In an exclusive interview with Elena Kountoura, the Tourism Minister of Greece, we gained insights into how Greece has become one of the most popular travel destinations for tourists around the world. Despite the challenges brought on by the pandemic, Greece has managed to maintain its allure and attract visitors with its stunning landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality.

According to Minister Kountoura, Greece welcomes millions of tourists every year, making it one of the largest tourist destinations in Europe. The number of visitors is expected to increase post-pandemic as more travelers seek to explore the beauty of Greece. The most recent data shows that Greece received over 33 million visitors in 2019, and this number is expected to rise in the coming years.

One of the reasons why Greece is so popular among tourists is its diverse range of choices. The country offers something for everyone – from breathtaking beaches and ancient ruins to bustling cities and charming villages. Visitors can enjoy a variety of activities such as island hopping, exploring historical sites, or simply relaxing in one of Greece’s many luxurious hotels.

Minister Kountoura also highlighted Greece’s unique position in the Mediterranean region, which allows travelers to combine their visit to Greece with trips to other neighboring countries. With its rich culture, delicious food, and excellent services, Greece has become a favorite destination for both European and international travelers.

The pandemic has undoubtedly impacted the tourism industry, but Minister Kountoura remains optimistic about the future. She believes that Greece’s strong domestic tourism market and the country’s welcoming attitude towards refugees will help it recover and thrive in the coming years. Minister Kountoura emphasized the importance of promoting sustainable tourism and ensuring that visitors have a positive impact on the local economy and environment.

In terms of tourist expenditure, Greece has seen a steady increase over the years, with an average expenditure of around €500 per person per visit. While the pandemic has led to a decrease in overall spending, Minister Kountoura anticipates that this number will rise again as the tourism industry bounces back.

In conclusion, Greece continues to attract millions of visitors every year, and its popularity is only expected to grow. With its stunning landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality, Greece offers a unique experience for travelers. Whether it’s their first visit or their hundredth, visitors to Greece are sure to fall in love with the country.

Source: Interview with Elena Kountoura, Tourism Minister of Greece

Table of Contents

Outbound and Domestic Tourism in Greece

In terms of outbound tourism, many Greeks choose to travel abroad for their holidays. Last year, the number of outbound trips reached a significant number, showing the high level of interest in exploring foreign destinations. According to an interview with Elena Kountoura, the Tourism Minister of Greece, the expenditure of Greek tourists during their trips is also quite high, indicating their preference for luxury travel experiences.

On the other hand, domestic tourism in Greece is also popular, with a large number of tourists visiting various destinations within the country. In general, Greeks love to explore the beautiful islands and historical sites that Greece has to offer. The tourism industry in Greece thrives on both domestic and international tourists.

Elena Kountoura mentioned in her interview that despite the pandemic, the number of tourists visiting Greece every year is still quite high. Although there was a decrease last year, due to travel restrictions and safety concerns, it is expected to bounce back in the post-pandemic era. Greece, being one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, has a lot to offer in terms of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and hospitality.

In light of the latest developments, domestic tourism in Greece is expected to play a major role in the recovery of the tourism industry. With the reopening of hotels, attractions, and services, Greeks are encouraged to explore their own country and support the local economy. The Greek government has taken action to promote domestic tourism and ensure the safety of travelers.

In summary, both outbound and domestic tourism in Greece are significant drivers of the country’s tourism industry. While Greeks enjoy traveling abroad and exploring new destinations, they also appreciate the beauty and rich history of their own country. With the support of the government and the resilience of the tourism industry, Greece will welcome visitors from around the world to experience the magic of the Mediterranean and all that Greece has to offer.

Greece’s Popularity as a Tourist Destination

Greece has established itself as one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Mediterranean. Every year, millions of tourists from around the world visit Greece to experience its rich history, beautiful beaches, and vibrant culture. The number of visitors to Greece has been steadily increasing, with a significant growth in recent years.

In an interview with Elena Kountoura, the former Tourism Minister of Greece, it was revealed that the number of tourists visiting Greece has been on the rise. In fact, the number of international tourists visiting Greece in the last year was 16% higher than the previous year.

This increase in tourism can be attributed to a variety of factors. Greece has become a popular choice among travelers due to its picturesque islands, delicious food, and warm hospitality. According to Kountoura, “this love for Greece is evident in the number of people who choose to visit our country year after year.”

While international tourism is a significant contributor to Greece’s economy, domestic tourism also plays a vital role. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in domestic tourism, as people are choosing to explore their own country instead of traveling abroad. Kountoura stated that “domestic tourism is expected to be the first to rebound post-pandemic, and we welcome this action.”

One interesting fact about Greece is that it is the largest recipient of refugees in Europe. Despite this, the number of tourists visiting Greece has not been affected. Kountoura emphasized that Greece is a safe destination for tourists, and the influx of refugees has not impacted the country’s tourism industry.

In conclusion, Greece’s popularity as a tourist destination continues to grow, with an increasing number of tourists visiting the country every year. Whether it’s the beautiful islands, the rich history, or the welcoming hospitality, Greece has something to offer to every visitor.

Factors Contributing to Greece’s Tourism Growth

Greece’s tourism industry has seen significant growth in recent years, attracting many visitors from around the world. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of trips taken to Greece each year has remained relatively high, with travelers from all over the world choosing Greece as their preferred destination.

In an interview with Elena Kountoura, the former Tourism Minister of Greece, it was revealed that the country’s tourism growth can be attributed to several key factors.

1. The Beauty of Greece

Greece’s natural beauty, with its stunning landscapes, pristine beaches, and picturesque islands in the Mediterranean, is a major draw for tourists. Visitors are captivated by the country’s rich history, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine. The allure of Greece’s ancient ruins, such as the Acropolis in Athens and the Palace of Knossos in Crete, continues to attract visitors from all over the world.

2. Excellent Services and Hospitality

Greece is renowned for its warm hospitality and excellent tourism services. The country’s hotels, restaurants, and tourist facilities provide visitors with a comfortable and enjoyable experience. The friendly and welcoming nature of the Greek people adds to the positive atmosphere for travelers. Elena Kountoura highlighted the importance of providing high-quality services to ensure visitor satisfaction.

3. The Attraction for Europeans

3. The Attraction for Europeans

Greece’s geographical location makes it easily accessible for travelers from Europe. The country has become a popular choice for European tourists looking for a sunny and relaxing holiday destination. The ease of travel, coupled with Greece’s diverse landscapes and cultural heritage, makes it an appealing choice for many Europeans.

4. Domestic Tourism

Domestic tourism in Greece also plays a significant role in the country’s tourism growth. Greeks themselves love to explore their own beautiful country and often choose to spend their holidays within Greece. This internal tourism contributes to the overall number of visitors each year.

5. Positive Government Actions

The Greek government has implemented various measures to support and promote the tourism industry. Elena Kountoura, during her tenure as the Tourism Minister, took several actions to attract more tourists to Greece. These actions included marketing campaigns, improvement of infrastructure, and the promotion of new tourism products.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism sector has faced challenges. However, Greece’s strong foundation and the attractiveness of the country as a travel destination are expected to help the industry recover. The number of visitors to Greece is projected to rise once again, with both domestic and international tourists returning to enjoy the beauty and hospitality that Greece has to offer.

Greece’s Strategy for Attracting Tourists

Greece, known for its stunning beauty and rich history, has implemented a strategic plan to attract tourists from around the world. Leading this effort is Elena Kountoura, the Minister of Tourism in Greece. By focusing on various factors, such as outbound tourism, refugees, and welcoming many visitors, Greece has managed to increase its tourism numbers.

Outbound Tourism

In an interview with Elena Kountoura, she emphasized the importance of outbound tourism. Greece understands that by attracting travelers from different countries and regions, it can increase its popularity as a tourist destination. The country encourages its citizens to explore the world and gain new experiences, while also promoting their homeland as an attractive destination for foreign tourists.

Welcoming Refugees

Greece has been proactive in providing support and welcoming refugees. In light of the refugee crisis in Europe, Greece has made efforts to alleviate the situation and extend a helping hand to those in need. By showing compassion and understanding, Greece aims to create a positive image and encourage tourists to visit, appreciating the country’s values of empathy and inclusivity.

“This Year – How Many People Visit Greece?”

Greece has seen a significant increase in the number of tourists who visit the country every year. In the latest statistical data, Greece experienced a 20 percent increase in tourist arrivals compared to the previous year. This growth has been driven by various factors, including the country’s diverse attractions, beautiful islands, and excellent hospitality services.

Post-Pandemic Strategies

In light of the ongoing pandemic, Greece is taking action to ensure the safety of its visitors. The country has implemented comprehensive measures to safeguard both tourists and locals. As travel restrictions start to ease, Greece is expected to attract even more tourists. In terms of domestic tourism, Greek citizens are encouraged to explore their own country, supporting local businesses and boosting the economy.

Higher Expenditure and Choices

According to Elena Kountoura, Greece aims to attract high-spending tourists who will enjoy the country’s services and contribute to the local economy. The tourism ministry is focusing on promoting Greece as a destination for quality experiences, including its delicious food and mesmerizing landscapes. By offering diverse choices and unforgettable experiences, Greece aims to become one of the world’s top travel destinations.

The Role of Digital Marketing in Greece’s Tourism Industry

In general, travelers from around the world are increasingly relying on digital channels for their travel research, planning, and bookings. This trend is no different in Greece’s tourism industry, as the country embraces digital marketing to attract more visitors.

The latest data shows that Greece welcomed a record number of visitors last year, with many tourists choosing to visit the country’s picturesque islands. According to Elena Kountoura, the Tourism Minister of Greece, the number of people visiting Greece is expected to increase by 10 percent this year.

Greece, known for its rich history and stunning landscapes, has become one of the largest tourist destinations in Europe. With the help of digital marketing strategies, the country aims to further enhance its tourism industry and attract even more travelers from around the world.

In an interview, Minister Kountoura highlighted the importance of digital marketing in promoting Greece’s tourism services, especially in the post-pandemic world. She emphasized that digital marketing allows Greece to reach a wider audience and showcase the country’s unique offerings.

With the shift in travelers’ preferences, digital marketing plays a vital role in increasing the visibility of Greece’s hotels, attractions, and services. By leveraging social media platforms, search engine optimization, and targeted advertising campaigns, Greece can effectively reach potential visitors and entice them to choose Greece as their next travel destination.

In light of the pandemic, Greece also recognizes the need to focus on domestic tourism. Minister Kountoura stated that domestic tourists will play a significant role in reviving the tourism industry, as they have the freedom to travel within the country without the constraints of international travel restrictions.

“This year, we will also focus on promoting domestic tourism, encouraging Greek citizens to explore their own country and support local businesses,” Minister Kountoura said. She believes that promoting domestic tourism will not only boost the number of visitors but also contribute to the local economy.

In terms of the future, Greece is determined to capitalize on the increasing interest in sustainable and eco-friendly travel. Minister Kountoura mentioned that Greece is taking action to create “green” tourist destinations and provide visitors with sustainable choices, including eco-friendly accommodations, locally sourced food, and responsible tourism practices.

Though Greece faced challenges during the pandemic, it remains a top choice for travelers around the world. With the aid of digital marketing and Minister Kountoura’s proactive approach, Greece’s tourism industry is expected to bounce back stronger than ever, attracting more visitors to discover the beauty of the Mediterranean country.

Greece’s Efforts to Promote Sustainable Tourism

In an interview with Elena Kountoura, the Tourism Minister of Greece, the topic of sustainable tourism in Greece was discussed. Greece has been making many efforts to promote sustainable tourism as a way to protect the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the country.

Kountoura highlighted that Greece has taken various actions to ensure that tourism in the country is sustainable. One of the key initiatives is the promotion of eco-friendly tourism, which encourages tourists to visit Greece’s natural sites in a responsible and environmentally-friendly way. The government has also implemented policies to reduce waste and promote recycling in tourist areas.

Another important aspect of Greece’s efforts to promote sustainable tourism is the focus on supporting local communities. The government has been working to involve local residents in the tourism industry, allowing them to benefit from the economic opportunities that tourism brings. This helps to create a sense of ownership and pride among the local population, and also leads to a more authentic and immersive experience for tourists.

In terms of infrastructure, Greece has been investing in sustainable tourism facilities. The country has been developing eco-friendly hotels and resorts, which are designed to minimize their environmental impact. These hotels often use renewable energy sources, implement water conservation measures, and promote sustainable practices throughout their operations.

Greece’s efforts to promote sustainable tourism have received recognition on a global scale. According to the latest statistics, Greece is ranked among the top countries in the world for sustainable tourism. The country has also been awarded the prestigious “Green Destinations Gold” certification for its commitment to sustainability.

In conclusion, Greece is actively taking steps to promote sustainable tourism, with a focus on protecting the environment, supporting local communities, and building eco-friendly infrastructure. These efforts not only benefit the natural and cultural heritage of Greece, but also enhance the overall tourist experience for visitors.

The Impact of Tourism on Greece’s Economy

The Impact of Tourism on Greece's Economy

Tourism plays a vital role in Greece’s economy, contributing significantly to its GDP and creating employment opportunities for many people. According to Elena Kountoura, the former Minister of Tourism, the number of tourists visiting Greece every year has been steadily increasing.

In an interview last year, Minister Kountoura stated that Greece welcomed around 33 million tourists in 2019. This number was expected to be even higher in the following years, as Greece continues to be a popular destination among travelers from all over the world. The country’s scenic beauty, rich history, and delicious food make it a favorite choice for many tourists.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on Greece’s tourism industry, as it has on the rest of the world. The travel restrictions and lockdown measures imposed by many countries led to a sharp decline in the number of visitors to Greece. This has resulted in a substantial decrease in tourism-related expenditure, both from international and domestic travelers.

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Minister Kountoura remains hopeful about the future of tourism in Greece. She believes that once the situation improves, people will be eager to resume their trips and visit the beautiful Greek islands and mainland. Greece’s response to the pandemic, including the implementation of health and safety measures, will play a crucial role in attracting tourists back.

In terms of domestic tourism, the Minister emphasized the importance of encouraging Greeks to travel within their own country. Domestic travelers have the potential to fill the gap left by the decline in international tourists. By exploring different regions and supporting local businesses, Greeks can contribute to the recovery of the tourism sector and the overall economy.

Greece has always been known for its hospitality and warmth towards visitors. Minister Kountoura mentioned that the country is ready to welcome tourists with open arms once travel restrictions are lifted. The Greek government is taking action to promote the country as a safe and desirable destination for post-pandemic travel.

In conclusion, tourism has a significant impact on Greece’s economy, and the pandemic has presented both challenges and opportunities. The government, under the guidance of Minister Kountoura and other officials, is working towards ensuring the recovery of the tourism sector and creating a sustainable future for Greece’s travel industry.

Challenges Faced by Greece’s Tourism Sector

The tourism industry in Greece, known for its beautiful islands and picturesque landscapes, has faced significant challenges in recent years. According to Elena Kountoura, the former Tourism Minister of Greece, one of the main challenges is the decrease in the number of tourists visiting the country. In an interview, Kountoura stated that the number of visitors to Greece has been on a decline, mainly due to the negative impact of the refugee crisis and the economic instability in Europe.

The pandemic has further exacerbated the challenges faced by Greece’s tourism sector. With travel restrictions in place and people hesitant to make international trips, the number of travelers visiting Greece has significantly decreased. In fact, Greece has experienced a drop of over 75 percent in tourist expenditure during the last year. This has had a particularly severe impact on the Greek islands, which heavily rely on tourism for their economy.

The domestic tourism market has also been affected under these circumstances. With the majority of Greeks choosing to stay in the country for their holidays, the demand for domestic tourism services has increased. However, many hotels and other tourism-related businesses were not prepared to cater to this influx of domestic tourists, resulting in limited choices and higher prices for accommodation and services.

In addition, the perception of Greece as a safe destination has been called into question. The refugee crisis and the economic instability have made some potential tourists hesitant to visit the country. Elena Kountoura, during her tenure as the Tourism Minister, took action to address these concerns and promote Greece as a welcoming and safe destination. However, overcoming these negative perceptions has proven challenging.

Despite these challenges, the Greek government, including Elena Kountoura, has taken measures to support the tourism sector. Investments in infrastructure, promotion of new tourist destinations, and diversification of tourism products have been some of the strategies implemented to attract more visitors. The post-pandemic period is expected to bring new opportunities for Greece’s tourism industry, and it will be crucial for the country to adapt and innovate to meet the evolving needs and preferences of travelers.

COVID-19 and its Effects on Greece’s Tourism Industry

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on Greece’s tourism industry, which is one of the largest contributors to the country’s economy. According to Elena Kountoura, the former Tourism Minister of Greece, the number of tourists visiting Greece is expected to be much lower this year compared to previous years.

In an interview with Elena Kountoura, it was revealed that Greece’s tourism industry is facing a decline in terms of both the number of visitors and their expenditure. The outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in travel restrictions and lockdown measures across the world, making it difficult for people to visit Greece.

Greece, known for its beautiful islands and rich cultural heritage, has always been a popular destination for travelers from all over the world. However, in light of the pandemic, most outbound tourists are prioritizing their own safety and refraining from making trips abroad. This has directly affected Greece’s tourism industry.

It is expected that the impact of COVID-19 on Greece’s tourism industry will be particularly seen in terms of the number of visitors from Europe. European countries have been severely affected by the pandemic and are less likely to travel to Greece post-pandemic. The number of visitors from Greece’s largest group of tourists, Germany, is also expected to be significantly lower.

Kountoura emphasized the importance of taking action to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on Greece’s tourism industry. She stated, “This is a challenging time for the tourism sector in Greece, but we are taking the necessary steps to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for tourists, both domestic and international, once the situation stabilizes.”

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Greece remains optimistic about the future of its tourism industry. The country’s rich history, stunning landscapes, and delicious Mediterranean food continue to attract travelers who are eager to visit Greece once the pandemic subsides.

Measures Taken by Greece to Ensure Tourists’ Safety

In an interview with Elena Kountoura, the Tourism Minister of Greece, she highlighted the actions and measures taken by Greece to ensure the safety of tourists visiting the country, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Firstly, Greece has implemented strict health and safety protocols in hotels, restaurants, and other tourist services. Enhanced cleaning and sanitization practices have been put in place to create a safe environment for travelers. Additionally, social distancing measures have been enforced, including reduced capacities and spacing in public areas.

Elena Kountoura emphasized the importance of Greece’s strong healthcare system, which can provide the necessary medical support in case of any emergencies. Travelers can feel assured that their health needs will be taken care of during their visit.

Greece has also put a focus on the promotion of contactless services, such as online bookings and digital payments, to minimize physical contact and reduce the risk of transmission. This has been particularly important in the hotel and hospitality sector, where guests can check-in and access their rooms without any physical interaction.

Furthermore, Greece has implemented a comprehensive testing and monitoring system at entry points, including airports and ports. Travelers are required to present a negative COVID-19 test result upon arrival. Random testing is also carried out to ensure the safety of both tourists and the local population.

Elena Kountoura also mentioned Greece’s efforts to support domestic tourism during the pandemic. As international travel was restricted, many Greeks opted for domestic trips, exploring different regions and islands within the country. This not only helped revive the tourism sector but also allowed people to discover the beauty of Greece in a new light.

In conclusion, Greece has taken various measures to ensure the safety of tourists visiting the country, ranging from enhanced cleaning and sanitization protocols to the promotion of contactless services and the implementation of testing and monitoring systems. These actions have made Greece a safe and welcoming destination for travelers, both domestic and international.

Popular Tourist Destinations in Greece

Greece is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, attracting millions of people to its beautiful landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Elena Kountoura, the Tourism Minister of Greece, revealed in an interview that the number of tourists visiting Greece has been steadily increasing year after year. In fact, Greece welcomed over 33 million tourists in 2018 alone, which is a significant increase from the previous years.

In terms of the number of visitors, the islands of Greece are the most sought-after destinations. With their stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and picturesque villages, the Greek islands offer a unique vacation experience. Some of the most popular islands include Santorini, Mykonos, Crete, Rhodes, and Corfu. These islands attract tourists from all around the world who come to enjoy the vibrant nightlife, delicious food, and local hospitality.

Elena Kountoura highlighted the importance of domestic tourism in Greece as well. She mentioned that a large number of Greeks also choose to spend their vacations within the country, exploring different regions and supporting local businesses. This trend is expected to continue in the post-pandemic era, as people have developed a deeper appreciation for their own country and a desire to contribute to its economic growth.

When it comes to outbound tourism, Greece is also a popular choice for many travelers. Greeks love to travel and explore new destinations, both within Europe and beyond. In fact, Greece has seen a significant increase in the number of outbound trips in recent years. Many Greeks choose to visit other European countries, such as Italy, Spain, and France, as well as destinations further afield, including the United States, Thailand, and Australia.

Greece is actively working to improve its tourism services and attract more visitors. The Minister of Tourism, Elena Kountoura, emphasized that Greece is committed to providing high-quality experiences for tourists, focusing on sustainable tourism practices and enhancing the overall visitor satisfaction. With its breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality, Greece continues to be one of the most beloved and preferred destinations for travelers from all over the world.

Greece’s Cultural and Historical Attractions

Greece is known for its rich cultural and historical attractions that attract millions of tourists every year. In terms of cultural heritage, Greece is home to some of the most famous and significant sites in the world. From the iconic Acropolis in Athens to the ancient city of Delphi and the historic island of Crete, Greece offers a plethora of archaeological wonders.

Elena Kountoura, the Tourism Minister of Greece, highlighted in an interview that Greece welcomes a large number of tourists every year, and the pandemic has had a significant impact on the tourism industry. However, she revealed that Greece is taking action to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for visitors. “This year, we will implement the latest health and safety protocols in our hotels and tourist services,” she said.

In terms of numbers, Greece attracts a higher percentage of domestic travelers compared to other European countries. It is estimated that around 80 percent of the trips to Greece are made by domestic tourists. The country’s beautiful islands, stunning beaches, and delicious Mediterranean food are among the top choices for domestic travelers.

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Elena Kountoura remains optimistic about the post-pandemic future of tourism in Greece. She expects that as the world recovers from the pandemic and travel restrictions ease, the number of tourists visiting Greece will increase. “Greece is a timeless destination that people love to visit,” she emphasized.

In general, Greece’s cultural and historical attractions continue to attract tourists from all over the world. The country’s rich history, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality make it a great destination for travelers seeking a combination of relaxation and exploration.

Greece’s Natural Beauty and Outdoor Activities

Greece is renowned for its natural beauty, making it a popular destination for travelers from around the world. The country’s stunning landscapes, including its picturesque islands, pristine beaches, and majestic mountains, attract visitors who are seeking a peaceful getaway in the lap of nature. Greece offers a wide range of outdoor activities, such as hiking, sailing, snorkeling, and biking, allowing tourists to immerse themselves in the country’s breathtaking scenery.

One of the choices that many tourists make when they visit Greece is to explore its diverse and unique cuisine. Greek food is loved worldwide for its delicious flavors and use of fresh ingredients, reflecting the Mediterranean diet. From traditional dishes like moussaka and souvlaki to fresh seafood and tasty Greek salads, the country’s culinary delights never fail to satisfy the taste buds of visitors.

In a recent interview with Elena Kountoura, the Minister of Tourism in Greece, she highlighted that despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Greece has remained a welcoming destination for travelers. During the latest year, the number of domestic trips in Greece was higher than outbound trips, indicating that many people chose to explore their own country.

Greece’s natural beauty and outdoor activities have been the key factors attracting tourists. The country’s islands, in particular, have been a magnet for travelers, with their stunning beaches, clear blue waters, and charming villages. In terms of tourists from abroad, Europe remains the largest group, with many visitors expressing their love for Greece and their desire to visit again post-pandemic.

Types of Accommodation for Tourists in Greece

Greece, known for its stunning Mediterranean landscapes and rich cultural heritage, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. With its welcoming people, delicious food, and beautiful islands, Greece attracts a large number of visitors every year.

According to Elena Kountoura, the former Tourism Minister of Greece, the number of people visiting Greece is expected to be even higher in the post-pandemic period. In her latest interview, Kountoura highlighted that Greece has always been a top choice for tourists, both domestic and international.

When it comes to accommodation choices in Greece, the most common option for tourists is hotels. With a wide range of services and amenities available, hotels cater to the diverse needs and preferences of travelers. Many hotels in Greece offer stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea, adding to the overall experience of the visit.

In addition to hotels, there are other types of accommodation options available for tourists in Greece. One of the popular choices is renting a villa or an apartment. This allows travelers to have their own space, privacy, and the freedom to experience Greece at their own pace.

Another option that has gained popularity in recent years is camping. Greece is home to many beautiful camping sites, particularly on its islands. Camping provides a more adventurous and budget-friendly option for tourists who enjoy being closer to nature.

Furthermore, Greece has made efforts to accommodate different groups of tourists, including refugees from other countries in Europe. Under the terms of the EU action plan, Greece offers temporary accommodation to refugees, ensuring their safety and well-being during their stay.

In summary, Greece offers a variety of accommodation options for tourists, ranging from hotels and villas to camping sites. The country’s hospitality industry strives to provide a memorable experience for visitors, catering to their diverse needs and preferences. Whether it’s a luxury resort or a cozy camping spot, Greece has something to offer for every type of traveler.

Greece’s Gastronomy and Culinary Experiences

One of Greece’s greatest treasures lies in its gastronomy and culinary experiences. The country is known for its rich and diverse food culture, offering a unique blend of flavors and ingredients that has captivated visitors from around the world.

In recent years, Greece has seen a significant increase in the number of tourists who love to explore its gastronomic offerings. According to Elena Kountoura, Tourism Minister of Greece, the expected number of visitors to Greece will be higher this year, with an expected increase of 10 percent compared to last year. This is particularly significant considering the challenges posed by the pandemic.

Greece’s gastronomy is influenced by its history and geographical location. As a Mediterranean country, it offers a wide variety of fresh and locally sourced ingredients, including olives, feta cheese, seafood, and aromatic herbs. The country’s cuisine is characterized by its simplicity and emphasis on high-quality ingredients.

When it comes to culinary experiences, Greece offers something for everyone. From traditional tavernas serving authentic Greek dishes to Michelin-starred restaurants showcasing innovative and modern interpretations of Greek cuisine, travelers have a plethora of choices. Whether it’s enjoying a meze platter on the islands or dining at a seafood taverna overlooking the crystal-clear waters, visitors can immerse themselves in the rich culinary heritage of Greece.

Greece’s gastronomy also plays a vital role in other aspects of its tourism. According to Minister Kountoura, food and beverage expenditure represents the largest share of visitors’ expenditure, highlighting the importance of gastronomy in the overall tourism industry. Additionally, the country’s culinary offerings have been instrumental in promoting domestic tourism, with many Greeks opting for gastronomic trips within the country.

In light of the post-pandemic world, Greece is ready to welcome tourists with open arms and provide them with unforgettable gastronomic experiences. Minister Kountoura highlights that Greece’s food and beverage services have taken all the necessary actions to meet the highest health and safety standards, ensuring a safe and enjoyable visit for travelers.

Overall, Greece’s gastronomy and culinary experiences are among the country’s most cherished treasures. From the flavorful dishes to the warm hospitality, visitors have the opportunity to indulge in the rich culinary heritage of Greece and create lasting memories.

Transportation Options for Tourists in Greece

When visiting Greece, tourists have a variety of transportation options available to explore this beautiful Mediterranean country. Whether you are traveling from within Greece or from other parts of the world, you have many choices to reach your desired destinations.

Air Travel: One of the most common transportation choices for tourists visiting Greece is by air. Greece has several international airports located in major cities such as Athens, Thessaloniki, and Heraklion, which provide convenient access to different regions of the country. Many airlines offer direct flights to Greece from various European and international destinations.

Ferry Travel: Another popular way to travel in Greece, especially if you are visiting the islands, is by ferry. Greece has an extensive ferry network connecting the mainland with its numerous islands. Ferries are a great option for island hopping, allowing you to explore different islands at your own pace. The coastal cities and ports, such as Piraeus and Rafina, serve as major ferry hubs.

Public Transportation: Greece has a well-developed public transportation system, making it easy for tourists to get around. Buses are the most common form of public transport and connect cities, towns, and popular tourist destinations. Trains are also available, although they mainly operate within the mainland. Additionally, taxis and rental cars offer flexibility for independent traveling.

Guided Tours: For those who prefer guided experiences, there are various tour operators that offer organized group trips in Greece. These tours provide a convenient way to visit multiple attractions and sites within a specific timeframe. Group tours often include transportation, accommodation, and the services of a knowledgeable tour guide.

Post-Pandemic Travel: In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Greece has implemented health and safety measures to ensure the well-being of travelers. In an interview with Elena Kountoura, the former Tourism Minister of Greece, she mentioned that the country will welcome visitors with enhanced hygiene protocols and specific action plans. The latest number of tourists visiting Greece may be lower than previous years due to the pandemic, but it is expected to increase as travel restrictions ease.

Greece’s Future Plans for Tourism Development

In a recent interview, Elena Kountoura, the former Tourism Minister of Greece, shed light on the country’s future plans for tourism development. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Greece remains a popular destination for travelers from around the world. With its beautiful Mediterranean islands, rich history, and delicious food, Greece offers a unique experience to its visitors.

In terms of domestic tourism, Kountoura emphasized the importance of promoting travel within Greece. Domestic trips are expected to play a significant role in the recovery of the tourism sector, with many Greeks opting to explore their own country this year. The government has taken action to make traveling within Greece more accessible and affordable, with the aim of attracting more domestic travelers.

When it comes to international tourists, Greece aims to welcome a higher number of visitors in the post-pandemic era. Kountoura mentioned that the country will focus on promoting itself as a safe and top-quality destination. With the latest investment in infrastructure and services, Greece aims to attract both new and repeat travelers from all over the world.

Kountoura also discussed the impact of the refugee crisis on Greece’s tourism. She stated that the situation is under control, and Greece continues to provide support to the refugees while ensuring the safety and comfort of tourists. Kountoura emphasized that Greece remains a safe destination for travelers.

Greece’s tourism sector is expected to recover gradually, with an increase in the number of tourists and their expenditure. The country’s general strategy is to diversify its tourism products and target different traveler segments. From adventure tourism to cultural experiences, Greece aims to offer a wide range of choices to cater to the preferences of different travelers.

In conclusion, Greece’s future plans for tourism development revolve around promoting domestic and international travel. With the implementation of various measures and the continuous improvement of services, Greece aims to remain one of the most sought-after destinations in Europe and the world.

“This is the Greece I love” – Interview with Elena Kountoura, Tourism Minister of Greece

In a recent interview, Elena Kountoura, the Tourism Minister of Greece, highlighted the significance of domestic tourism and its potential to boost Greece’s tourism industry. Kountoura emphasized the need to promote and support travel within the country, especially during times of crisis such as the ongoing pandemic.

Kountoura mentioned the allure of the Greek islands, which have always been popular among both domestic and outbound travelers. She expressed her belief that these islands offer a unique experience and are a major draw for tourists from around the world. In terms of numbers, Greece attracts one of the largest numbers of tourists in the Mediterranean region, making it a top destination for travelers in general.

The interview shed light on the impact of the pandemic on Greece’s tourism sector. Kountoura acknowledged the challenges faced by the industry in the past year but remained optimistic about the future. She emphasized the importance of taking necessary actions to ensure a post-pandemic recovery, including implementing safety measures in hotels and other tourist services and promoting Greece as a safe destination.

Elena Kountoura also mentioned the increase in domestic tourism during the pandemic. With international travel restrictions in place, many Greeks have chosen to explore their own country, contributing significantly to the tourism sector’s survival. Kountoura highlighted the economic benefits of domestic tourism, including increased expenditure on accommodations, food, and other services.

During the interview, Kountoura spoke about Greece’s welcoming attitude towards refugees, emphasizing the country’s commitment to providing support and assistance to those in need. She emphasized that Greece’s identity as a tourist destination remains strong, irrespective of the challenges faced.

In conclusion, Elena Kountoura’s interview provided valuable insights into the current state of Greece’s tourism industry. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, she expressed hope for a post-pandemic recovery and highlighted the importance of domestic tourism in supporting the sector. By focusing on safety measures, promoting Greece’s unique attractions, and showing solidarity with refugees, Greece aims to maintain its status as a top tourist destination in Europe and the world.


What are the insights from Elena Kountoura, Tourism Minister of Greece, about the number of people visiting Greece every year?

Elena Kountoura, Tourism Minister of Greece, states that Greece has been experiencing an upward trend in tourist arrivals in recent years. The number of visitors has been steadily increasing, reaching a record high in 2018 with 33 million tourists. She also highlights that Greece offers a diverse range of attractions, including beautiful beaches, historical sites, and vibrant cities, which contribute to its popularity among travelers.

What is the current status of outbound tourism in Greece?

Outbound tourism in Greece has seen a positive growth in recent years. Greek tourists are increasingly exploring international destinations, with popular choices including neighboring countries like Italy and Turkey, as well as more distant destinations like Thailand and the United States. The availability of affordable flights and the desire for new experiences are driving factors behind the growth of outbound tourism in Greece.

How does domestic tourism contribute to the tourism industry in Greece?

Domestic tourism plays a significant role in the tourism industry in Greece. Many Greeks choose to spend their vacations within the country, exploring different regions and supporting local businesses. This not only boosts the economy but also helps to sustain and promote the diverse natural and cultural heritage of Greece. The government has been implementing various initiatives to encourage domestic tourism, such as promoting lesser-known destinations and offering incentives for travel within the country.

Can you provide an insight into the interview with Elena Kountoura, Tourism Minister of Greece?

In the interview with Elena Kountoura, she expresses her love for Greece and shares her vision of promoting sustainable tourism in the country. She emphasizes the importance of preserving the environment, cultural heritage, and local communities while attracting tourists. She also highlights the efforts of the government to diversify tourism offerings, improve infrastructure, and enhance connectivity. She believes that Greece has immense potential to become a global year-round tourist destination.

What has been the trend in the number of people visiting Greece every year?

In recent years, Greece has seen a consistent increase in the number of tourists visiting the country. The tourism industry has been growing steadily, with record-breaking numbers in 2018, reaching 33 million visitors. This trend reflects the popularity of Greece as a tourist destination, driven by factors such as its natural beauty, rich history, and unique cultural experiences.

Which factors have contributed to the growth of tourism in Greece?

Several factors have contributed to the growth of tourism in Greece. The availability of low-cost airline carriers, improved infrastructure, and increased connectivity through airports and ferry services have made Greece more accessible to international travelers. Furthermore, the country’s diverse attractions, including stunning islands, ancient ruins, and vibrant cities, have attracted tourists from around the world. The government’s efforts to promote Greece as a year-round destination and enhance the overall visitor experience have also played a crucial role in the growth of tourism.

What are some of the popular destinations within Greece that attract tourists?

Greece offers a wide range of popular destinations that attract tourists. Some of the most sought-after places include Athens, the capital city known for its historical landmarks like the Acropolis and Parthenon. The Greek islands, such as Santorini, Mykonos, and Crete, are also highly popular among tourists for their picturesque beauty and vibrant nightlife. Additionally, destinations like Delphi, Olympia, and Meteora, known for their ancient ruins and UNESCO World Heritage Sites, attract history enthusiasts from all over the world.


Greece’s minister of tourism: ‘Tourism is a government priority’

Greece’s minister of tourism: ‘Tourism is a government priority’ by FRANCE 24 English 6 years ago 16 minutes 1,081 views



  1. It’s amazing to see how Greece has managed to maintain its allure and attract millions of tourists every year. The country truly has something for everyone – from stunning landscapes to rich history and warm hospitality. Can’t wait to visit Greece again post-pandemic!

  2. I absolutely agree with Minister Kountoura. Greece is a mesmerizing country with something for everyone. The stunning landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality make it a top-notch destination. I can’t wait to visit again!

  3. TravelLover223 on

    Wow, Greece sounds like such a dream destination! I would love to visit someday and explore its beautiful beaches and ancient ruins. The number of visitors is impressive, and I can’t wait to see how it grows post-pandemic. Elena Kountoura’s insights make it even more enticing!

  4. I visited Greece last year and it was absolutely amazing! The stunning landscapes and rich history truly captivated me. I can’t wait to go back!

  5. Greece is truly a gem among travel destinations. I visited last year and fell in love with its beauty and charm. The number of visitors is well-deserved and I believe it will only continue to rise. Can’t wait to go back!

    • EnigmaTraveler on

      Sure, Greg556! Greece has numerous regions that are popular among tourists. One of the most famous regions is the island of Santorini, known for its picturesque whitewashed buildings and stunning sunsets. Another popular destination is Athens, the capital city, where tourists can explore iconic landmarks such as the Acropolis and the Parthenon. The island of Mykonos is also a favorite among visitors due to its vibrant nightlife and beautiful beaches. Additionally, Crete is renowned for its rich history, charming villages, and beautiful natural landscapes. These are just a few examples, but Greece has so much more to offer in terms of regions that cater to different interests and preferences. Happy travels!

  6. I recently visited Greece and I must say it exceeded my expectations. The landscapes are truly stunning and the history is so rich. The hospitality of the Greeks made me feel welcome and at home. I can’t wait to visit again!

  7. TravelLover123 on

    Wow, Greece sounds like a dream destination! I’ve always wanted to visit and explore its stunning landscapes and rich history. Can’t wait to experience the warm hospitality and enjoy the variety of activities Greece has to offer. Elena Kountoura’s insights make me even more excited to plan my trip!

  8. Greece is truly a paradise on Earth! I have visited Greece multiple times and each visit leaves me in awe of its beauty and history. The number of visitors is well-deserved as Greece has so much to offer. Can’t wait to go back!

  9. MarkJohnson1985 on

    Greece is simply amazing! I had the most incredible time exploring the ancient ruins and soaking up the sun on their beautiful beaches. The hospitality of the Greek people is unparalleled. Can’t wait to go back!

    • Greece’s ability to maintain its allure and attract visitors amidst the challenges of the pandemic can be attributed to its resilient spirit, captivating landscapes, and genuine hospitality. Minister Kountoura’s strategic measures, including promoting safety protocols and showcasing Greece’s beauty through virtual platforms, have played a significant role in reassuring travelers and keeping their interest alive.

  10. As a frequent traveler to Greece, I can attest to the country’s undeniable charm and beauty. The alluring landscapes, fascinating history, and warm hospitality make every visit unforgettable. It’s no surprise that Greece continues to attract millions of visitors each year, and I look forward to exploring even more of its wonders post-pandemic.

  11. EmilyTravels on

    I absolutely agree with Minister Kountoura that Greece is a top travel destination. The country’s beauty, history, and hospitality make it a must-visit place for any traveler. I can’t wait to experience the magic of Greece myself!

  12. AlexaSmith123 on

    How does Greece manage to attract millions of tourists every year despite the challenges posed by the pandemic?

    • ElenaJohnson456 on

      Greece’s ability to attract millions of tourists every year, even amidst the challenges of the pandemic, stems from its captivating landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality, which continue to allure travelers worldwide. Minister Kountoura’s insights shed light on how Greece maintains its appeal and is poised to welcome even more visitors post-pandemic.

  13. As a travel enthusiast, I believe Greece truly offers a magical experience for all visitors. The country’s rich history, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality make it a top destination for travelers seeking a blend of culture and relaxation. Elena Kountoura’s insights further emphasize why Greece continues to attract millions of tourists each year. Can’t wait to explore this beautiful country myself!

  14. AlexandraSmith123 on

    How does Greece manage to maintain its allure and attract visitors despite the challenges brought on by the pandemic?

    • AlexandraTraveler456 on

      Greece maintains its allure and attracts visitors by showcasing its stunning landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality, offering a diverse range of choices for travelers. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, Greece’s beauty continues to captivate tourists from around the world.

  15. ElenaSmith07 on

    Could you please provide more details on the specific regions in Greece that attract the most visitors? I’d love to explore different parts of the country on my next trip.

    • GeorgeJohnson89 on

      Sure, ElenaSmith07! Minister Kountoura mentioned that popular regions in Greece like Santorini, Athens, Mykonos, and Crete attract a significant number of visitors each year due to their stunning landscapes, cultural heritage, and vibrant atmosphere. These regions offer a unique blend of history, natural beauty, and modern amenities for travelers to experience. Exploring these diverse destinations will surely enhance your trip to Greece.

  16. EliseMcDreamy on

    Isn’t it amazing that Greece was able to maintain its allure despite the challenges of the pandemic? Can you share more details on the specific attractions that draw in millions of visitors each year?

    • LucasSmith92 on

      It’s truly remarkable how Greece has retained its charm amidst the pandemic. Minister Kountoura mentioned that the diverse attractions, from stunning beaches to ancient ruins and vibrant cities, captivate millions of tourists annually. Greece’s appeal lies in its ability to cater to a wide range of preferences, ensuring a memorable experience for every visitor.

  17. AlexisTraveler on

    I believe that Greece’s popularity as a tourist destination will continue to grow post-pandemic due to its diverse attractions and welcoming hospitality. The country’s rich history and stunning landscapes make it a must-visit for any traveler looking for a memorable experience.

  18. How does Greece manage to maintain its allure and attract visitors despite the challenges of the pandemic?

    • EmilySmith, Greece’s ability to maintain its allure and attract visitors during the pandemic can be attributed to its stunning landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality. Despite the challenges, Greece continues to offer a diverse range of choices for tourists, from breathtaking beaches to charming villages, making it a popular destination for travelers worldwide.

  19. EmilyJones79 on

    As a frequent traveler to Greece, I can attest to the charm and beauty that the country offers. The hospitality of the Greek people always makes me feel welcomed and at home. I believe that Greece will continue to attract more visitors post-pandemic due to its diverse attractions and rich history.

  20. EmilySmith123 on

    How has Greece managed to maintain its allure and attract visitors amidst the challenges of the pandemic? Are there any specific initiatives that Minister Kountoura has taken to promote tourism in Greece during these difficult times?

    • AlexanderJohnson456 on

      Greece has maintained its allure and attracted visitors due to its stunning landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality. Minister Kountoura has implemented various initiatives to promote tourism during the pandemic, ensuring the safety and enjoyment of travelers.

  21. EmilyTravels on

    As an avid traveler, I have always been enamored by the beauty of Greece. The country’s rich history and stunning landscapes never fail to mesmerize me. It’s no surprise that millions of tourists flock to Greece each year, and I believe the number will only continue to rise as more people discover the magic of this enchanting destination.

  22. Can you provide more details on the specific attractions that draw visitors to Greece? I’m curious about the must-see destinations mentioned in the article.

    • AlexanderSmith on

      Sure, EmmaSays! Greece offers a plethora of incredible attractions that captivate visitors from all around the globe. Some of the must-see destinations include the iconic Acropolis in Athens, the stunning Santorini with its picturesque white buildings overlooking the crystal-clear waters, the historic Delphi archaeological site, and the vibrant nightlife of Mykonos. These are just a few examples of the enchanting sites that make Greece a top choice for travelers seeking unforgettable experiences.

  23. JenniferSmith on

    How does Greece manage to attract millions of tourists every year despite the challenges it faces?

    • Greece manages to attract millions of tourists every year through its stunning landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality, which continue to captivate travelers worldwide. Despite the challenges, Greece’s diverse offerings and unique experiences make it a desirable destination for all types of visitors.

  24. Julia_Sunshine on

    As a frequent traveler to Greece, I can confirm that the country truly has something for everyone. The rich history, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality make it a top choice for tourists. I believe Greece will continue to attract more visitors in the coming years, especially as travelers seek diverse travel experiences post-pandemic.

  25. How has the pandemic affected the number of visitors to Greece? Are there any new trends in tourism emerging post-pandemic?

    • DavidSmith78 on

      The pandemic has indeed impacted the number of visitors to Greece. However, there are promising signs post-pandemic as the country remains a desirable destination. New trends in tourism, such as sustainable travel and remote work opportunities, are emerging as travelers seek authentic experiences in Greece.

  26. Mark Travels on

    As a seasoned traveler, I’ve always been drawn to the enchanting beauty of Greece. It’s no surprise to me that the number of visitors keeps growing each year. The country truly offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and natural wonders that cater to all types of travelers. Can’t wait to explore Greece again soon!

  27. LenaSmith123 on

    Could you provide more details on the specific activities that tourists can enjoy in Greece besides island hopping and exploring historical sites?

    • JohnTraveller86 on

      Sure thing, LenaSmith123! Apart from island hopping and exploring historical sites, tourists in Greece can also indulge in delightful culinary experiences, participate in wine tasting tours, engage in water sports like windsurfing and sailing, hike through picturesque mountain trails, visit traditional Greek villages for a taste of local culture, and unwind in soothing natural hot springs. The possibilities are endless in Greece!

  28. How has the pandemic affected the overall experience for tourists visiting Greece? Has the tourism industry managed to adapt effectively to ensure the safety of visitors?

    • Hi EmilyTravels! As someone who has recently visited Greece, I can share that the pandemic has indeed impacted the tourist experience. The tourism industry has taken significant measures to adapt, ensuring the safety of visitors. Health protocols are strictly enforced in accommodations, attractions, and public spaces. Despite the challenges, Greece remains a welcoming and beautiful destination worth exploring.

  29. AlexandraSmith on

    As a frequent traveler to Greece, I completely agree with Minister Kountoura’s remarks. Greece truly stands out as a top travel destination with its blend of history, stunning scenery, and genuine hospitality. The increase in visitors post-pandemic is not surprising given the country’s diverse offerings. I personally can’t wait to explore more of Greece’s hidden gems on my next trip!

    • Sure, EmilyTravels! When visiting Greece, tourists can engage in a wide array of activities such as water sports like snorkeling and sailing, culinary tours to taste traditional Greek cuisine, hiking adventures in picturesque landscapes, exploring ancient archaeological sites, and participating in vibrant cultural festivals. Greece truly offers something for every type of traveler!

  30. As an avid traveler, I completely agree with Minister Kountoura’s assessment of Greece as a top tourist destination. The country’s beauty and hospitality truly make it a must-visit location for any traveler looking to experience history, culture, and stunning landscapes all in one place.

  31. As a frequent traveler to Greece, I must say that the country truly offers a magical experience for tourists. The warm hospitality of the locals, combined with the rich history and stunning landscapes, make Greece a top destination for anyone looking to explore Europe. I’m not surprised that the number of visitors keeps increasing, and I can’t wait to go back and discover more of Greece’s beauty.

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