Planning a winter vacation to Greece? Want to know what the weather is like in February? Look no further! In this guide, we will explore the best places to visit in Greece during the winter months, the average temperatures and rainfall, and the seasonal tourist sites you can explore.

Greece, with its rich cultural heritage and stunning landscapes, is a popular tourist destination throughout the year. But what about visiting in February? While the weather may be cooler compared to the summer months, there are still plenty of things to see and do.

If you are a nature enthusiast, you will be pleased to know that February is the time when the Greek islands are less crowded, allowing you to explore them at your own pace. With average daily temperatures between 10-15°C (50-59°F) and less rainfall compared to earlier in the winter season, it is an ideal time to visit places like Rhodes, Monemvasia, and further explore the Greek islands.

One of the FAQ’s when visiting Greece in February is whether the tourist sites are open. The good news is that most sites are open, but it’s important to check the opening times and admission fees in advance, as they may differ from the busy summer season. So, make sure to plan your itinerary accordingly and take advantage of the fewer crowds.

Explore the Best Places to Visit in Greece in February

When it comes to visiting Greece in February, there are a few key factors to consider. Firstly, the weather in Greece during the winter months can vary greatly from the summer season. February is considered to be part of the winter season, with average temperatures ranging between 7°C (45°F) and 14°C (57°F). Additionally, rainfall is higher during this time, with the total rainfall being around 70mm.

If you’re planning to visit Greece in February, it’s important to know the different regions where you can enjoy your vacation. One of the most popular destinations is the Greek islands, particularly the warmer ones like Rhodes. Rhodes has a milder climate compared to the mainland, making it an ideal option for winter holidays. Another great destination is Monemvasia, a charming island with historical sites and beautiful landscapes.

It’s worth noting that some tourist sites may have limited opening hours or be closed during the winter months, so it’s advisable to check in advance what attractions will be available during your visit. If you’re visiting the Greek islands, you’ll find that they have a milder climate compared to the mainland, with daily temperatures averaging between 10°C (50°F) and 15°C (59°F). This makes them a great option for exploring during February.

One of the biggest advantages of visiting Greece in February is that you’ll avoid the crowds that typically flock to the country during the hotter summer months. This means that you can explore popular tourist sites without the long queues and enjoy a more peaceful and relaxed vacation experience.

If you’re wondering what to expect in terms of weather and seasonal temperatures in Greece during February, it’s important to keep in mind that the weather can be unpredictable. While some days may be warmer and sunnier, others may be cooler and wetter. It’s always a good idea to check the weather forecast before your trip and pack accordingly.

Weather, Rainfall, and Temperatures

When planning your vacation to Greece in February, it is important to be aware of the weather, rainfall, and temperatures you can expect during this time of year. While Greece is known for its sunny and hot summers, the winter season brings a different climate to the country.

The average temperatures in Greece during winter range between 8 to 15 degrees Celsius, with the coldest temperatures being experienced in the northern regions. However, the islands, which are popular tourist destinations, tend to have milder temperatures in February compared to the mainland.

As for rainfall, Greece experiences a seasonal variation in total rainfall throughout the year. In February, you can expect some rainy days, especially in northern Greece. The weather on the islands, such as Rhodes and Monemvasia, tends to be drier during this month.

If you’re visiting Greece in February, it’s important to pack accordingly. Make sure to bring warm clothing, including a jacket, sweaters, and layers, as the temperatures can be chilly, especially in the evenings. Additionally, it’s a good idea to check the weather forecast before your trip to have a better idea of what to expect.

It’s worth noting that some tourist sites and attractions may have limited opening hours or admission during the winter season. It’s a good idea to check ahead of time and plan your itinerary accordingly. There may also be certain activities and events happening during this time, so consider checking local guides and tourism websites for more information.

In conclusion, while Greece may not be the hottest vacation spot during February, there are still plenty of reasons to visit. Whether you’re interested in exploring historical sites, enjoying the natural beauty of the islands, or simply experiencing the winter season in Greece, there is something for everyone. Just be prepared for cooler temperatures and possible rainfall, and you’re sure to have a memorable trip.

Greece in February Weather and What to Do

If you’re planning a vacation to Greece in February, it’s important to know what kind of weather to expect and what activities are available. The weather in Greece during February is typically cool and rainy, with average temperatures between 9°C (48°F) and 15°C (59°F). However, the temperatures can vary throughout the country, with the islands being slightly warmer than mainland Greece. Rhodes and Monemvasia, for example, often have higher temperatures during this time of year.

Despite the cooler temperatures, Greece still has a lot to offer visitors in February. Many tourist sites and attractions are open year-round, although some may have reduced hours or fewer visitors during the winter months. You can still explore the historical sites, museums, and archaeological sites, but it’s a good idea to check their opening times beforehand. It’s also a great time to visit the Greek islands, as they are less crowded and you can have a more authentic experience of island life.

If you’re wondering what activities you can do during your visit to Greece in February, there are plenty of options. You can take a tour of the ancient ruins, indulge in delicious Greek cuisine, explore the picturesque villages, or simply relax on the beaches (although swimming might not be an option due to the cooler temperatures). Additionally, Greece is known for its vibrant carnival celebrations in February, so you can experience the local traditions and festivities during this time of year.

When it comes to packing for your trip to Greece in February, it’s important to be prepared for both cooler and rainy weather. Bring layers of clothing, including sweaters and jackets, as well as waterproof boots and an umbrella. It’s also a good idea to check the weather forecast before your trip, as the temperatures and rainfall can vary from day to day.

In summary, Greece in February offers a unique opportunity to explore the country without the crowds of the summer months. While the temperatures may be cooler and there may be some rain, there are still plenty of activities to enjoy and sights to see. Just be sure to pack accordingly and plan your itinerary in advance to make the most of your winter vacation in Greece.

Weather in Greece in February

When planning a visit to Greece in February, it is important to be aware of the weather conditions you can expect during this time. The Greek islands have a different climate than mainland Greece, so it is good to know what to expect if you plan to visit the islands.

In February, the weather in Greece is generally mild, with temperatures ranging from around 10 to 15 degrees Celsius (50 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit). However, the temperature can drop further during the winter months, especially in the northern parts of the country.

As for rainfall, February is considered to be a relatively wet month in Greece. You can expect a total of around 9 days of rain on average, with the rain being more frequent in the northern regions of the country. However, the exact amount of rainfall can vary between the different islands and regions in Greece.

One of the hottest islands in Greece during February is Rhodes. The average daily temperatures on this island can reach up to 16 degrees Celsius (61 degrees Fahrenheit), making it a popular destination for winter vacations. However, it is important to note that the weather can still be unpredictable, with occasional cooler and rainy days.

If you’re planning to visit Greece in February, it is recommended to bring layers of clothing and a waterproof jacket to prepare for the changing weather conditions. It is also a good idea to check the weather forecast before your trip and pack accordingly.

Rainfall and Temperatures

When planning a trip to Greece in February, it’s important to consider the rainfall and temperatures that you may encounter during your visit. The weather in Greece can vary across different parts of the country, so knowing what to expect can help you better prepare for your vacation.

The Greek islands, such as Rhodes and Monemvasia, tend to have milder winters compared to the mainland. The average temperatures in these islands during February range between 10°C (50°F) to 15°C (59°F), making them popular destinations for those seeking a winter getaway. However, it’s important to note that the weather can still be unpredictable, and rainfall is common during this time of the year.

On the mainland, the temperatures in Greece can be slightly cooler, especially in the northern parts of the country. The average temperatures in cities like Athens and Thessaloniki range between 8°C (46°F) to 13°C (55°F) in February. While the rainfall is not as high as in earlier months, it’s still advisable to pack an umbrella and waterproof clothing.

It’s also worth mentioning that the Greek islands and the mainland can have different weather patterns and rainfall totals during February. For example, Rhodes Island typically has a total of 8 rainy days in February, while Athens experiences around 12 rainy days. So, if you’re planning to visit various locations in Greece, be prepared for different weather conditions depending on where you are.

If you’re a tourist visiting Greece in February, it’s essential to check the weather forecast regularly and pack accordingly. While the weather may not be as hot as during the summer months, you can still enjoy exploring sites and attractions, albeit with fewer crowds. Many tourist sites remain open during the winter season, although some may have shorter opening hours. Just make sure to check the opening times in advance and plan your itinerary accordingly.

Whether you’re seeking a winter vacation or an off-season visit to Greece, understanding the rainfall and temperatures can help you make the most of your trip. So, be prepared for some rain, but also expect milder temperatures compared to other European destinations.

Can you visit the Greek islands in February?

Can you visit the Greek islands in February?

If you’re wondering whether you can visit the Greek islands in February, the answer is yes! Although the weather may not be as warm as in the summer months, there are still plenty of reasons to explore these stunning destinations during the winter season.

What to expect: In February, the average daily temperatures in the Greek islands range between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius, with a total of 8 to 10 rainy days. While the weather can be unpredictable, you can still enjoy milder temperatures compared to Northern Europe.

Winter activities: Visiting the Greek islands in February gives you the opportunity to explore the islands in a different way. While some tourist sites may have limited admission or seasonal closures, you can still enjoy the peaceful ambiance and immerse yourself in the local culture.

Popular islands: Some of the Greek islands that are more accessible during the winter months include Rhodes, Crete, Santorini, and Zakynthos. These islands have a range of activities and attractions to offer, such as historical sites, stunning landscapes, and traditional villages.

Further information: It’s always a good idea to check with reliable sources, such as travel guides or tourism websites, to find out more about visiting the Greek islands in February. They can provide you with detailed information on specific destinations, ferry schedules, and any special events or festivals that may be happening during your visit.

Greece in February FAQS

Weather in Greece in February: During the winter months, including February, Greece experiences cooler temperatures and occasional rainfall. The average temperature in Greece during February is around 10-15 degrees Celsius (50-59 degrees Fahrenheit). It is important to note that these are daily temperatures and there can be variations between different regions and islands in Greece.

What to expect when visiting Greece in February: During this season, Greece is less crowded with tourist, making it a great time to explore the popular tourist sites without the usual crowds. Some of the Greek islands, such as Rhodes, have a milder winter climate, which makes them more suitable for visiting during February. The cooler temperatures and occasional rainfall also provide a more tranquil and peaceful experience.

Activities and attractions in Greece in February: While some tourist sites may have reduced operating hours or limited admission during the winter season, there are still plenty of activities and attractions to enjoy in Greece in February. You can explore ancient Greek sites, such as the Acropolis in Athens or the ancient city of Monemvasia. You can also visit the Greek islands and enjoy the beautiful coastal scenery, even though swimming and beach activities may not be suitable due to the cooler temperatures.

What to pack for a trip to Greece in February: When visiting Greece in February, it is important to pack for cooler temperatures and occasional rainfall. Bring layered clothing to adjust to different temperatures throughout the day, as well as a waterproof jacket or umbrella for any potential rainfall. Comfortable walking shoes are also recommended for exploring the tourist sites and the island landscapes.

Further information about visiting Greece in February: If you want to know more about visiting Greece in February or any other travel-related information, it is recommended to consult a reliable travel guide or website that specializes in Greek tourism. They can provide you with detailed FAQs, information on specific attractions, transportation options, and more.

Do Tourist Sites Have Different Winter Admission Times?

Do Tourist Sites Have Different Winter Admission Times?

When planning a visit to tourist sites in Greece during the winter months, it is important to know if these sites have different admission times compared to the summer season. Many tourist sites in Greece do have different winter admission times, so it is essential to check the specific opening hours before visiting. The information regarding winter admission times can usually be found on the official websites of the tourist sites or through reliable sources such as travel guides.

For example, popular tourist sites like the Acropolis in Athens or the Palace of Knossos in Crete may have shorter opening hours during the winter season. It is also worth noting that some smaller attractions or museums on the Greek islands may have limited opening hours or may even be closed during the winter months.

If you are planning to visit the Greek islands in winter, it is advisable to check the admission times and availability of tourist sites in advance. The weather and temperatures during the winter months in the Greek islands can vary, with some islands experiencing milder weather and others being colder. It is important to plan accordingly and dress appropriately for the weather conditions.

Additionally, it is essential to keep in mind that the offseason in Greece is between November and March, and some tourist sites may undergo renovations or restoration work during this time. Therefore, it is always advisable to check the official websites or contact the tourist sites directly to ensure they are open and available for visiting during your planned vacation.

Overall, while some tourist sites may have different winter admission times in Greece, it is still possible to explore and enjoy the beauty and history of the country during the offseason. By doing some research and planning ahead, you can find the best places to visit and make the most of your winter holidays in Greece.

Which is the hottest Greek island in February?

When it comes to winter vacations in Greece, some people might wonder which is the hottest Greek island in February. While the weather and temperatures can vary between the different islands during this time of year, one of the warmest destinations is Rhodes.

Located in the southeastern part of Greece, Rhodes enjoys a relatively mild winter season compared to other Greek islands. With average temperatures ranging between 14-17 degrees Celsius (57-63 degrees Fahrenheit) and around 7 rainy days in February, Rhodes offers a great option for those seeking a winter escape.

Being one of the most popular tourist destinations in Greece, Rhodes has plenty to offer visitors even during the winter months. From exploring historical sites like the medieval town of Rhodes to relaxing on beautiful beaches, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

If you’re planning to visit Rhodes in February, it’s good to know that some tourist sites may have limited opening hours or may be closed for refurbishment. However, many attractions, including the ancient city of Kamiros and the Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights, remain open with reduced daily admission fees.

So, if you’re looking for a Greek island with warmer weather and plenty of things to see and do during the winter holidays, Rhodes is a great choice.

Greece Weather in February

When it comes to the weather in Greece in February, you can expect winter temperatures and some rainfall. The average temperatures range between 10°C (50°F) and 16°C (61°F) throughout the country. However, there are variations in temperature depending on the region you visit.

In the Greek islands, such as Rhodes, the temperatures can be slightly higher compared to the mainland, with average highs of around 15°C (59°F) and lows of 10°C (50°F). The island’s location in the southeastern Aegean Sea allows it to have milder winters compared to other parts of Greece.

If you’re planning to visit Greece in February, it’s important to know that the weather can be unpredictable. You may experience both sunny and rainy days during your vacation. It’s a good idea to pack layers and bring both a raincoat and some sunscreen.

What to Expect

During the winter months, Greece experiences fewer tourists compared to the peak summer season, making it a great time to explore the country’s popular tourist sites. Although some tourist attractions may have reduced opening times or limited admission during the winter months, the main historical sites and museums are usually open.

The Greek islands, such as Rhodes and Monemvasia, have a more seasonal tourist economy, so you may find that some businesses and restaurants are closed or have reduced hours during the winter months. However, you can still enjoy the charm of these islands with fewer crowds and a more relaxed atmosphere.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the average weather and rainfall in Greece in February?

The average temperatures range between 10°C (50°F) and 16°C (61°F) with some rainfall throughout the country.

2. Can you visit the Greek islands in February?

Yes, you can visit the Greek islands in February. However, it’s important to note that some businesses and restaurants may have reduced hours during this time.

3. What are the hottest places to visit in Greece in February?

The hottest places to visit in Greece in February are typically the southern islands, such as Rhodes and Monemvasia.

4. What can you do in Greece in February?

In February, you can explore the main tourist sites, visit historical landmarks, enjoy traditional Greek cuisine, and experience the local culture.

5. Is February a good time to visit Greece?

February can be a great time to visit Greece if you prefer a quieter and more relaxed travel experience. The weather may be cooler, but you can still enjoy the country’s beauty and charm.


What is the weather like in Greece in February?

In February, the weather in Greece is typically mild, with temperatures ranging from 10 to 16 degrees Celsius. It can be quite rainy during this month, so it’s advisable to pack an umbrella or raincoat.

Can you visit the Greek islands in February?

Yes, you can visit the Greek islands in February. While the weather may not be as warm as during the summer months, it can still be a great time to explore the islands without the crowds. You may need to check the ferry schedules, as they may be less frequent during this time of year.

What are some popular tourist sites in Greece that you can visit in February?

Many popular tourist sites in Greece remain open during the winter months, but some may have different winter admission times. It’s always best to check ahead before planning your visit. Some popular sites you can visit in February include the Acropolis in Athens, the Palace of Knossos in Crete, and the ancient city of Delphi.

Which is the hottest Greek island in February?

In February, the temperatures in Greece can vary, but some of the hottest Greek islands during this month are usually Rhodes and Crete. These islands have a more mild winter climate compared to some of the other islands.

What activities can you do in Greece in February?

In February, you can still enjoy various activities in Greece. Some popular options include exploring the ancient ruins, hiking in the countryside, visiting museums and art galleries, and indulging in the local cuisine. Additionally, this is a great time to experience traditional Greek festivals and celebrations.

What is the average rainfall in Greece in February?

In February, Greece experiences an average rainfall of around 60-80mm. The amount of rainfall can vary depending on the region. It’s always a good idea to pack some waterproof clothing or an umbrella, especially if you plan on spending a lot of time outdoors.



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  1. AdventurousTraveler123 on

    I visited Greece in February last year and it was absolutely amazing! The weather was cool but not too cold, and there were fewer tourists which made it more enjoyable to explore the Greek islands. I highly recommend visiting Rhodes and Monemvasia during this time of year, as the temperatures are pleasant and the landscapes are beautiful.

    • Yes, there are several winter festivals and events happening in Greece in February. One of the most famous ones is the Patras Carnival, where you can experience colorful parades, traditional music, and dance performances. Another popular event is the Clean Monday, which marks the beginning of Lent and is celebrated with kite flying and delicious picnics. Additionally, you can also attend the International Kalamata Dance Festival or the Thessaloniki International Film Festival. There’s always something exciting happening in Greece during the winter months!

  2. It’s great to know that February is a less crowded time to visit the Greek islands. The mild temperatures and lower rainfall make it perfect for exploring nature and taking in the stunning landscapes. I can’t wait to plan my winter vacation to Greece!

    • Absolutely! Greece hosts various cultural festivals and events in February. From traditional music festivals to colorful parades, you can immerse yourself in the rich Greek culture during this month. Don’t miss the chance to experience unique celebrations that showcase the country’s vibrant traditions!

  3. Wow, I never knew Greece could be such a wonderful place to explore in February! The weather seems perfect for sightseeing and the fact that the Greek islands are less crowded is definitely a big plus. Can’t wait to plan my winter vacation there!

  4. WanderlustTraveler on

    Wow, I had no idea Greece could be so beautiful in February! I love exploring nature and the idea of visiting the Greek islands when they’re less crowded sounds amazing. Can’t wait to plan my winter vacation there!

  5. As a nature lover, I think visiting the Greek islands in February is a fantastic idea. The lower temperatures and lesser crowds make it a perfect time to explore at a relaxed pace and truly enjoy the stunning landscapes.

  6. Alexandra_89 on

    As someone who loves experiencing nature without the crowds, I find February to be the perfect time to visit Greece. The milder temperatures and lower rainfall make it ideal for exploring the Greek islands up close and personal. Can’t wait to plan my trip!

    • AlexandraDavis_89 on

      Yes, EmmaJohnson23! While visiting Greece in February, you can enjoy various winter activities such as hiking in the picturesque mountains, exploring ancient ruins, tasting traditional Greek winter dishes, and attending local cultural events. Don’t forget to pack some layers to stay warm and comfortable during your adventures!

    • Yes, there are plenty of winter activities to enjoy in Greece during February! You can go skiing in the mountains, visit traditional villages, attend cultural events, or simply explore the scenic landscapes. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the winter charm of Greece!

  7. EmilyTraveler on

    As a frequent traveler, I believe visiting Greece in February offers a unique experience away from the summer crowds. The cooler weather allows for comfortable exploration of the stunning Greek islands, and the lower rainfall makes it an ideal time to discover hidden gems. I highly recommend exploring Rhodes and Monemvasia during this month for a more authentic Greek adventure.

  8. As a nature lover, I think February is the perfect time to explore the Greek islands. The less crowded atmosphere allows for a more peaceful experience, and the milder temperatures make it enjoyable for outdoor activities.

  9. EmmaLovesTraveling on

    Are the tourist sites in Greece open during February? What are some recommended activities to do in Greece during this time?

    • TravelerJane123 on

      Yes, tourist sites in Greece are usually open during February, but it’s recommended to check their winter schedules as some may have reduced hours. As for activities, you can explore ancient ruins in Athens, enjoy hiking in the mountainous regions, or take a wine tasting tour in the Peloponnese. Greece offers a variety of experiences even in the winter months!

    • AlexanderSmith on

      Yes, there are various winter activities you can enjoy on the Greek islands in February. From hiking and exploring ancient ruins to tasting local cuisine and experiencing traditional festivals, the islands offer a unique winter experience for visitors seeking a different side of Greece during this season. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the breathtaking landscapes and immerse yourself in the rich culture of the Greek islands in February!

  10. As an avid traveler, I believe that visiting Greece in February can be a wonderful experience. The cooler weather and fewer crowds allow for a more peaceful exploration of the beautiful Greek islands. It’s a great time to immerse yourself in the rich culture and stunning landscapes that Greece has to offer.

  11. Exploring Greece in February is a great idea! The cooler weather allows for a more peaceful experience while discovering the beauty of the Greek islands. With fewer crowds and pleasant temperatures, it’s the perfect time for nature lovers to immerse themselves in the stunning landscapes of Greece.

    • AlexisSmith on

      Yes, there are several winter events and festivals happening in Greece in February. From the Patras Carnival to the International Film Festival in Thessaloniki, you can immerse yourself in the rich cultural experiences that Greece has to offer during this month. Make sure to check the event calendars of different cities to plan your visit accordingly!

  12. Emily_Traveler on

    As an avid traveler, I believe February is a perfect time to explore Greece! With milder temperatures and fewer crowds, it allows for a more intimate experience while discovering the beauty of the Greek islands. It’s an ideal opportunity to delve into the rich cultural heritage and stunning landscapes that Greece has to offer.

  13. SophiaSmith on

    As a travel enthusiast, I believe visiting Greece in February offers a unique experience with its cooler weather, fewer crowds, and ideal conditions for exploring the stunning Greek islands. It’s a great opportunity to immerse oneself in the rich culture and landscapes this beautiful country has to offer.

  14. I believe exploring Greece in February can be a unique experience. The cooler weather allows for a less crowded visit, providing an opportunity to discover the Greek islands at a comfortable pace. With lower rainfall and average temperatures between 10-15°C (50-59°F), it sounds like the perfect time to explore the rich cultural heritage and stunning landscapes of Greece.

  15. AlexandraTravels on

    As a frequent traveler to Greece, I can attest that visiting in February offers a unique experience. The cooler weather allows for more comfortable exploration of the Greek islands, and the reduced crowds create a peaceful atmosphere for nature lovers like me. I highly recommend exploring the stunning landscapes of Rhodes and Monemvasia during this time of the year.

  16. AnastasiaAnderson on

    If you are a nature enthusiast, you will be pleased to know that February is the time when the Greek islands are less crowded, allowing you to explore them at your own pace. With average daily temperatures between 10-15°C (50-59°F) and less rainfall compared to earlier in the winter season, it is an ideal time to visit places like Rhodes, Monemvasia, and further explore the Greek islands.

  17. As a traveler who loves exploring off-season destinations, visiting Greece in February sounds like a fantastic idea. The milder weather and fewer crowds would make it a perfect time to discover the beauty of the Greek islands at a more relaxed pace.

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