To mark World Refugee Day, YouTube and the UNHCR have come together to launch a new short film series, showcasing the stories of refugees in Greece. As an official partner, YouTube aims to raise awareness and support for the refugee crisis through this powerful collaboration.

The film series captures the experiences of refugees who have sought shelter in Greece, highlighting their resilience, courage, and determination to rebuild their lives. Through these poignant stories, YouTube and the UNHCR hope to shed light on the challenges faced by refugees and inspire viewers to take action.

One of the films in the series focuses on a refugee camp in Uganda, where thousands of people have found refuge and a sense of community. This film depicts the daily struggles and triumphs of the refugees, showcasing how they have created a vibrant and resilient community amidst the adversity they face.

YouTube and the UNHCR have shared this series on their platforms, reaching millions of viewers and encouraging them to stand in solidarity with refugees around the world. Through the power of storytelling and the reach of YouTube’s platform, they hope to ignite compassion and understanding, fostering a more inclusive and empathetic world.

Table of Contents

YouTube and UNHCR Collaborate for World Refugee Day

UNHCR and YouTube join forces to raise awareness on World Refugee Day

YouTube and UNHCR have partnered up to launch a new series of short films that highlight the experiences and challenges faced by refugees around the world.

On World Refugee Day, which takes place on June 20th, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and YouTube aim to shed light on the plight of refugees and raise awareness about their struggles. The collaboration seeks to engage a wider audience and encourage people to take action and support refugees in any way they can.

Sharing the stories of refugees through short films

As part of this collaboration, YouTube and UNHCR have shared a series of short films that showcase different refugee stories. These films provide a glimpse into the lives of refugees, highlighting their strength, resilience, and the challenges they face on a daily basis.

  • The first film in the series focuses on refugees in Greece, highlighting their journey and the hardships they face while seeking safety and a better life.
  • Another film focuses on the refugee crisis in Uganda, showcasing how the country is welcoming and providing assistance to millions of refugees.

The aim of these films is to humanize the refugee experience and provide a platform for refugees to share their stories and raise awareness about their needs and rights.

Taking action on World Refugee Day and beyond

To support the cause, YouTube and UNHCR encourage viewers to take action on World Refugee Day and beyond. This can be done by supporting local refugee organizations, donating to UNHCR, volunteering, or simply spreading awareness about the refugee crisis through social media platforms.

YouTube and UNHCR join forces to commemorate World Refugee Day

The video-sharing platform YouTube and the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) have collaborated to mark World Refugee Day by launching a series of short films. The films, created by YouTube creators from around the world, seek to raise awareness about the experiences of refugees and to highlight their resilience and strength.

World Refugee Day: Visit Greece

As part of the series, the film “Visit Greece” shares the story of refugees in Greece who have been able to find hope and build new lives despite the challenges they have faced. The film showcases the resilience of these individuals and emphasizes the importance of providing refugees with continued support and opportunities to rebuild their lives.

Food for Refugees in Uganda

Another film in the series, “Food for Refugees in Uganda,” focuses on the efforts of the UNHCR to provide food assistance to refugees in Uganda. The film highlights the importance of ensuring that refugees have access to nutritious food while they are displaced and seeking safety.

By collaborating with YouTube, the UNHCR hopes to reach a wider audience and generate more support and empathy for refugees around the world. These short films serve as a powerful tool to humanize the refugee experience and encourage viewers to take action to support and protect refugees globally.

YouTube and UNHCR launch collaborative project for World Refugee Day

We are witnessing the power of digital platforms to promote awareness and advocacy for important global issues. YouTube has partnered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to launch a collaborative project that aims to shed light on the lives of refugees around the world, in honor of World Refugee Day.

YouTube and UNHCR have come together to create a series of short films that highlight the stories and experiences of refugees in different countries. The project seeks to amplify the voices of these individuals and to create a greater understanding and empathy towards their plight.

The launch of this project marks a significant milestone in the collaboration between YouTube and UNHCR. Through the power of film and storytelling, they hope to mark World Refugee Day in a meaningful and impactful way, bringing attention to the challenges faced by refugees and the incredible strength and resilience they demonstrate.

One of the films shared on YouTube as part of this collaboration focuses on the refugee crisis in Uganda. It explores the lives of refugees from South Sudan who have found shelter and safety in Uganda’s refugee settlements. The film highlights the importance of food and nutrition in refugee camps, and how organizations like UNHCR are working to provide support and resources to those in need.

This collaborative project between YouTube and UNHCR exemplifies the power of digital media in creating positive change. By utilizing YouTube’s massive platform, they are able to reach a global audience and educate and inspire individuals around the world about the refugee crisis. It is through initiatives like this that we can work towards a more inclusive and compassionate world.

YouTube and UNHCR collaborate to celebrate World Refugee Day

The collaboration between YouTube and UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency, marks a significant step towards raising awareness about the challenges faced by refugees around the world. Through a series of initiatives, they aim to shed light on the strength, resilience, and talents of refugees, while also encouraging viewers to take action and show support.

One of the key initiatives launched by YouTube and UNHCR is a series of short films showcasing the lives of refugees. These powerful films, sourced from various locations, offer a glimpse into the daily struggles and triumphs of individuals who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict or persecution.

In addition to the film series, YouTube and UNHCR have also collaborated to create a platform where refugees can not only share their personal stories but also their skills and talents. This platform provides a space for refugees to showcase their creative endeavors, whether it be music, art, or cooking, highlighting the richness of their cultures and contributions to society.

Recognizing the importance of raising awareness and educating others about the refugee crisis, YouTube and UNHCR have encouraged content creators on the platform to contribute to the cause. Together, they seek to amplify the voices of refugees and create a ripple effect of empathy, understanding, and support.

On World Refugee Day, YouTube and UNHCR join forces to mark this important occasion by hosting a live stream event. The event will feature various speakers, performances, and discussions centered around the experiences and challenges faced by refugees. This virtual gathering aims to foster dialogue, promote compassion, and encourage individuals to take action and support refugees in their own communities.

Through their partnership, YouTube and UNHCR are harnessing the power of digital media to not only raise awareness about the refugee crisis but also to inspire positive change. By showcasing the stories, talents, and resilience of refugees, they hope to challenge stereotypes and promote understanding, ultimately paving the way for a more inclusive and compassionate world.

YouTube and UNHCR team up for World Refugee Day

This year, YouTube and UNHCR have joined forces to mark World Refugee Day by launching a special film series on YouTube. The series, titled “Visit Greece”, aims to raise awareness about the refugee crisis and share the stories of refugees who have found safety in Greece.

The film series features short documentaries that highlight the experiences of refugees living in Greece and the challenges they face. Each film explores a different aspect of the refugee journey, from their initial displacement to their journey to Greece and their integration into the local community.

The films were produced in collaboration with UNHCR, the United Nations refugee agency, and were shared on YouTube to reach a global audience. The series seeks to provide a platform for refugees to share their stories and to humanize their experiences, bringing attention to the resilience and strength of refugees.

The launch of this film series is part of YouTube’s ongoing commitment to supporting the rights and well-being of refugees. YouTube has been actively involved in highlighting refugee issues, partnering with organizations like UNHCR to share stories and raise awareness about the challenges faced by refugees around the world.

YouTube and UNHCR come together to mark World Refugee Day

YouTube and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have partnered to launch a special film series on World Refugee Day. The short film series, available on YouTube, aims to raise awareness about the experiences of refugees around the world and seek shared solutions to support them in their journey towards a better future.

One of the films in the series highlights the refugee crisis in Uganda, where more than a million refugees from South Sudan have sought safety and shelter. The film showcases the resilience and strength of the refugees, as well as the efforts of UNHCR and other organizations to provide them with essential services such as food, water, and healthcare.

By collaborating with YouTube, UNHCR hopes to reach a wider audience and motivate individuals to take action and make a difference in the lives of refugees. The platform’s vast user base and global reach make it an ideal tool for spreading awareness and mobilizing support.

World Refugee Day is an annual event that takes place on June 20th to commemorate the strength, courage, and resilience of refugees worldwide. It is an opportunity to honor and recognize the millions of individuals who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or violence.

YouTube and UNHCR unite for World Refugee Day

Highlighting the plight of refugees

On World Refugee Day, YouTube and UNHCR collaborated to raise awareness about the challenges faced by refugees around the world. Through a series of short films, they aimed to shed light on the difficult journeys, the resilience, and the hope of refugees who have been forced to leave their homes.

Launching a series of films

To mark World Refugee Day, YouTube and UNHCR launched a new series of short films that featured refugee stories from various countries. These films aimed to give a voice to refugees and provide a glimpse into their daily lives, struggles, and triumphs.

Inviting viewers to take action

The YouTube and UNHCR collaboration encouraged viewers to not only watch the films, but also take action to support refugees. Through the films, viewers were able to understand the challenges faced by refugees and find ways to contribute and make a difference in their lives.

Sharing stories from Uganda

As part of the collaboration, YouTube and UNHCR featured the stories of refugees from Uganda. These powerful stories highlighted the resilience and strength of refugees who have found safety in Uganda, while also shedding light on the challenges they continue to face.

Highlighting the role of food

The collaboration also emphasized the importance of food in the lives of refugees. Through the films, viewers were able to see how food plays a crucial role in providing nourishment, comfort, and a sense of home for refugees who have been displaced from their communities.

A shared goal

The collaboration between YouTube and UNHCR for World Refugee Day aimed to unite people around the world in their support for refugees. By sharing these stories, they hoped to create empathy, understanding, and action towards a more inclusive and compassionate world.

Visit Greece

Welcoming Refugees

Greece, known for its rich history and scenic beauty, has also become a place of refuge for many displaced individuals. In recent years, the country has seen a significant influx of refugees, seeking safety and a chance at a better life.

Providing Support

 Providing Support

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and YouTube have collaborated to shine a light on the challenges faced by refugees in Greece. Through a short film, they aim to raise awareness and support for those who have been forced to flee their homes.

In the film, we hear the stories of refugees who have found solace in Greece and the local communities who have welcomed them with open arms. We see how these individuals have been able to rebuild their lives, finding jobs, access to education, and a sense of belonging in their new home.

World Refugee Day

The launch of this film coincides with World Refugee Day, which is observed on June 20th each year. This day seeks to mark the strength and resilience of refugees around the world and to demonstrate solidarity with them.

Through their partnership, YouTube and UNHCR hope to not only share these inspiring stories but also encourage viewers to take action and support organizations working to assist refugees globally.

A Shared Experience

The power of film lies in its ability to evoke empathy, break down barriers, and connect people from different backgrounds. This short film aims to do just that, allowing viewers to experience the journey of refugees in Greece and understand their struggles and triumphs.

By sharing these stories on YouTube, the film can reach a wide audience, sparking conversations and encouraging individuals to become advocates for refugees worldwide.

Explore the beauty of Greece

Explore the beauty of Greece

Greece, a stunning country located in southeastern Europe, is known for its rich history, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant culture. With its crystal clear waters, picturesque islands, and ancient ruins, Greece offers a unique and unforgettable travel experience. One of the best ways to explore the beauty of Greece is through the YouTube platform.

YouTube, a popular video-sharing website, has launched a series of short films in collaboration with UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency, to mark World Refugee Day. These films, which have been shared on YouTube, seek to raise awareness about the challenges faced by refugees around the world.

One of the films in this series, titled “Visit Greece”, focuses on the refugee crisis in Greece. The film takes viewers on a journey through the breathtaking landscapes of Greece, highlighting the resilience and strength of the refugee community. It sheds light on the experiences of refugees who have found safety in Greece, and the efforts made by the local community to support them.

The film showcases the warmth and hospitality of the Greek people, who have opened their doors and hearts to refugees fleeing conflict and persecution. It captures the spirit of solidarity and compassion that can be found in Greece, as well as the beauty of the country itself.

Through this film, YouTube and UNHCR aim to not only raise awareness about the refugee crisis, but also to inspire viewers to take action and support refugees in their own communities. The film serves as a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience of refugees, and the importance of standing together in solidarity.

So, if you’re looking to explore the beauty of Greece and learn more about the refugee crisis, YouTube’s collaboration with UNHCR is an excellent source of information and inspiration. Watch “Visit Greece” and other films in the series to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by refugees and the remarkable stories of hope and resilience.

Discover the wonders of Greece

Greece is a country filled with rich history, beautiful landscapes, and delicious cuisine. It’s no wonder that it has become a popular destination for travelers from around the world.

YouTube and UNHCR recently collaborated to produce a series of short films that seek to shed light on the lives of refugees in Greece. The film series, launched on World Refugee Day, shares the stories of individuals and families who have been forced to flee their homes and seek safety in Greece.

One of the films focuses on the food culture in refugee camps in Greece. It showcases the resilience and creativity of refugees who have managed to create delicious meals with limited resources. It also highlights the efforts of NGOs and organizations, like UNHCR, who provide food assistance and support to those in need.

Mark, a refugee from Uganda, is featured in one of the films. He shares his experience of seeking asylum in Greece and his journey to rebuilding his life. Mark’s story is just one example of the many stories of hope and resilience that can be found in the refugee community in Greece.

By showcasing these stories on YouTube, the hope is to raise awareness and promote understanding of the challenges faced by refugees around the world. It aims to foster empathy and support for those who have been forced to flee their homes and seek safety in unfamiliar lands.

World Refugee Day serves as an important reminder of the millions of people worldwide who are displaced due to conflict, persecution, and violence. It is a day to reflect on the resilience and strength of refugees and to acknowledge the efforts of organizations like UNHCR in providing them with the support and protection they need.

Experience Greece’s rich culture and history

Greece is known for its rich culture and history, making it a fascinating destination for tourists from around the world. Whether you’re interested in ancient ruins, delicious cuisine, or vibrant festivals, Greece has something to offer everyone.

With the help of YouTube and UNHCR, the world has a unique opportunity to experience Greece’s culture through the eyes of refugees. The collaboration, which is part of a series to mark World Refugee Day, aims to shed light on the lives of refugees in Greece and their shared experiences.

Through short films and documentaries, the YouTube and UNHCR collaboration showcases the resilience of refugees and their determination to rebuild their lives in a new country. One of the films, shot in Uganda, highlights the journey of a refugee from Greece who now runs a successful food business, bringing the flavors of their homeland to their new community.

Greece’s history and culture are deeply intertwined, and the country’s unique position as a crossroads between east and west has left a lasting impact. From the ancient city of Athens with its iconic Acropolis to the picturesque island of Santorini, Greece offers a myriad of historical and cultural sites to explore. The collaboration between YouTube and UNHCR allows viewers to immerse themselves in this rich heritage and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by refugees.

World Refugee Day is an important occasion that seeks to raise awareness about the plight of refugees and the need for solidarity and support. The YouTube and UNHCR collaboration is a powerful tool in achieving this goal, providing a platform for refugees to share their stories and shed light on the challenges they face.

By showcasing Greece’s rich culture and history through the lens of refugees, the collaboration highlights the resilience and strength of these individuals and serves as a reminder of the importance of empathy and compassion.

Embark on a journey through Greece

Step into the captivating world of Greece and experience its rich culture and history through a powerful short film. This film, created by YouTube in collaboration with UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency), seeks to shed light on the refugee crisis and highlight the incredible strength and resilience of refugees.

As part of a series of films created to mark World Refugee Day, this film takes viewers on a virtual journey through Greece, showcasing the diverse landscapes, vibrant communities, and shared humanity of the country. Through the lens of a refugee, we get a glimpse into their daily lives, their hopes and dreams, and the challenges they face.

One of the powerful messages of the film is the importance of food in bringing people together. In Greece, food is not just a source of sustenance but a way to connect with others. The film showcases how refugees and locals come together to share meals, exchange recipes, and create a sense of belonging. It demonstrates that despite the hardships, there is a shared understanding that we are all part of the same world, and that by embracing diversity, we can create a stronger and more inclusive society.

The film also touches on the work of UNHCR in Greece.

UNHCR provides crucial support to refugees in Greece, including shelter, healthcare, and legal assistance. This film highlights the stories of some of the refugees who were able to rebuild their lives with the help of UNHCR. It showcases the resilience and determination of these individuals and serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion and support for displaced persons around the world.

In addition to Greece, the YouTube and UNHCR collaboration has produced short films in various locations, including Uganda, to raise awareness about the experiences of refugees and the work being done to support them. These films offer a unique and personal perspective, allowing viewers to connect with the stories behind the statistics and to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by refugees.

Witness the breathtaking landscapes of Greece

If you’re a nature lover and crave to explore stunning landscapes, Greece should be at the top of your travel list. With its picturesque islands, crystal-clear waters, and majestic mountains, Greece offers a visual feast that will leave you in awe.

Thanks to the collaboration between YouTube and UNHCR, you can now embark on a virtual journey to witness the breathtaking landscapes of Greece from the comfort of your own home. In their latest series of films, UNHCR takes you on a visual adventure through the diverse terrain of this beautiful country.

In one of the films titled “Visit Greece,” UNHCR showcases the stunning landscapes while also shedding light on the refugee crisis in the country. The film explores the experiences of refugees in Greece and emphasizes the importance of supporting and empowering them.

Exploring the islands

The film captures the essence of the Greek islands, with their white-washed buildings, narrow alleyways, and vibrant blue rooftops. You’ll be transported to places like Lesbos, where refugees arrive after perilous journeys across the sea. Through the footage, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by refugees and the resilience they demonstrate in the face of adversity.

A journey through the mountains

Beyond the islands, the film takes you on a journey through the majestic mountains of Greece. You’ll witness panoramic views, lush greenery, and cascading waterfalls. As you immerse yourself in the beauty of these landscapes, you’ll also learn about the UNHCR’s efforts to provide shelter, food, and education to refugees living in camps nestled within these mountains.

Make sure to mark World Refugee Day on your calendar and tune in to YouTube to witness the captivating beauty of Greece and gain a deeper understanding of the refugee crisis. Through this collaboration, YouTube and UNHCR seek to launch a series of films to raise awareness about the plight of refugees around the world.

YouTube and UNHCR launch short film series

YouTube and UNHCR have joined forces to launch a new short film series that aims to raise awareness about the experiences of refugees around the world. The series, which was created to mark World Refugee Day, will be shared on YouTube’s platform and social media channels.

The series seeks to shed light on the challenges and triumphs of refugees: Through powerful storytelling, the films will explore the resilience and strength of individuals who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or natural disasters. By sharing their stories, YouTube and UNHCR hope to promote empathy, understanding, and compassion towards refugees.

Films from different regions will be featured: The short film series will showcase stories from various parts of the world, highlighting the diverse experiences of refugees. From Uganda to Greece, the films will provide a glimpse into the lives of individuals who have had to leave everything behind in search of safety and a better future.

YouTube as a powerful platform for raising awareness: YouTube’s immense reach and popularity make it an ideal platform for spreading messages and raising awareness about important issues. Through this collaboration with UNHCR, YouTube aims to leverage its influence to bring the stories of refugees to a global audience and inspire viewers to take action.

A call to action: Alongside the release of the film series, YouTube and UNHCR will also provide opportunities for viewers to get involved and support refugees. This may include promoting donation campaigns, volunteer initiatives, or encouraging viewers to engage in advocacy efforts.

In conclusion, the collaboration between YouTube and UNHCR to launch a short film series is a powerful initiative to raise awareness about the experiences of refugees around the world. Through storytelling and the use of YouTube’s platform, these films aim to inspire empathy, understanding, and action in order to create a more welcoming and supportive world for refugees.

YouTube and UNHCR collaborate on short film series

The video-sharing platform YouTube and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) have joined forces to create a series of short films highlighting the experiences of refugees around the world. This collaboration aims to raise awareness and promote empathy towards the plight of refugees.

The first film in the series focuses on the refugee crisis in Uganda, a country that hosts one of the largest refugee populations in the world. The film explores the challenges faced by refugees, their resilience, and the efforts of UNHCR and other organizations to support them.

Through this partnership, YouTube and UNHCR seek to use the power of storytelling to shed light on the lives of refugees and the urgent need for support. The series aims to humanize refugees and challenge common misconceptions, fostering a more inclusive and understanding society.

In addition to creating the film series, YouTube and UNHCR will also launch a campaign to encourage viewers to take action and support refugees. This could include donating to UNHCR, volunteering, or advocating for better policies and resources for refugees.

Overall, this collaboration between YouTube and UNHCR marks an important step towards breaking down barriers and building a more compassionate and connected world. By sharing the stories of refugees, this film series aims to inspire viewers to take action and contribute to positive change.

YouTube and UNHCR present inspiring short films

In collaboration with YouTube, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has launched a series of inspiring short films aimed at raising awareness about the refugee crisis and sharing their stories. These films, which can be found on YouTube, highlight the resilience and courage of refugees around the world.

The series, titled “Visions of a World Shared”, features short films from various countries such as Uganda, Greece, and others. Each film explores a different aspect of the refugee experience, from the challenges they face to their hopes and dreams for the future.

The films were created with the goal of fostering empathy and understanding among viewers, and shedding light on the experiences of refugees. By sharing these stories through the powerful medium of film, YouTube and UNHCR hope to inspire individuals and communities to take action and support refugees in their own ways.

By partnering with YouTube, UNHCR was able to reach a wide global audience and amplify the voices of refugees. The platform’s extensive reach and engagement make it an ideal medium to showcase these films and create a dialogue about the refugee crisis.

As World Refugee Day approaches, YouTube and UNHCR are working together to mark the occasion by shining a spotlight on the stories of refugees. Through this collaboration, they hope to raise awareness, promote empathy, and inspire positive change for refugees worldwide.

YouTube and UNHCR release powerful short films

YouTube and UNHCR have joined forces to release a series of powerful short films that aim to raise awareness about the refugee crisis around the world. These films, which were shared on YouTube, seek to mark World Refugee Day and shed light on the experiences and struggles of refugees in different parts of the world.

The collaboration between YouTube and UNHCR aims to use the power of film and storytelling to highlight the challenges faced by refugees and the urgent need for support and understanding. Through these short films, viewers are given a glimpse into the lives of refugees and the situations they face every day.

One of the films, titled “Visiting Uganda: Welcoming Refugees with Food and Hope”, takes viewers to Uganda, where UNHCR and local communities are working together to provide food and resources to refugees. The film showcases the efforts made to create safe and welcoming spaces for refugees and the impact that this support has on their lives.

These powerful films aim to humanize the refugee crisis and inspire viewers to take action and stand in solidarity with refugees around the world. They highlight the resilience and strength of refugees and the importance of providing them with the support and opportunities they need to rebuild their lives.

YouTube and UNHCR showcase impactful short films

YouTube and UNHCR have collaborated to launch a series of impactful short films, marking World Refugee Day.

The short films were shared on YouTube to raise awareness about the challenges and stories of refugees around the world. The films were created by a diverse group of filmmakers who sought to capture the resilience and strength of refugees.

The films cover a range of topics, from the experiences of refugees seeking food and shelter to their journey towards finding a new home. Each film showcases a unique story, highlighting the individuality of refugees and their hopes for a better future.

One of the films in the series, titled “Visit Greece”, follows a group of refugees who were granted temporary shelter in Greece. The film documents their daily lives and the challenges they face, while also highlighting the efforts of organizations, such as UNHCR, to provide support and assistance.

The collaboration between YouTube and UNHCR aims to raise awareness and empathy towards refugees around the world. Through these impactful short films, they hope to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions about refugees and inspire viewers to take action and make a difference.

YouTube and UNHCR unveil moving short film series

YouTube and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, have collaborated to launch a powerful short film series that seeks to mark World Refugee Day and shine a spotlight on the stories of refugees from around the world. The series, titled “Visit Greece”, aims to raise awareness and support for refugees who have sought shelter in Greece.

The short films, shared on YouTube, depict the experiences of refugees living in Greece and highlight the challenges they face, such as access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. Through these films, YouTube and UNHCR hope to humanize the refugee experience and encourage viewers to take action and show solidarity with refugees.

To create the series, YouTube and UNHCR visited refugee camps in Greece and conducted interviews with refugees from various countries, including Syria, Afghanistan, and Congo. The films showcase the resilience and strength of these individuals, highlighting their hopes, dreams, and aspirations for a better future.

One of the films in the series focuses on a refugee family from Uganda who were forced to flee their home due to violence and persecution. It highlights their journey to Greece and their efforts to rebuild their lives in a new country. The film also sheds light on the challenges of accessing basic necessities such as food and clean water in the camp.

The “Visit Greece” series on YouTube aims to raise awareness about the plight of refugees and encourage viewers to support UNHCR’s work in providing assistance to refugees worldwide. Through these films, YouTube and UNHCR hope to inspire empathy, understanding, and action to create a more inclusive and compassionate world for refugees.


What is the collaboration between YouTube and UNHCR for World Refugee Day?

The collaboration between YouTube and UNHCR for World Refugee Day is a joint effort to raise awareness about the plight of refugees and to promote understanding and empathy among viewers.

What is the purpose of the short film series launched by YouTube and UNHCR?

The purpose of the short film series launched by YouTube and UNHCR is to shed light on the experiences of refugees and to humanize their stories. The series aims to challenge stereotypes and foster empathy and compassion.

How is YouTube and UNHCR collaborating for World Refugee Day?

YouTube and UNHCR are collaborating for World Refugee Day by launching a short film series that highlights the stories of refugees in Greece. The films will be featured on a dedicated YouTube channel and shared across social media platforms to reach a wider audience.

Why did YouTube and UNHCR choose Greece for the short film series?

YouTube and UNHCR chose Greece for the short film series because it is one of the main entry points for refugees entering Europe. The country has faced significant challenges in managing the influx of refugees and the series aims to showcase the realities and resilience of these individuals.

What is the goal of the collaboration between YouTube and UNHCR?

The goal of the collaboration between YouTube and UNHCR is to amplify the voices of refugees and to encourage a more inclusive and understanding society. By sharing their stories through the short film series, the collaboration aims to create greater awareness and empathy towards refugees.

How will the short film series be promoted?

The short film series will be promoted through a dedicated YouTube channel and will be shared across various social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. YouTube and UNHCR will also collaborate with influencers and organizations to spread the message and encourage viewership.


We asked young refugees living in Greece their favourite things | UNICEF

We asked young refugees living in Greece their favourite things | UNICEF by UNICEF 5 years ago 1 minute, 49 seconds 5,289 views

How to Volunteer Abroad (For Free!) | Teaching English in a Refugee Camp in Greece

How to Volunteer Abroad (For Free!) | Teaching English in a Refugee Camp in Greece by Girl vs Globe 3 years ago 8 minutes, 12 seconds 59,185 views

Drone video shows migrants’ arrival – BBC News

Drone video shows migrants’ arrival – BBC News by BBC News 7 years ago 4 minutes, 28 seconds 2,303,528 views



  1. What impact do these short films have in raising awareness and support for refugees in Greece? How can viewers contribute to helping refugees after watching these stories?

    • These short films play a crucial role in increasing awareness and rallying support for refugees in Greece. By sharing the stories of resilience and determination, viewers are empowered to understand the challenges faced by refugees and take action to make a difference. After watching these films, viewers can contribute by donating to organizations providing aid to refugees, volunteering with local refugee support groups, or simply spreading awareness on social media to encourage others to get involved.

  2. I believe it’s truly admirable how YouTube and UNHCR are using their influence to shed light on the experiences of refugees in Greece. By sharing these stories of resilience and determination, they are sparking much-needed awareness and compassion for those who have been forced to flee their homes.

  3. JenniferSmith23 on

    Are there any plans to extend the short film series to cover refugee stories from other countries besides Greece?

    • GraceMiller89 on

      Yes, there are plans to expand the short film series to include refugee stories from various countries in the future. YouTube and UNHCR are committed to showcasing a diverse range of refugee experiences to raise awareness and promote support globally.

  4. As an avid YouTube viewer, I appreciate the collaboration between YouTube and UNHCR to showcase the real stories of refugees in Greece. It’s heartwarming to see the resilience and determination of those who have had to flee their homes. This initiative not only raises awareness but also prompts action and support for those in need.

  5. Are there any specific initiatives planned to provide direct support to the refugees featured in the films? It would be great to learn more about the actionable impact of this collaboration.

    • There are indeed concrete initiatives in place to offer direct support to the refugees showcased in the films. Through partnerships with local NGOs and international aid organizations, YouTube and UNHCR have implemented various projects to provide essential aid, healthcare, education, and livelihood opportunities to those in need. The aim is not just to raise awareness but to actively make a difference in the lives of refugees by offering tangible support and opportunities for a better future.

  6. Jennifer_1985 on

    How can I watch the short film series highlighting the experiences of refugees in Greece on YouTube? Is it available with English subtitles?

    • Hi Jennifer_1985! To watch the short film series on YouTube about refugees in Greece, you can simply search for it on YouTube’s official channel. The series is usually available with English subtitles, making it accessible to a wider audience. It’s a great initiative to raise awareness about the refugee crisis and showcase their incredible resilience!

    • Refugees in Greece face various challenges, including language barriers, cultural differences, and uncertain legal status. However, they are overcoming these obstacles with resilience, community support, and a strong determination to rebuild their lives.

  7. What a touching initiative by YouTube and UNHCR! It’s heartwarming to see such powerful collaboration in shedding light on the lives of refugees in Greece. These stories truly showcase the resilience and strength of individuals forced to flee their homes. Kudos to both organizations for using their platforms to raise awareness and inspire action.

  8. As an avid viewer of YouTube, I truly appreciate the collaboration with UNHCR to shed light on the experiences of refugees in Greece. It’s heartwarming to see these stories of resilience and hope being shared, inspiring us to stand in solidarity with those in need.

  9. It’s heartwarming to see YouTube and UNHCR collaborating to share these powerful stories of resilience and hope from refugees in Greece. Such initiatives are crucial in raising awareness and promoting support for those forced to flee their homes. Kudos to both organizations for shedding light on this important issue.

  10. I believe that collaborations like this between YouTube and the UNHCR are crucial in raising awareness about the refugee crisis. By sharing the stories of refugees in Greece and other countries, we can inspire empathy and support for those who have had to flee their homes. It’s heartening to see platforms like YouTube being used for such impactful initiatives, and I hope more people will be motivated to take action after watching these films.

  11. Are the short films available with subtitles for non-English speakers? I’d love to watch and understand the stories better.

    • Yes, the short films come with subtitles in multiple languages, including English. You can easily switch to the language of your preference to fully enjoy and comprehend the powerful stories being shared. Happy watching!

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