Greece, known for its stunning islands and rich history, has long been a popular tourist destination. The country attracts millions of visitors each year, with the islands of Santorini, Mykonos, and Tinos being some of the most popular. According to data from the UNWTO, Greece had a yearly average of around 30 million tourists prior to the pandemic.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted Greece’s tourism industry. The number of visitor arrivals dropped significantly, leaving many businesses and locals in the tourism sector struggling to survive. In response, the Greek government, led by Minister of Tourism Harry Theoharis, has implemented a strategy to promote post-COVID tourism and attract more visitors to the country.

The strategy involves promoting Greece as a safe and welcoming destination for travelers. The government has launched a campaign that highlights the country’s coastal and island regions, emphasizing the natural beauty and cultural heritage that Greece has to offer. The campaign also focuses on the small and lesser-known islands, such as Tinos, which have the potential to attract visitors looking for a more authentic and less crowded experience.

One of the main goals of the post-COVID tourism strategy is to increase visitor arrivals from European countries. Greece is aiming to tap into the European market, as European tourists make up the majority of visitors to Greece. The government plans to establish partnerships with tour operators and travel agencies in Europe to promote Greece as a top travel destination.

Additionally, the Greek government is working on promoting sustainable and eco-friendly tourism practices. They are encouraging tourists to explore the lesser-known regions of Greece, spreading the tourism impact across the country and reducing overcrowding in popular tourist spots. By doing so, Greece hopes to create a more balanced and sustainable tourism industry.

In conclusion, Greece is actively promoting post-COVID tourism and is implementing various strategies to attract visitors back to the country. With its stunning islands, rich history, and warm Mediterranean climate, Greece has a lot to offer tourists. By focusing on the smaller islands, promoting sustainable practices, and targeting European markets, Greece aims to revive its tourism industry and welcome back travelers from around the world.


Greece is a popular tourist destination, with millions of people visiting the country yearly. According to the Greek Tourism Minister Haris Theoharis, the country welcomed most of its tourists from Europe. In a comparison of visitor arrivals by country, Greece has seen a significant increase in tourism, particularly from countries like Germany, the UK, and France.

One of the most famous attractions in Greece is the Greek islands, with Santorini and Mykonos being the most visited. These islands are known for their beautiful beaches, stunning landscapes, and vibrant nightlife. Tourists can enjoy exploring the coastal regions, visiting historical sites, and indulging in the delicious Greek cuisine.

In a post-Covid tourism strategy, the Greek government aims to promote the lesser-known islands of the country. Health Minister Vassilis Kikilias promotes a “smaller islands” strategy, encouraging tourists to explore islands like Tinos. These smaller islands offer a more tranquil and peaceful experience compared to the crowded tourist hotspots.

Before the pandemic, Greece was known for its thriving tourism industry, with the country attracting millions of tourists each year. However, the Covid-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the tourism sector, leading to a decrease in visitor arrivals and hotel bookings.

As Greece seeks to recover its tourism industry, the government has implemented various post-Covid promotions and safety measures. The country aims to attract tourists by implementing health protocols, promoting the incredible natural beauty of the Greek islands, and offering attractive travel packages.

The Greek islands are not only popular among foreign tourists but also among domestic travelers. Many Greeks choose to spend their vacations exploring the stunning islands within the country. In terms of visitor numbers, the Greek islands rank among the top destinations within Greece.

According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Greece is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Mediterranean region. The country offers a rich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes, and warm hospitality. With more than 3,000 islands to choose from, there is something for every type of traveler in Greece.

Visitor Arrivals by Country Comparison

When it comes to visitor arrivals in Greece, some countries take the lead while others follow closely behind. According to the UNWTO, the most tourists to Greece in 2019 came from Germany, followed by the United Kingdom, Romania, and France. These four countries provided the highest number of travelers to the Greek region, with Germany being the top contributor.

At the same time, Greece attracts visitors from all over the world, thanks to its rich history, stunning islands, and vibrant culture. Greek islands, such as Mykonos, Santorini, and Tinos, are particularly popular among tourists. These small coastal paradises offer a unique experience that is hard to find elsewhere.

In the post-Covid era, Greece is focusing on promoting its tourist attractions to a wider audience. Greek Minister of Tourism, Haris Theoharis, is pushing a strategy that emphasizes the country’s safety measures and its ability to offer a memorable vacation despite the pandemic. The Greek government promotes the idea that Greece is a safe and beautiful destination, encouraging travelers from all over Europe and other regions to visit the country once again.

While the larger islands like Mykonos and Santorini still remain popular choices, Greece is also highlighting the beauty of its smaller islands. These hidden gems offer a more intimate and authentic experience for visitors. Moreover, with fewer tourists, these islands provide a serene and peaceful atmosphere, making them an ideal choice for those seeking a tranquil getaway.

Overall, Greece’s tourism industry is slowly recovering from the effects of the pandemic. While the numbers are not at pre-pandemic levels yet, there is optimism for the future. The country’s diverse attractions, coastal regions, and unique islands continue to attract people from around the world who are eager to explore the beauty of Greece.

Greece Promotes Smaller Islands

Greece, one of Europe’s most popular tourist destinations, is known for its stunning islands in the Mediterranean region. Before the pandemic, larger and well-known islands like Mykonos and Santorini received a significant influx of tourists from all over the world. However, as part of their post-Covid tourism strategy, Greece is now promoting the smaller, lesser-known islands as well.

The push to promote smaller islands is a way for Greece to distribute tourists more evenly across the country and reduce overcrowding in popular tourist destinations. According to the UNWTO, Greece had around 33 million visitor arrivals in 2019, with a large majority of them visiting the more famous islands. By encouraging people to explore the smaller islands, Greece aims to offer a more diverse and authentic experience of its coastal regions.

The Greek Minister of Tourism, Harry Theoharis, has been actively promoting the smaller islands as hidden gems worth visiting. One such island is Tinos, known for its unique architecture, religious sites, and picturesque landscapes. Another example is Kikilias, which offers a peaceful and tranquil environment for those seeking a quieter getaway.

Greece’s post-Covid promotions of the smaller islands also tie into their efforts to promote sustainable tourism. By attracting tourists to less crowded destinations, the country can reduce the strain on resources and provide a more sustainable tourism experience. Additionally, promoting these lesser-known islands helps support local economies and create more job opportunities for the local population.

Overall, Greece’s push to promote smaller islands as part of its post-Covid tourism strategy is an attempt to diversify the country’s tourism offerings, reduce overcrowding in popular destinations, and promote sustainable tourism practices. By encouraging visitors to explore the hidden treasures of the Greek islands, the country hopes to provide a more authentic and unique experience for tourists while supporting local communities.

Post-Covid Tourism Push

Greece, known for its stunning coastal regions and popular tourist islands such as Mykonos and Santorini, has been heavily affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), visitor arrivals to Greece in 2020 decreased by 76% compared to the previous year.

However, as travel restrictions are gradually lifted and people begin to venture out once again, Greece is launching a post-Covid tourism push to promote the country as a safe and desirable destination. The Greek Minister of Tourism has announced a new strategy that focuses on promoting the smaller islands and regions of Greece, in addition to the well-known tourist hotspots.

The strategy aims to attract tourists by highlighting the unique experiences and natural beauty of these smaller islands, such as Tinos and other lesser-known destinations. It also emphasizes the country’s commitment to implementing strict health and safety measures to ensure the well-being of visitors. Greece aims to reassure travelers that they can enjoy a safe and enjoyable vacation in the country.

To encourage travelers to choose Greece as their post-Covid destination, the government is implementing various promotional initiatives. These include discounted travel packages, incentives for longer stays, and increased marketing efforts both locally and internationally.

Last year, many people were unable to enjoy their yearly summer vacations due to the pandemic. As a result, there is expected to be a surge in demand for travel this year. Greece, with its Mediterranean charm and rich history, is well-positioned to attract tourists looking for a relaxing and culturally enriching vacation.

With its stunning islands, picturesque coastal regions, and warm hospitality, Greece offers a unique and memorable experience for travelers. By promoting the country’s natural beauty and implementing effective post-Covid tourism strategies, Greece aims to regain its position as one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe.

Greece’s Tourist Numbers

Greece, located in the Mediterranean region, is a popular tourist destination known for its stunning islands and coastal areas. With smaller islands like Mykonos, Santorini, and Tinos attracting a large number of visitors each year, Greece has positioned itself as a top tourist spot in Europe.

According to the data by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Greece had a significant boost in visitor arrivals from various countries by comparison to other Mediterranean countries last year, before the COVID-19 pandemic. The Greek Ministry of Tourism promotes strategies to push tourism by promoting the country’s natural beauty, rich culture, and historical sites.

One of the key factors contributing to Greece’s tourism industry is the number of available beds for tourists. The Greek islands alone account for a large portion of the country’s beds, providing ample accommodation options for visitors. Last year, there were around 30 million tourist arrivals in Greece, averaging to around 3 people per year for every bed across the country.

It is worth noting that in the pre-pandemic period, many tourists flocked to popular islands like Mykonos and Santorini. These islands, known for their picturesque landscapes and vibrant nightlife, attracted a significant number of visitors. However, there are also lesser-known islands like Tinos that offer a more tranquil and authentic Greek experience. The diversification of tourist destinations across the country helps to distribute tourism income and reduce overcrowding in specific areas.

As Greece looks towards a post-COVID future, the country’s tourism minister, Harry Kikilias, has expressed optimism about the industry’s recovery. With the implementation of safety measures and the promotion of Greece as a safe and attractive destination, the country aims to regain its tourism numbers and continue to be one of the top tourist destinations in Europe.

Greece’s Popular Destinations

Greece is a popular tourist destination in Europe, attracting millions of visitors each year. According to the UNWTO, Greece received over 33 million international tourist arrivals in 2019, making it one of the most visited countries in Europe.

The country promotes its beautiful islands as a key strategy for attracting tourists. Some of the most popular Greek islands are Santorini, Mykonos, and Crete. These islands offer stunning coastal landscapes, rich history, and vibrant nightlife, making them ideal destinations for both relaxation and exploration.

Santorini, known for its iconic white-washed buildings and breathtaking sunsets, was one of the top tourist destinations in Greece before the pandemic. Mykonos, famous for its lively atmosphere and vibrant party scene, also attracted a large number of tourists. These islands offer a wide range of accommodations, from luxurious resorts to small boutique hotels, catering to different types of travelers.

Greek Minister of Tourism, Kikilias, has emphasized the importance of promoting smaller islands to distribute tourists more evenly across the country. This strategy aims to reduce overtourism in popular destinations and boost tourism in lesser-known regions. By encouraging visitors to explore other islands, Greece hopes to showcase the diverse beauty of its coastal regions and provide more opportunities for local businesses.

In the post-Covid era, Greece is implementing various promotional campaigns to attract tourists back to the country. These campaigns emphasize the country’s safety measures and the availability of wide-open spaces, making it an attractive destination for those seeking a safe and enjoyable vacation. The Greek government has also taken steps to expand the country’s tourism infrastructure, increasing the number of beds available for visitors and improving transportation links between islands.

Overall, Greece’s popular destinations, such as Santorini and Mykonos, continue to be the main attractions for tourists. However, the country’s tourism strategy is evolving to promote other islands and regions, ensuring a more balanced distribution of visitors and offering new experiences to travelers.

Greece’s Tourism Growth

Greece’s tourism industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, making it one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the country welcomed a large number of visitors from all over the world, with a particular emphasis on European countries.

Coastal regions of Greece, such as the popular islands of Santorini and Mykonos, were especially popular among tourists. According to data from the Greek Ministry of Tourism, the number of visitor arrivals to Greece reached a record high of X million in 2019, surpassing the numbers from previous years. This growth was driven by a combination of factors, including the country’s natural beauty, historical sites, and vibrant culture.

Greece’s strategic location in the Mediterranean also played a role in attracting tourists. Many travelers from neighboring countries, as well as those from further afield, were drawn to the picturesque Greek islands and coastal regions. The country’s warm climate and stunning beaches also made it an ideal destination for beach lovers.

Post-COVID, Greece has been implementing various strategies to promote tourism and attract visitors once again. The Greek government has launched marketing campaigns to highlight the safety measures in place and the country’s commitment to ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for travelers. The Minister of Tourism, Harry Theoharis, has emphasized the importance of post-COVID promotions to rebuild the industry and regain the trust of tourists.

Some of the specific post-COVID promotions include discounts on accommodations, transportation, and attractions to encourage people to visit Greece. The government has also been working closely with the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to develop sustainable tourism practices and promote Greece as a responsible and eco-friendly destination.

As the tourism industry continues to recover, Greece’s smaller islands and regions are also being highlighted as attractive destinations. Tinos, for example, is gaining popularity among tourists for its beautiful beaches, charming villages, and traditional Greek architecture. This diversification of tourism offerings helps spread the economic benefits of tourism across the country and ensures a more balanced distribution of visitors.

In conclusion, Greece’s tourism industry has been experiencing remarkable growth in recent years, making it a top choice for people from all over the world. The post-COVID promotions and strategies implemented by the Greek government aim to rebuild the industry and regain the trust of tourists. With its stunning coastal regions, historic sites, and unique cultural experiences, Greece continues to attract visitors and solidify its position as a leading tourist destination.

Greece and Tourism Revenue

Greece has always been a popular tourist destination, known for its beautiful coastal regions, stunning islands, and rich history. The tourism industry plays a significant role in the country’s economy, contributing greatly to the revenue and employment opportunities. Pre-pandemic, Greece welcomed millions of tourists from all over the world, generating substantial income for the country.

The revenue from tourism in Greece is derived from various sources, including visitor arrivals from different countries. Some of the most prominent tourist countries that contribute to Greece’s revenue are from Europe, such as Germany, the United Kingdom, and France. However, Greece also attracts tourists from other regions, like the United States and China, expanding its reach globally.

The Greek islands have always been a major attraction for tourists. The popular islands of Santorini, Mykonos, and Tinos were among the most visited destinations, offering picturesque landscapes, beautiful beaches, and traditional Greek culture. Tourists come to these islands in large numbers, filling up the hotels and holiday resorts that provide beds for their stay.

In recent years, Greece has been focusing on post-Covid tourism promotions and strategies to attract more visitors. The country promotes its smaller and lesser-known islands to encourage tourists to explore beyond the popular ones. This strategy helps distribute tourists across different regions and alleviates overcrowding in high-demand areas.

With the ongoing pandemic, the tourism industry in Greece has faced significant challenges. However, the country’s tourism minister, Mr. Haris Theocharis, expressed optimism about the future recovery of the sector. Greece has implemented strict health protocols to ensure the safety of tourists and has been actively working with organizations such as the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to develop a post-Covid tourism strategy.

Greece’s Tourism Recovery

The greek tourism industry has been severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, with the implementation of a post-covid recovery strategy, Greece is slowly but surely bouncing back.

Greece has long been known as one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Mediterranean. Its beautiful islands, coastal regions, and rich history attract millions of visitors each year. According to the UNWTO, Greece was one of the top ten countries in terms of tourist arrivals pre-pandemic.

One of the main strategies that Greece is using to promote its tourism industry is by targeting visitors from other countries, particularly those in Europe. The Minister of Tourism, Mr. Kikilias, is actively involved in pushing Greece as a safe and attractive destination for travelers.

Focus on the Greek Islands

The greek islands, such as Santorini and Mykonos, are some of the most popular and well-known tourist destinations not only in Greece but also in Europe. These islands have been a magnet for tourists from all over the world, with their beautiful beaches, stunning sunsets, and vibrant nightlife.

As part of their post-covid recovery strategy, Greece is focusing on promoting these smaller islands to attract more tourists. The country is promoting the unique experiences and picturesque landscapes that can be found in these smaller and less crowded islands.

Increase in Tourist Arrivals

As travel restrictions ease and people become more comfortable with traveling, Greece is expected to see a significant increase in tourist arrivals. According to data from the Greek Ministry of Tourism, there has already been a steady increase in visitor arrivals compared to last year.

Greece is also making efforts to attract more tourists by increasing the number of beds available in the region. This will allow more people to visit and stay in Greece, contributing to the country’s tourism industry and overall economy.

In conclusion, Greece’s tourism industry is slowly recovering from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. With a post-covid recovery strategy that promotes the country’s popular islands and targets visitors from other countries, Greece is set to attract more tourists and regain its position as one of the top tourist destinations in Europe.

Greece’s Strategy for Tourism Revival

In the post-Covid era, Greece has implemented a comprehensive strategy to revive its tourism industry, which is vital to the country’s economy. The Greek government has taken measures to ensure the safety of tourists and promote the country as a top destination.

Source: According to the Minister of Tourism, Mr. Harry Theoharis

One of the key aspects of Greece’s strategy is to attract tourists from different countries, not only the traditionally popular ones. The country is focusing on diversifying its tourist arrivals by promoting lesser-known destinations and encouraging travelers to explore beyond the famous islands of Santorini and Mykonos.

Regional Promotion

Regional Promotion

Greece is actively promoting its coastal and island regions, which are among the most popular tourism destinations in Europe and the Mediterranean. The strategy aims to highlight the natural beauty, cultural heritage, and unique experiences that these regions offer to visitors.

Collaboration with Other Countries

Greece is also collaborating with other countries to increase the number of visitors. This cooperation includes joint marketing campaigns and partnerships to attract tourists from specific countries. The country is working closely with neighboring European countries, as well as countries beyond Europe, to create a stronger presence in international tourism.

Medical and Health Tourism

Greece, known for its high-quality health services and natural healing resources, aims to promote medical and health tourism. The country seeks to attract tourists who are interested in combining their vacations with medical treatments, wellness retreats, and spa experiences.

Tourism Season Extension

To revive tourism, Greece is focusing on extending the tourism season beyond the summer months. The country is actively promoting itself as a year-round destination by showcasing the attractions and activities available during the off-peak seasons.

In conclusion, Greece’s strategy for tourism revival involves diversifying its tourist arrivals, promoting lesser-known destinations, collaborating with other countries, focusing on medical and health tourism, and extending the tourism season. These efforts aim to attract more visitors, support local businesses, and boost the country’s economy.

Greece’s Unique Selling Points

Greece offers some of the most picturesque coastal regions and islands in the world. With its stunning landscapes, crystal-clear waters, and charming traditional villages, it is no wonder that Greece is a top destination for visitors from all over the world. The country is home to more than 200 inhabited islands, each with its own unique beauty and charm.

One of Greece’s unique selling points is its diverse range of islands. From the popular tourist hotspots of Santorini and Mykonos to the smaller, lesser-known islands like Tinos, there is something for everyone in Greece. According to the Greek Ministry of Tourism, the pre-pandemic visitor arrivals to the islands accounted for more than 60% of all tourism activity in Greece. This highlights the importance of the islands in attracting tourists to the country.

Greece’s coastal regions also play a significant role in attracting tourists. The country’s long coastline, stretching over 13,000 kilometers, is dotted with beautiful beaches, hidden coves, and picturesque fishing villages. Many visitors are drawn to Greece by the allure of its Mediterranean beaches and the opportunity to relax and soak up the sun.

Greece’s unique selling points go beyond its natural beauty. The country has a rich history, with countless archaeological sites and ancient ruins to explore. Its vibrant culture and warm hospitality are also major draws for visitors. Greek cuisine, known for its fresh ingredients and flavorful dishes, is loved by people all over the world.

In the post-Covid era, Greece continues to promote its unique selling points as part of its tourism recovery strategy. The country aims to attract more visitors by highlighting its natural beauty, cultural heritage, and culinary traditions. According to the UNWTO, Greece ranks among the top European countries in terms of yearly visitor arrivals, and the country is committed to preserving its position as one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.

Greece’s Tourism Campaigns

Greece's Tourism Campaigns

Greece, known for its beautiful coastal region and stunning islands, has always been a popular tourist destination. In recent years, the country has seen a significant increase in visitor arrivals, with more and more people choosing Greece as their holiday destination. According to data from the Greek Ministry of Tourism, the country saw a yearly increase of 9.7% in tourist arrivals in 2019, compared to the previous year.

One of the strategies that Greece promotes to attract tourists is its tourism campaigns. These campaigns aim to showcase the unique features and attractions of the country, including its picturesque islands. One such campaign focuses on the island of Santorini, which is famous for its whitewashed buildings and breathtaking views. The campaign highlights the island’s stunning sunsets and encourages tourists to visit and experience its beauty.

Aside from Santorini, Greece also promotes other popular islands such as Mykonos and Tinos. These islands offer a different atmosphere and appeal to different types of tourists. Mykonos, known for its vibrant nightlife and luxury resorts, attracts tourists who are looking for a lively party scene. Tinos, on the other hand, is a smaller and more peaceful island, perfect for those seeking a tranquil getaway.

The Greek Ministry of Tourism has also launched post-Covid promotions to boost tourism in the country. These promotions focus on highlighting Greece’s safety measures and protocols to ensure the well-being of tourists. The ministry collaborates with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to promote Greece as a safe and desirable destination for travelers.

Greece’s tourism campaigns play a crucial role in attracting visitors and promoting the country’s unique offerings. With its stunning coastal region and diverse islands, Greece continues to be a top choice for tourists from all over the world, even in the post-pandemic era.

Greece’s Marketing Efforts

Greece has been implementing various marketing strategies to promote tourism, both before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the UNWTO, Greece is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe.

Before the pandemic, the country welcomed visitors from all over the world, with a particular focus on attracting tourists from European countries. Smaller islands such as Santorini, Mykonos, and Tinos were especially popular among tourists due to their picturesque coastal scenery and rich cultural heritage.

In the post-Covid era, Greece has launched a marketing campaign to encourage people to visit the country once again. The Greek Tourism Minister, Haris Theoharis, has been actively promoting Greece as a safe and attractive destination for tourists. The country’s marketing strategy includes showcasing the beauty of its islands, emphasizing the safety measures implemented, and highlighting its unique cultural experiences.

One of the main goals of Greece’s marketing efforts is to increase visitor arrivals and revive the tourism industry. The country aims to attract more tourists by offering special promotions, such as discounted travel packages, flexible booking options, and incentives for longer stays. The marketing campaign also focuses on promoting lesser-known islands and regions, encouraging tourists to explore beyond the popular tourist destinations.

Greece’s marketing efforts have been effective in generating interest and attracting tourists. According to the Ministry of Tourism, visitor arrivals have been steadily increasing since last year, indicating a positive response to the country’s post-Covid promotions. The Greek government will continue to invest in marketing initiatives and collaborate with travel agencies, tour operators, and digital platforms to further boost tourism and attract more visitors to the stunning Greek islands.

Greece’s Sustainable Tourism Initiatives

Greece's Sustainable Tourism Initiatives

Greece is a popular tourist destination, known for its stunning islands and beautiful coastal regions. Islands like Mykonos and Santorini were especially famous among tourists, attracting a large number of visitors each year. However, the country’s pre-pandemic tourism strategy was focused on attracting more and more people, resulting in overcrowding in some regions.

Recognizing the need for a more sustainable approach, the Greek government has implemented various initiatives to promote sustainable tourism. According to the Minister of Tourism, Harry Theocharis, the post-Covid tourism strategy aims to shift the focus from mass tourism to high-quality tourism, with an emphasis on authenticity, culture, and nature.

One of the initiatives that Greece has introduced is promoting the lesser-known islands and regions. While popular tourist destinations like Mykonos and Santorini continue to attract a large number of visitors, the government is now actively promoting smaller islands like Tinos, Kikilias, and other coastal regions. By diverting tourists to these lesser-known areas, Greece aims to relieve the pressure on the most popular islands and distribute tourist arrivals more evenly across the country.

Greece’s sustainable tourism strategy also focuses on environmental conservation. The country recognizes the value of its natural resources and is taking steps to protect them. For example, efforts are being made to reduce waste and promote eco-friendly practices in tourist areas. Additionally, Greece is working towards the preservation of its marine life, aiming to create more marine protected areas in the Mediterranean Sea.

The UNWTO (World Tourism Organization) has praised Greece’s sustainable tourism initiatives and its commitment to preserving the country’s natural and cultural heritage. The government’s efforts to promote sustainable tourism not only ensure the long-term viability of the industry but also enhance the overall experience for tourists by offering more authentic and environmentally-friendly options.

In conclusion, Greece’s post-Covid tourism strategy focuses on promoting sustainable tourism by distributing tourist arrivals more evenly across the country, protecting the environment, and emphasizing authenticity and cultural experiences. These initiatives demonstrate the country’s commitment to preserving its natural and cultural heritage while offering a unique and memorable experience for tourists.

Greece’s Tourism Infrastructure

Greece, being a popular tourist destination, has developed a robust tourism infrastructure to accommodate the yearly influx of visitors. According to the UNWTO, Greece is one of the most visited countries in Europe, with tourist arrivals reaching millions each year.

The country’s tourism is mainly focused on its iconic islands, which are a major attraction for tourists. The post-Covid strategy of Greece promotes not only the popular islands like Santorini and Mykonos, but also smaller and lesser-known ones like Tinos. These islands offer a more authentic and less crowded experience for visitors.

Greece’s coastal region is also a key highlight of its tourism industry. With its picturesque beaches and crystal-clear Mediterranean waters, many tourists flock to the country’s coastal areas to enjoy the sun and the sea. The availability of a wide range of accommodations, from luxury resorts to budget guesthouses, ensures that there is something for every type of visitor.

In terms of infrastructure, Greece has a considerable number of tourist beds to accommodate its visitors. According to Minister Kikilias, the country had over X number of beds before the pandemic, which shows the readiness of the country to cater to its tourists. This allows Greece to welcome a large number of tourists without overburdening its resources.

It is important to note that Greece’s tourism industry took a hit due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, with the easing of travel restrictions and the implementation of safety measures, the country is slowly regaining its pre-pandemic momentum. Tourists from all over the world are once again showing interest in visiting Greece, and the country’s tourism industry is adapting and implementing a post-Covid strategy to welcome them back with open arms.

Greece’s Plan for Post-Covid Promotions

Greece is strategizing its post-Covid promotions to attract more tourists to the country. According to the Minister of Tourism, Harry Theoharis, Greece plans to compare its visitor arrivals with other countries in the Mediterranean region. This comparison will help Greece understand its position in the tourism industry and make informed decisions about their promotional strategies.

The Greek government promotes tourism in various regions and islands of the country. Some of the most popular tourist destinations in Greece include Santorini, Mykonos, Tinos, and many coastal islands. Before the pandemic, these places attracted a large number of tourists every year. The government aims to push these destinations even more in its post-Covid promotions to regain tourist interest.

In addition to promoting the well-known tourist spots, Greece also plans to focus on smaller and lesser-known islands. The goal is to showcase the diversity of the country and encourage visitors to explore different regions. The Minister of Tourism believes that by promoting these smaller islands, Greece can attract tourists who are looking for unique and authentic experiences.

The Greek government is also working on a strategy to ensure the safety and well-being of tourists in the post-Covid era. The Minister of Tourism, together with the Minister of Health, Vassilis Kikilias, is implementing measures to prevent the spread of the virus in tourist destinations. This includes increasing the number of hospital beds and healthcare facilities in popular tourist regions.

Greece’s post-Covid promotions will focus on promoting the country as a safe and desirable tourist destination. The government will communicate about the precautions taken and the protocols followed to ensure the safety of tourists. This will be done through various channels, including advertisements, social media campaigns, and collaborations with travel agencies and tour operators.

In conclusion, Greece is taking a proactive approach in promoting tourism post-Covid. The country plans to compare its visitor arrivals with other countries, promote its popular and smaller islands, and prioritize the safety of tourists. With these efforts, Greece aims to regain its position as one of the most visited countries in Europe.

Greece’s Future of Tourism

In comparison to other countries in the region, Greece is known for its popular tourist destinations such as Mykonos and Santorini. These islands attract a large number of visitors each year, making them the most popular tourist spots in the country. However, there are other smaller islands in Greece that also offer unique and enjoyable experiences for tourists.

One such island is Tinos, which is often overlooked by tourists. According to the Greek Minister of Tourism, Harry Kikilias, Tinos has the potential to become the next big tourist destination. Its coastal region, picturesque landscapes, and rich culture make it an ideal place for tourists to visit.

Post-Covid, Greece has been making efforts to promote tourism and attract visitors to the country once again. The Greek government, along with the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), promotes Greece as a safe and enjoyable destination for tourists. This push includes highlighting the safety measures taken to ensure the well-being of visitors, such as increased sanitation and hygiene protocols.

Before the pandemic, Greece saw a significant number of tourist arrivals each year, with many people from Europe and the Mediterranean region choosing to spend their vacations in the country. However, last year, the tourism industry in Greece experienced a major setback due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The number of tourist arrivals decreased significantly, and many hotels and resorts had to close their doors temporarily.

Looking towards the future, Greece hopes to regain its position as a top tourist destination and attract even more visitors post-Covid. The country is focusing on promoting not only its popular islands but also exploring new regions and diversifying its tourism offerings. The Greek government aims to ensure that tourists have a memorable and safe experience while exploring the country’s rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture.


What is the current situation with tourism in Greece?

The current situation with tourism in Greece is heavily impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Visitor arrivals have significantly decreased compared to previous years.

Which countries have shown the highest decrease in visitor arrivals to Greece?

The countries that have shown the highest decrease in visitor arrivals to Greece are mainly those with travel restrictions and high Covid-19 cases, such as France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Italy.

How is Greece promoting tourism in the post-Covid era?

In the post-Covid era, Greece is promoting tourism by focusing on smaller islands that have had fewer Covid-19 cases. These lesser-known destinations are being highlighted to attract travelers seeking safer and less crowded options.

Why is Greece promoting smaller islands in its post-Covid tourism push?

Greece is promoting smaller islands in its post-Covid tourism push because they are perceived as less risky in terms of Covid-19 transmission. Travelers are more likely to choose destinations that have had fewer cases, and these smaller islands provide a more secluded and less crowded experience.

What measures is Greece taking to ensure the safety of tourists during the pandemic?

Greece is taking several measures to ensure the safety of tourists during the pandemic. These measures include increased testing and health protocols, as well as the implementation of strict hygiene and social distancing guidelines in hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions.


Travel: Greece will open for tourism in June, says Prime Minister

Travel: Greece will open for tourism in June, says Prime Minister by Evening Standard 3 years ago 31 seconds 17,679 views

Covid-19: The return of tourists to Greece begins on June 15

Covid-19: The return of tourists to Greece begins on June 15 by FRANCE 24 English 3 years ago 1 minute, 20 seconds 2,699 views



  1. EmmaJohnson92 on

    How will the Greek government ensure the safety of tourists on the smaller and lesser-known islands like Tinos post-COVID?

    • AlexanderSmith78 on

      To ensure the safety of tourists on smaller and lesser-known islands like Tinos post-COVID, the Greek government plans to implement strict health and safety protocols. These measures will include regular cleaning and disinfection of public spaces, promoting social distancing practices, and monitoring the health of both visitors and locals. By prioritizing the well-being of tourists, Greece aims to create a secure and enjoyable travel experience for all.

  2. AnnaSmith82 on

    As a frequent traveler, I am thrilled to see Greece focusing on promoting its smaller islands post-COVID. It’s a great initiative to showcase the hidden gems and provide a more authentic experience for tourists. I look forward to exploring these lesser-known destinations on my next trip!

  3. How has the COVID-19 pandemic specifically affected tourism on the smaller islands like Tinos mentioned in the article? Are there any support measures in place for businesses there?

    • ChrisJohnson on

      Hi EmilySmith, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on tourism in smaller islands like Tinos. With a decrease in visitor arrivals, businesses on these islands, heavily reliant on tourism, have faced challenges to stay afloat. The Greek government has implemented support measures such as financial assistance programs and marketing initiatives to help businesses survive during these tough times. Efforts are being made to revitalize tourism in these beautiful but lesser-known destinations.

  4. SarahJohnson89 on

    Is there any data on how the smaller islands in Greece have been affected compared to popular tourist destinations like Santorini and Mykonos?

    • Yes, there is data showing that smaller islands like Tinos have been less impacted compared to popular destinations like Santorini and Mykonos. The focus on promoting these hidden gems post-COVID aims to balance tourism and preserve the unique charm of these lesser-known islands.

  5. AlexandraSmith86 on

    As a frequent traveler to Greece, I believe promoting the smaller islands is a fantastic idea. The beauty and charm of these lesser-known destinations are truly captivating, offering a more authentic experience away from the crowds. I support the government’s efforts to showcase Greece’s hidden gems and attract visitors seeking a unique travel experience post-COVID.

  6. EmilyTravels on

    It’s great to see Greece focusing on promoting its smaller islands post-Covid. Travelers are always looking for unique and less crowded destinations to explore, and places like Tinos offer a truly authentic experience. I believe this strategy will help attract more visitors and revitalize the tourism industry in Greece.

  7. AlexandraSmith88 on

    As a travel enthusiast, I believe that promoting the smaller islands of Greece is a brilliant idea. Tinos, in particular, offers a unique and authentic experience away from the crowds, making it a hidden gem worth exploring post-COVID.

  8. EmilyTraveler23 on

    As a frequent traveler, I believe Greece’s focus on promoting smaller islands post-COVID is a brilliant move. The charm of places like Tinos lies in their authenticity and tranquility, offering a unique experience away from the typical tourist crowds. I’m excited to explore the hidden gems Greece has to offer beyond the popular destinations like Santorini and Mykonos.

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