Several countries have recently announced that they will no longer accept visa applications from Russian citizens. This decision comes as a blow to Russian tourists who had planned on traveling to these countries, especially during the summer tourism period.

Greece, one of the popular European destinations for Russians, has decided to stop issuing visas to Russian tourists. The Greek embassy in Moscow had signed a new agreement with the Russian Federation, which permits Russian citizens to apply for visas only if they have a voucher from a Greek travel agency. This move has caused frustration among Russians who were planning to visit Greece.

Iceland is another country that will no longer accept visa applications from Russian citizens. This decision was made in response to recent sanctions imposed by Russia against two Icelandic officials. The president of Iceland announced that the country will strike back by not accepting visas from Russians.

Ukraine’s capital city, Kyiv, has also joined the list of countries not accepting visas from Russia. Ukrainian officials stated that this move is in response to Russia’s ongoing aggression towards Ukraine, including the use of drones to target Ukrainian territory. Ukrainian citizens will still be able to apply for visas to travel to Russia, but the visa issuance process will be more strict and lengthy.

Greece ‘no longer’ accepts new applications for permits from Russians

Greece 'no longer' accepts new applications for permits from Russians

The Greek embassy in Russia announced overnight that it would no longer accept new applications for permits from Russian citizens. This decision comes as a result of the ongoing tensions between the two countries and the recent targeting of Russian officials with sanctions.

The Greek president’s office issued a statement explaining that the decision to stop accepting applications from Russians was made in order to strike a balance between maintaining diplomatic relations with Russia and respecting the European Union’s sanctions. The statement also mentioned that the issuance of new permits to Russian citizens would be put on hold for an indefinite period.

Previously, Russian tourists could obtain a Greek visa by purchasing a voucher from a certified Russian travel agency. However, this process will no longer be available for new applications. Russian citizens who already have Greek visas will still be able to stay in the country for the duration stated in their passport.

This development in Greek visa policy follows a similar move by Iceland, another European country, which announced earlier this year that it would not accept applications for visas from Russian citizens. It is worth noting that these visa restrictions are specific to the issuance of new permits and do not affect Russians who already hold valid visas.

Russian Visa for Greek Citizens

Greek citizens who wish to visit Russia must obtain a visa before their trip. The visa issuance targets Greek tourists and business travelers who plan to stay in Russia for a certain period. However, due to the current political situation and the sanctions imposed on Russia, the process of obtaining a visa has become more complicated.

Greek citizens can also apply for a Russian visa through their embassy or consulate in Greece. It is important to note that the new order signed by the President of Russia states that foreign citizens must now apply for a visa within two weeks before their planned travel date.

In the past, Greek citizens could obtain a visa upon arrival in Russia, but this is no longer the case. Russian officials have announced that no visas will be granted to Greek citizens overnight, and the visa application process will take approximately two weeks.

In order to apply for a Russian visa, Greek citizens must provide certain documents, including a valid passport, a visa application form, a voucher or invitation from a Russian host or organization, and proof of sufficient financial means to cover their stay in Russia.

It is worth mentioning that tourism between Greece and Russia is still permitted, and Greek citizens can visit Russia visa-free for up to 90 days, as long as their stay is for tourism purposes only.

In conclusion, Greek citizens who plan to visit Russia should be aware of the current visa requirements and regulations. The visa application process can take some time, so it is advisable to start the process well in advance of the planned travel date.

Which countries are not accepting visas from Russia?

Which countries are not accepting visas from Russia?

In recent months, there have been new developments regarding visa restrictions for Russian travelers. Several countries have announced that they will no longer be accepting visa applications from Russian citizens. This has caused concerns for many Russians who had plans to visit these countries and stay there for an extended period of time.

The Golden Period: Iceland and Kyiv

One of the first countries to announce that it will no longer be accepting visa applications from Russians is Iceland. The Icelandic embassy in Moscow made this announcement a few weeks ago, stating that they will no longer issue visas to Russian citizens. This comes as a disappointment to many Russians who had planned to visit this beautiful country.

A similar situation has unfolded in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. The Ukrainian consulate has stopped accepting visa applications from Russians, leaving many travelers unsure of their plans. This change in visa policy has made it difficult for Russians to travel to Ukraine for tourism or any other purposes.

Greece: No Longer Accepting Visa Applications

Greece: No Longer Accepting Visa Applications

Another country that no longer accepts visa applications from Russians is Greece. The Greek embassy in Moscow announced this decision in light of the ongoing tensions between Russia and the European Union. As a member of the EU, Greece is obligated to comply with the sanctions imposed on Russia. This means that Russians will not be granted visas to travel to Greece at this time.

The impact of these visa restrictions is significant, as Greece is a popular destination for Russian tourists. The Golden Visa program, which grants residency permits to those who invest in Greek real estate, has also been affected. Russians who had plans to participate in this program will have to reconsider their options.

The Status of Other Countries

It is important to note that not all countries have implemented such visa restrictions on Russian travelers. For example, many European countries still accept visa applications from Russians, despite the strained relationship between Russia and the EU. However, it is advisable for Russian citizens to check with the relevant embassies or consulates before making any travel plans.

As the situation regarding visa restrictions continues to evolve, it is recommended that Russian travelers stay updated on the latest developments. The ongoing tensions between Russia and the EU may result in further changes in visa policies for Russian citizens. It is important to have all the necessary documents and comply with the requirements set by each country’s embassy or consulate to avoid any complications during the visa application process.

In conclusion, several countries, including Iceland, Kyiv, and Greece, have announced that they will no longer be accepting visa applications from Russian citizens. This has had a significant impact on travel plans and tourism opportunities for Russians. However, it is important to note that not all countries have implemented such restrictions, and it is advisable for Russian citizens to stay updated on the latest visa policies before making any travel arrangements.

Russia targets Kyiv with overnight drone strike first in nearly two weeks

In a surprising turn of events, the Russian Federation has conducted an overnight drone strike in Kyiv, Ukraine, marking the first such incident in nearly two weeks. Officials in the Ukrainian capital were taken aback by the sudden aggression from their neighboring country.

According to sources, the drone strike was a targeted attack that aimed at certain key locations in Kyiv. The Russian government has not provided any official statement regarding the motive behind the strike, leaving many to speculate on the possible reasons.

This latest development adds further strain to the already tense relations between Russia and Ukraine. The two countries have been at odds for several years, with conflicts ranging from territorial disputes to political disagreements. The drone strike only serves to exacerbate the existing tensions and heighten concerns for the security of Kyiv and its residents.

Russians who wish to travel to Ukraine now face additional hurdles, as the Ukrainian government has announced stricter visa regulations. Previously, Russians were granted visas upon arrival at the airport or other points of entry, but now they must apply for a visa at the Ukrainian consulate in their country of residence.

The issuance of visas to Russians has been a topic of discussion between the two countries for some time now. Ukrainian officials were concerned about allowing visa-free entry to Russian tourists, considering the ongoing conflicts and political situation. The recent drone strike has further validated the Ukrainian government’s decision to impose stricter visa regulations.

Russians who hold a passport from countries that accept visa vouchers, such as Iceland, may still apply for a visa to visit Ukraine. However, those with Russian passports will no longer be granted visas upon arrival at the airport.

It is unclear how long these visa regulations will remain in place, as it largely depends on the ongoing political situation between Russia and Ukraine. Both countries have faced sanctions from the international community, and the conflict shows no signs of resolution in the near future.


Which countries are not accepting visas from Russia?

Currently, Greece is the country that is no longer accepting new visa applications from Russians. However, it is important to regularly check for updates from other countries as visa policies may change.

Is it true that Greece is no longer accepting new visa applications from Russians?

Yes, that is correct. Greece has announced that it is no longer accepting new visa applications from Russians. This decision is likely due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in Russia.

Are there any alternatives to applying for a visa to visit Greece for Russians?

Currently, there are no alternatives mentioned in the article. However, it is advisable to consult with the Greek embassy or consulate in Russia for any updates or possible exceptions to the visa policy.

Why is Greece no longer accepting new visa applications from Russians?

The main reason for Greece no longer accepting new visa applications from Russians is most likely due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Russia. This measure is taken to control the spread of the virus and ensure public health and safety.


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If you broked visa duration in Russia

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  1. I can’t believe Greece and Iceland are refusing visa applications from Russians! It’s such a disappointment, especially for those of us who were planning to travel there. I hope this situation gets resolved soon.

  2. It’s a shame that Greece has decided to stop accepting visa applications from Russian tourists. I was planning to visit this summer and now I have to go through the hassle of getting a voucher from a Greek travel agency. This is so frustrating!

  3. It’s really disappointing that Greece has stopped accepting visa applications from Russian citizens. I was planning to visit there this summer. This new requirement of having a voucher from a Greek travel agency is frustrating and unnecessary.

  4. I am deeply disappointed with Greece’s decision to stop accepting visa applications from Russians. I had planned a trip to Greece this summer and now I have to cancel all my arrangements. It’s really frustrating!

  5. This is outrageous! It’s unfortunate that political tensions are affecting the ability for Russians to travel to these countries. It’s a blow to the tourism industry and those who were looking forward to visiting Greece and other destinations.

  6. Anastasia Petrova on

    I am deeply disappointed by Greece’s decision to stop issuing visas to Russian tourists. I had already planned my trip to Greece and now I have to cancel everything. This new requirement of having a voucher from a Greek travel agency is just causing unnecessary frustration among Russians. Hopefully, this situation will be resolved soon.

  7. This is really disappointing news for Russian tourists. I was planning a trip to Greece this summer and now I can’t even apply for a visa. It’s frustrating to see how relations between countries are affecting ordinary people.

  8. It’s disappointing to see Greece and Iceland refusing visa applications from Russians. Travel plans have been ruined for many of us. Hopefully, this situation will be resolved soon.

  9. It’s disappointing to see that Greece has stopped accepting visa applications from Russians. I had planned on visiting this summer, but now I have to cancel my trip. I hope the situation improves soon.

    • Marina Ivanova on

      Greece’s decision to stop accepting visa applications from Russians is a response to the recent agreement signed between the Greek embassy in Moscow and the Russian Federation. This new agreement requires Russian citizens to have a voucher from a Greek travel agency in order to apply for a visa. Russians who were planning to visit Greece are understandably frustrated by this new requirement.

    • Yes, it is true that Greece has stopped accepting new visa applications from Russians. The recent agreement between the Greek embassy in Moscow and the Russian Federation now requires Russian citizens to have a voucher from a Greek travel agency in order to apply for a visa to Greece. This has caused disappointment among many Russians who were planning to travel to Greece.

    • It seems that Greece’s decision to stop accepting new visa applications from Russians is tied to the recent agreement signed by the Greek embassy in Moscow. Russian citizens are now required to have a voucher from a Greek travel agency in order to apply for visas. This move has left many Russian tourists frustrated, especially those who had Greece as their summer destination.

  10. Why is Greece refusing to issue visas to Russian tourists? Does this new agreement with travel agencies affect all Russian citizens?

    • Hi Yevgeniya, Greece has decided to stop issuing visas to Russian tourists due to a new agreement with travel agencies, requiring Russian citizens to have a voucher from a Greek travel agency to apply for visas. This new rule affects all Russian citizens planning to visit Greece. It has indeed caused frustration among many Russians who had travel plans disrupted.

  11. Will this visa restriction impact Russian citizens’ travel plans for the upcoming summer season? What alternative destinations are they considering?

    • AlexanderSmith on

      Yes, the visa restrictions will definitely affect Russian citizens’ travel plans for the upcoming summer season. With countries like Greece, Iceland, and Ukraine no longer accepting visa applications, Russian tourists are now exploring alternative destinations. Some popular choices include Turkey, Croatia, and Montenegro. It’s a challenging time for Russian travelers, but they are adapting and finding new places to explore.

  12. Natalia_Petrova on

    It’s disappointing to see countries like Greece and Iceland refusing visa applications from Russians. As a Russian tourist, this new restriction impacts my travel plans and makes me reconsider visiting these destinations. It’s unfortunate that political tensions are affecting us, ordinary citizens.

  13. It’s disappointing to see countries like Greece and Iceland refusing visa applications from Russian citizens. The tourism industry will definitely take a hit with these restrictions in place. It’s a tough situation for everyone involved.

  14. It’s really disappointing to see Greece and other countries refusing visa applications from Russia. As a Russian traveler, it’s disheartening to encounter these obstacles when planning trips. I hope the situation improves soon for all involved.

  15. It’s really concerning to see countries like Greece and Iceland halting visa applications from Russian citizens. This will surely impact many travelers and the tourism industry, creating frustration and disappointment among Russians who had plans to visit these beautiful destinations.

  16. AlexandraJohnson on

    Can anyone confirm if Greece has completely stopped accepting visa applications from Russians? This new agreement with the Russian Federation seems quite restrictive.

    • Yes, Greece has indeed stopped issuing visas to Russian tourists. The new agreement with the Russian Federation has imposed strict conditions, requiring tourists to have a voucher from a Greek travel agency in order to apply for a visa. This change has caused disappointment among many Russian travelers.

  17. It is disappointing to see that some countries are refusing visa applications from Russia. This decision only adds more obstacles for Russian tourists who had plans to visit these destinations. It’s a challenging time for travelers, especially during the summer season.

  18. It’s truly disappointing to see these countries refusing visa applications from Russia. This decision will negatively impact many Russian travelers and harm international relations. I hope a resolution can be reached soon.

  19. It’s unfortunate to see countries escalating tensions by refusing visa applications from Russia. This decision impacts not just Russian tourists but also bilateral relations between nations.

  20. Emily Smith on

    I believe that countries have the right to protect themselves and their interests by refusing visa applications from Russia. It’s a strong message against aggression that should not be taken lightly. Let’s hope for peaceful resolutions in these challenging times.

  21. Do you know if there is any chance of these countries reconsidering their decision in the near future?

    • AlexJohnson on

      It’s unlikely that these countries will reconsider their decision anytime soon, especially given the current political tensions and conflicts. The restrictions on visa applications from Russian citizens seem to be directly tied to specific events and diplomatic actions, so until there’s a significant shift in those circumstances, it’s doubtful that the policies will change.

  22. Alexandra84 on

    In my opinion, it’s unfortunate to see countries like Greece, Iceland, and Ukraine refusing visa applications from Russia. It not only affects Russian tourists but also strains diplomatic relations. Hopefully, there can be a resolution soon.

  23. It’s concerning how many countries are refusing visa applications from Russia. It’s definitely impacting Russian travelers’ plans and the tourism sector. Hope the situation improves soon.

  24. NataliaSmith on

    It’s concerning to see countries like Greece, Iceland, and Ukraine refusing visa applications from Russian citizens. People should have the freedom to travel without political restrictions. Hopefully, this situation gets resolved soon.

  25. Are there any specific reasons why Greece and Iceland have decided to stop accepting visa applications from Russian citizens?

    • Dmitriy Ivanov on

      Yes, the decisions made by Greece and Iceland to halt visa applications from Russian citizens are primarily in response to recent political tensions and actions taken by Russia. Greece’s decision is a result of a new agreement with Russia that limits visa issuance unless applicants have vouchers from Greek travel agencies. Iceland’s choice is a retaliatory measure against sanctions imposed by Russia on Icelandic officials. These restrictions have unfortunately impacted Russian tourists’ travel plans to these countries.

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