campaign, which has been running for a long time, aims to further promote Greece’s rich archaeological heritage, with iconic sites such as the Parthenon in Athens being the main attractions for tourists visiting the country.

One of the most unique aspects of the Visit Greece Campaign is its use of social media, particularly YouTube, to reach a wider audience. Through various campaigns and videos, the Greek tourism board has been able to showcase the beauty of Greece and the reasons why tourists should visit the country.

However, the recent ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign has caused an angry response from Athens. The campaign, which aimed to promote tourism in both Turkey and the Aegean region, drew criticism from the Greek government and the Greek people who felt that it undermined their own campaign and the efforts they have been making to promote Greece as a destination.

Despite the negative response from the Greeks, the ‘TurkAegean’ campaign has been successful in attracting tourists from further afield. Many tourists were drawn to the campaign because of its focus on the Aegean region and its unique attractions.


What is the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign?

The ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign is a promotional campaign launched by Turkey to promote tourism in the Aegean region. It aims to attract visitors to the Turkish Aegean coast and islands.

How did Athens respond to the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign?

Athens responded to the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign with anger and criticism. They viewed it as an attempt by Turkey to appropriate Greek culture and history, and to undermine Greece’s own tourism campaign.

What is the Visit Greece campaign?

The Visit Greece campaign is a tourism campaign launched by Greece to promote tourism in the country. It highlights Greece’s rich history, culture, and natural beauty, and aims to attract visitors from around the world.

What were the results of the Visit Greece campaign?

The results of the Visit Greece campaign have been positive, with an increase in tourist arrivals and revenue for the country. Greece has seen a boost in international tourism, with visitors flocking to experience its stunning landscapes, ancient ruins, and vibrant cities.

Why did Athens consider the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign inappropriate?

Athens considered the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign inappropriate because they saw it as an attempt by Turkey to make claims over Greek territory and culture. They believe that Turkey should not be promoting tourism in the Aegean region, which is historically and culturally significant to Greece.


Greek facists clash with immigrants

Greek facists clash with immigrants by Al Jazeera English 12 years ago 2 minutes, 27 seconds 115,178 views



  1. I am appalled by the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign! It feels like a slap in the face to Greece. Don’t they realize the historical tensions between our countries? Promoting Turkey at our expense is just wrong. Greece deserves better.

    • AlexanderHerald86 on

      I understand your concerns, MariaGreek123. The ‘TurkAegean’ campaign has indeed stirred up strong emotions among many Greeks. It’s crucial for tourism campaigns to be sensitive to the historical context and cultural sensitivities between countries. Let’s hope that future campaigns will strive to promote harmony and mutual respect among nations.

  2. As a Greek citizen, I find it deeply disappointing that the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign is overshadowing our beautiful country. The emphasis on Turkey in the promotion only adds fuel to the fire of longstanding tensions between our nations. Greece has so much to offer, and it’s disheartening to see it being pushed aside in this way.

  3. As a Greek citizen, I am deeply disappointed by the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign. It feels like a slap in the face to our country’s heritage and identity. The focus on Turkey and the Aegean region overlooks the beauty and history of Greece. I hope this controversy leads to a reevaluation of how we promote tourism and respect each other’s cultures.

  4. JuliaSmith92 on

    As a Greek, I find it deeply troubling that the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign is overshadowing Greece and its unique cultural heritage. The focus on promoting Turkey’s attractions at the expense of Greece only fuels existing tensions between our countries. Athens’ anger is justified, and this campaign needs to be reevaluated to respect Greece’s history and sovereignty.

  5. AlexisJohnson on

    Do you think the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign is undermining Greece’s efforts to promote its own cultural heritage?

    • As a Greek myself, I believe the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign is indeed undermining Greece’s efforts to promote its own cultural heritage. The focus on Turkey and the Aegean region neglects the unique beauty and history that Greece has to offer. It’s essential to highlight and preserve Greece’s cultural treasures without overshadowing them with promotions for neighboring countries.

  6. I believe that the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign has completely missed the mark by focusing on Turkey instead of showcasing Greece’s unique beauty and history. As a Greek citizen, I feel disappointed and frustrated by this campaign, which seems to downplay our country’s treasures in favor of promoting our neighbor. It’s a missed opportunity to highlight all that Greece has to offer to the world.

  7. EmilySmith43 on

    Do you think the ‘TurkAegean’ campaign was a deliberate attempt to overshadow Greece’s tourism efforts?

    • It’s quite possible that the ‘TurkAegean’ campaign was intended to divert attention away from Greece’s tourism initiatives. The controversial naming choice and focus on Turkey have definitely stirred up negative sentiments in Athens. It’s crucial for tourism campaigns to strike a balance and respect the sensitivities of all involved parties.

  8. EmilyJohnson on

    As a Greek citizen, I am deeply disappointed by the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign. The focus on Turkey and the Aegean region over Greece feels like a slap in the face to our rich history and culture. The tensions between our countries should not be exploited for tourism. Athens deserves better recognition than this campaign offers.

  9. As a Greek citizen, I am deeply disappointed by the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign. It feels like another blow to our national pride and heritage. The focus on Turkey over Greece is disheartening, especially considering our complex history with them. I hope this controversy sparks a much-needed conversation about how we present ourselves to the world.

  10. As a Greek citizen, I am deeply disappointed by the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign. It feels like a stab in the back to see our country being overshadowed by Turkey in a campaign that should be promoting Greece. The historical tensions between our nations only add fuel to the fire, making this campaign not only disrespectful but also damaging to our national pride.

  11. EmilySmith on

    As a Greek citizen, I find the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign highly disrespectful and offensive. The focus on Turkey and the use of the name ‘TurkAegean’ completely undermines Greece’s sovereignty and rich cultural heritage. The campaign is a blatant attempt to divert tourists away from Greece towards Turkey, which is unacceptable given the historical tensions between our countries. It’s important for tourism campaigns to promote mutual respect and collaboration, rather than exacerbating existing conflicts.

  12. EmilyJones on

    As a Greek national, I find the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign deeply disrespectful and insulting. It undermines Greece’s historical significance and cultural heritage, promoting Turkey over our own country. The anger from Athens is justified, considering the delicate relations between Greece and Turkey. This campaign is a poor attempt at showcasing the shared history between the nations, instead, it highlights the disparities and grievances. Shameful, to say the least.

  13. Do you think the ‘TurkAegean’ campaign could have been handled differently to avoid anger from Athens?

    • JohnJohnson on

      It’s evident that the ‘TurkAegean’ campaign could have been more tactful in acknowledging Greece’s unique identity and history in order to prevent the anger from Athens. A balanced approach that highlights both countries’ attractions while respecting the sensitivities of the Greek people would have likely resulted in a more positive reception.

  14. As a Greek citizen, I strongly believe that the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign is disrespectful and ignores the long-standing tensions between Greece and Turkey. The promotion of Turkey’s attractions over Greece’s heritage is disappointing and fuels division rather than unity.

  15. EmilyJohnson2021 on

    Do you think the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign was a strategic move or a misguided attempt to boost tourism?

    • AndrewSmith22 on

      As someone who closely followed the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign, I believe it was a misguided attempt to boost tourism. The insensitivity towards the historical tensions between Greece and Turkey overshadowed any potential strategic benefits. It’s crucial for tourism campaigns to be culturally sensitive and respectful, especially in regions with complex histories and delicate relationships.

  16. As a Greek citizen, I strongly believe that the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign completely disregards the historical tensions between Greece and Turkey. The focus on promoting Turkey as a tourist destination over Greece is a disrespectful move that undermines our country’s cultural significance. This campaign only serves to fuel existing animosities and does not contribute to fostering positive relations between the two nations.

  17. As a Greek citizen, I find the ‘TurkAegean’ tourism campaign highly disrespectful and divisive. Instead of celebrating the shared history and beauty of both Greece and Turkey, the focus on Turkey in this campaign only adds fuel to the already tense relations between our countries. The promotion of Turkey’s attractions over Greece’s own treasures is a slap in the face to our rich cultural heritage. Athens has every right to be angry about this campaign.

  18. StellaJohnson on

    What impact did the ‘TurkAegean’ campaign specifically have on the number of tourists visiting Greece? Were there any statistics available to show the actual influence?

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