Are you planning a trip to Greece and wondering how much it will cost? Greece is a popular travel destination known for its beautiful islands and rich history, but is it a cheap place to visit? The answer is: it depends on when you go and how you travel. In this article, we will explore the average cost of traveling in Greece during off-season holidays and give you some tips on how to save money during your trip.

If you are a backpacker or budget traveler, traveling in Greece during the off-season, such as in April or August, will be more cost-effective. During these months, the prices for flights, hotels, and activities are usually lower compared to the peak summer season. You can find cheap accommodations in the form of guesthouses or budget hotels, and if you enjoy the local cuisine, tavernas and local eateries offer delicious meals at affordable prices. However, it’s important to note that during the peak season, especially in July and August, the cost of traveling in Greece can be significantly higher.

When it comes to expenses, a suggested rule of thumb is that you should budget around €50-80 per day for a budget traveler, including accommodation, meals, and transportation. Of course, this cost can vary depending on your travel style and preferences. For example, if you prefer to stay in more luxurious hotels or eat at high-end restaurants, the cost will be higher. On the other hand, if you choose to stay in hostels or eat at local tavernas, you can save money.

Additionally, there are some exceptions to the rule. Entrance fees for popular museums and historical sites, such as the Acropolis or the Palace of Knossos, can add to your expenses. However, if you’re a student or under a certain age, you may be entitled to discounted tickets. It’s also worth noting that some islands, like Santorini, can be more expensive compared to others, so it’s important to research the cost of the specific places you plan to visit.

In conclusion, while Greece can be a cheap place to visit during off-season holidays, the cost of your trip will ultimately depend on how you travel and where you choose to stay. By following these tips and budgeting wisely, you can enjoy your time in Greece without breaking the bank.

Is Greece a Cheap Place to Visit?

Is Greece a Cheap Place to Visit?

When it comes to traveling to Greece, many people wonder how much it costs to visit this beautiful country. Well, the answer would depend on various factors, such as the time of year you choose to visit and your travel preferences.

If you plan to visit Greece during the off-season holidays, you will likely find that it is much cheaper compared to the summer months. In April and back in August, the costs of hotels, transportation, and meals are generally lower. This is a great time to explore Greece on a budget.

In terms of accommodation, there are plenty of budget-friendly options available, such as hostels and guesthouses. These options will cost you less compared to luxury hotels. Additionally, if you are a backpacker, you can save even more money by staying in campsites or using Couchsurfing.

When it comes to food, Greece offers a variety of inexpensive dining options. You can enjoy delicious traditional Greek meals at tavernas, which are local restaurants. For a more average cost, you can have a meal at a local bakery or grab a quick bite from a street food vendor.

As for attractions and activities, visiting museums and historical sites will usually come with an admission cost. However, there are also free or discounted days available for some of these attractions. Make sure to check the opening hours and special offers before planning your trip.

It’s important to note that although Greece can be a cheap place to visit, there are exceptions when it comes to popular tourist destinations or during peak summer months. Places like Santorini and Mykonos tend to be more expensive due to their high demand. Additionally, if you are visiting Greece during the summer, prices may increase for flights and accommodations.

Personally, I would suggest taking advantage of the off-season holidays to experience the true beauty of Greece while keeping your costs low. Plan your trip wisely, do some research, and find the best deals. Traveling in Greece doesn’t have to break the bank if you make smart choices and explore the affordable options available.

Find Out How Much it Costs to Travel in Greece in Off-season Holidays

When it comes to traveling to Greece, many people wonder how much it will cost. The cost of traveling to Greece can vary depending on the time of year, with off-season holidays generally being cheaper than during the summer months. However, even in the off-season, it’s important to budget and plan accordingly to make the most of your trip.

One of the biggest expenses when traveling to Greece is accommodation. While there are budget options available, such as hostels and backpacker accommodations, it’s always a good idea to research and book in advance to secure the best deals. On average, hotels in Greece during the off-season holidays can cost much less compared to the peak summer months, making it a more affordable option.

Another cost to consider when traveling in Greece is food. While there are plenty of tavernas and restaurants to enjoy traditional Greek cuisine, eating out for every meal can quickly add up. To save money, it’s suggested to have some lunches and dinners in self-catered accommodations or to share meals with travel companions. This will not only help cut costs but also allow for a more authentic and immersive experience.

When it comes to activities and attractions, Greece has a lot to offer. While there may be entrance fees for some museums and historical sites, there are also many free or low-cost options available. Exploring the ancient ruins and strolling through the picturesque streets of Greece will provide plenty of opportunities to enjoy the country without breaking the bank.

One tip when traveling in Greece is to avoid unnecessary expenses. While it’s tempting to buy souvenirs and mementos, it’s important to stay mindful of your budget. Remember that the true value of your trip lies in the experiences and memories you create, rather than the material possessions you bring back with you.

In conclusion, while Greece may not be the cheapest destination to travel to, it is possible to have a budget-friendly trip, especially during the off-season holidays. With careful planning and consideration of costs, it’s possible to enjoy the beauty and culture of Greece without spending hella cash.

Off-season Greece holidays

If you’re looking to save money while traveling to Greece, consider planning your trip during the off-season. Typically, the off-season in Greece is from April to early June and from September to October. During these months, you can expect lower prices on flights, accommodations, and attractions. Plus, you’ll get to enjoy fewer tourists and more authentic experiences.

Tips for traveling in off-season holidays:

  • Book your flights and hotels in advance to secure the best deals.
  • Avoid visiting popular tourist destinations in August, as it’s the peak summer season and prices tend to be higher.
  • Take advantage of the hella cheap museums and attractions in Greece – many of them have discounted or even free entry during the off-season.
  • Visit local tavernas and restaurants for affordable meals. Suggested lunches can be found for as little as 6-8 euros.
  • Consider exploring the islands, as they can be less crowded and more affordable compared to mainland Greece.

How much does an off-season trip to Greece cost?

While the cost of an off-season trip to Greece will vary depending on your travel style and preferences, it’s generally cheaper than the peak summer season. On average, you can expect to spend around 50-70 euros per day, including accommodation, meals, transportation, and attractions.

Keep in mind that these are just average costs, and there may be exceptions. If you’re a budget backpacker or prefer more luxurious accommodations and dining options, your costs may differ. It’s always a good idea to research and plan accordingly based on your budget and travel goals.

So, if you want to enjoy a Greek getaway without breaking the bank, consider traveling off-season. You’ll still get to experience the true beauty and culture of Greece at a fraction of the cost.


Exceptions to the rule Greece in August

If you’re a backpacker or a budget traveler, there are exceptions to the rule when it comes to traveling in Greece in August. While Greece is generally not a cheap place to visit during the peak summer season, there are still ways to save money and make your trip more affordable.

One exception is to travel in the off-season. If you can plan your trip for the months of April or September, you’ll find that prices for hotels, flights, and other travel expenses are generally much lower. This is a great time to visit Greece if you’re looking to save money.

Another way to save money when traveling in Greece in August is to avoid the tourist hotspots and popular destinations. Instead of staying in expensive resorts and eating at fancy restaurants, opt for smaller, family-run tavernas and local eateries. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also get a more authentic Greek experience.

When it comes to attractions and activities, there are also ways to cut costs. Many museums and historical sites offer discounted or free admission on certain days or during specific times. Take advantage of these opportunities to enjoy Greece’s rich history without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, while Greece may not be a cheap place to visit in August, there are exceptions to this rule. By traveling in the off-season, avoiding tourist hotspots, and taking advantage of discounted attractions, you can enjoy a more affordable trip to Greece.

Traveling Greece: How Much Does It Cost?

When it comes to traveling in Greece, the cost can greatly vary depending on various factors such as the time of year, the type of accommodation you choose, and your personal preferences. However, if you plan your trip wisely and make some budget-friendly choices, you can enjoy the beauty of Greece without breaking the bank.

If you are traveling during the off-season or in April, you can expect to find much cheaper prices compared to the peak tourist season in August. This applies to both accommodations and flights. It’s true that there are exceptions to this rule, especially for popular tourist destinations like Santorini or Mykonos where prices may remain high throughout the year due to high demand.

When it comes to accommodation, if you are a backpacker or on a tight budget, there are plenty of affordable options such as hostels or budget hotels. On the other hand, luxury hotels can cost hella lot more, so it depends on your personal preference and the level of comfort you are looking for.

As for food, Greek tavernas are a must-try during your visit to Greece. They offer delicious traditional dishes at reasonable prices. Having lunches or dinners at these tavernas and sharing the cost with your travel companions can help you save money while enjoying the authentic Greek cuisine.

When visiting museums, keep in mind that there is usually an entrance fee. However, some museums have specific days or hours when the entrance is free or discounted, so it’s worth checking before your visit. Also, don’t forget to budget for transportation costs, as getting around Greece may require using buses, ferries, or renting a car.

In conclusion, while Greece can be a relatively cheap place to travel, the final cost will depend on your personal choices and preferences. By planning ahead, being flexible with your dates, and making smart choices, you can have a cost-effective trip while enjoying all the beauty and culture Greece has to offer.

How Much it Costs to Travel in Greece

How Much it Costs to Travel in Greece

When it comes to traveling in Greece, the cost can vary depending on factors such as time of year and your travel preferences. Greece is a popular tourist destination, so during peak seasons like August and holidays, the prices tend to be higher compared to the off-season.

On average, budget travelers can find affordable accommodations in Greece, especially in the off-season months like April. Backpacker hostels and guesthouses are popular options for those looking to save on hotel costs.

When it comes to food and drinks, Greek tavernas are a must-visit. They offer delicious and affordable meals, especially for lunch. The rule of thumb is that meals in local tavernas are cheaper compared to restaurants in touristy areas. Enjoying authentic Greek cuisine can be a highlight of your trip without breaking your budget.

As for attractions and activities, many museums and historical sites have entry fees. However, there are exceptions where certain museums offer free admission on specific days or during certain hours. It’s worth researching these options to save on entrance fees and make the most of your visit.

In terms of transportation, Greece offers various options such as buses, trains, and ferries. Buses are often the most affordable way to get around the country, while renting a car can be more convenient if you want to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations. Another tip is to consider using public transportation or walking in cities like Athens, as taxis can be more expensive.

Overall, while the cost of traveling in Greece may vary, it is possible to have a budget-friendly trip and enjoy all that the country has to offer. With a little bit of planning and research, you can find affordable accommodations, delicious meals, and save on attraction fees. So don’t let the idea of Greece being an expensive destination deter you. It’s all about finding the right balance and making the most of your travel experience.

Sources: [source]


Is Greece a cheap place to visit?

Yes, Greece can be a relatively cheap place to visit if you plan your trip well. The cost of traveling in Greece depends on various factors such as the time of year you visit, the type of accommodation you choose, the activities you want to do, and your personal spending habits. Generally, traveling in Greece during the off-season can save you money as prices for accommodation, flights, and attractions are usually lower.

How much does it cost to travel in Greece during off-season holidays?

The cost of traveling in Greece during off-season holidays can vary depending on your preferences and travel style. On average, you can expect to spend around $50-100 per day on accommodation, food, transportation, and entertainment. However, prices can be lower or higher depending on the specific destinations you visit and your personal choices.

Are there any exceptions to the rule of Greece being cheap in August?

Yes, August is typically the peak tourist season in Greece, and prices tend to be higher compared to other months. This is mainly due to the high demand for accommodation and attractions. Many tourists from around the world choose to visit Greece in August, which leads to increased prices for hotels, flights, and popular tourist activities. However, if you plan ahead and book your accommodations and activities in advance, you may still be able to find good deals and enjoy your trip to Greece in August without breaking the bank.

How much does it cost to travel in Greece?

The cost of traveling in Greece can vary depending on several factors such as the time of year, the duration of your trip, the destinations you visit, the type of accommodation you choose, and your personal spending habits. On average, you can expect to spend around $50-100 per day on accommodation, food, transportation, and entertainment. However, if you have a limited budget, it is possible to travel in Greece for less by opting for budget accommodation, eating at local taverns, using public transportation, and visiting free or low-cost attractions.

What are the costs of off-season holidays in Greece?

The costs of off-season holidays in Greece can vary depending on your chosen destinations, the duration of your stay, and your personal preferences. On average, you can expect to spend around $50-100 per day on accommodation, food, transportation, and activities. However, it is important to note that prices tend to be lower during the off-season, especially for accommodation and flights, so you may be able to find good deals and save money on your trip.

Is it cheaper to travel to Greece during the off-season?

Yes, it is generally cheaper to travel to Greece during the off-season compared to peak tourist seasons. During the off-season, prices for accommodation, flights, and attractions are usually lower. This is because there is less demand from tourists, and businesses often offer discounts and special offers to attract visitors. Traveling during the off-season can be a great way to save money and avoid large crowds, while still enjoying the beauty and culture of Greece.


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  1. AlisonTraveler on

    If you are looking to save money on your trip to Greece, traveling during the off-season is the way to go. You can find affordable accommodations, enjoy delicious local cuisine at reasonable prices, and avoid the crowds that come with the peak season. I always prefer visiting Greece in April or August to make the most of my travel budget.

  2. EmilyTraveler on

    Are there any specific exceptions to the rule of off-season travel in Greece? I’m curious if certain months still have high prices despite being considered off-season.

    • MaxTraveler on

      Hey EmilyTraveler, to answer your question, while off-season travel in Greece generally offers lower prices, August can be an exception due to the summer holiday period. Prices for flights and accommodations might still be high as it’s a popular time for tourists, so it’s worth checking prices in advance. Safe travels!

  3. JessicaTravels on

    If you are a backpacker or budget traveler, exploring Greece during the off-season is definitely more wallet-friendly. Not only are the prices for flights and accommodations lower, but you can also enjoy delicious meals at affordable prices in local eateries. Avoiding the peak season in July and August can save you a significant amount of money!

  4. AlexisTravels on

    Traveling in Greece during the off-season can be a great way to save money and experience the beauty of the country without breaking the bank. As someone who has visited in both April and August, I can confirm that the costs are definitely lower during the off-season months. It’s a fantastic option for budget-conscious travelers looking to explore Greece on a budget!

  5. EmilyTravels on

    As a budget traveler, I believe that exploring Greece during the off-season is the way to go for saving money. The cost of traveling in Greece during the peak season can really add up, so opting for April or August can be a more affordable option. Plus, the experience of enjoying the local cuisine at budget-friendly tavernas is priceless!

  6. JennySmith87 on

    Are travelers able to find affordable flights during the off-season in Greece? How about the availability of budget accommodations?

    • TravelerExpedition88 on

      Yes, travelers can often find more affordable flights during the off-season in Greece, especially in months like April or August. Similarly, budget accommodations are usually more available during the off-season, with guesthouses and budget hotels offering lower prices compared to the peak summer season. It’s a great way to save money on your trip!

  7. As a budget traveler, I have visited Greece both in April and August, and I can confirm that choosing the off-season saved me a lot of money. The prices for flights and accommodations were much more affordable, allowing me to enjoy the beautiful islands without breaking the bank. I highly recommend considering off-season holidays in Greece for anyone looking to save on travel costs.

  8. Alexandra_Travels on

    As someone who loves exploring new destinations on a budget, I find that traveling in Greece during the off-season is a fantastic way to save money. The prices for flights, hotels, and activities are much more affordable in April or August compared to the crowded summer months. Plus, the local eateries offer delicious meals at reasonable prices. So, if you’re looking to experience Greece without breaking the bank, consider planning your trip during the quieter months.

  9. MeganTraveler21 on

    Are there any specific recommendations for budget accommodation in Greece during the off-season? I’m planning a trip and trying to keep costs low.

    • ChrisExplorer88 on

      Hey MeganTraveler21! When looking for budget accommodation in Greece during the off-season, consider staying at guesthouses or smaller family-run hotels. These options tend to offer more affordable rates compared to larger chain hotels. You can also explore rental apartments or hostels for budget-friendly stays. Additionally, booking your accommodation in advance and being flexible with your travel dates can help you find great deals. Happy travels!

  10. If you are a budget traveler, exploring Greece during the off-season could be a wise choice. The costs tend to be lower for flights, accommodations, and activities, making it more affordable compared to the peak season. Plus, you can savor delicious local meals at reasonable prices. Just keep in mind that during July and August, the expenses can soar. It’s all about timing!

  11. EmilyTraveler on

    If you’re looking to save money on your trip to Greece, traveling during the off-season is the way to go. The costs are much more budget-friendly, especially in terms of accommodations and activities. However, if you prefer to visit during peak season, be prepared to pay a premium for the experience.

  12. Samantha_Wanderlust on

    Are there any specific off-season months in Greece that are particularly cheaper than others for travelers?

    • Michael_Explorer on

      Hi Samantha_Wanderlust, when it comes to traveling in Greece, the off-season months of April and August generally offer more cost-effective options for budget travelers. During these months, you can find lower prices for flights, accommodations, and activities compared to the peak summer season. It’s a great time to explore Greece without breaking the bank!

  13. EmmaJohnson23 on

    Is it really true that traveling to Greece in August is more expensive than during off-season months like April?

    • ChrisTravels79 on

      Yes, EmmaJohnson23, it is generally true that traveling to Greece in August tends to be more expensive compared to off-season months like April. During the peak summer season, prices for flights, hotels, and activities in Greece typically rise due to high demand from tourists. Choosing to visit during the off-season can often result in lower costs and more budget-friendly options for accommodations and meals. It’s all about timing and personal preferences when it comes to planning your trip to Greece!

  14. AlexandraSmith on

    As a budget traveler, I strongly believe that exploring Greece during the off-season is the way to go if you want to save money and experience the beauty of the country without breaking the bank. The costs during peak season can be quite high, so planning your trip for April or August can be a smart choice!

  15. AlexandraTraveler on

    As a budget traveler, I believe that exploring Greece during the off-season, like in April or August, is a wise choice to save money. The costs of flights, accommodations, and activities are generally lower during these months. Plus, local tavernas and eateries offer delicious meals at affordable prices. It’s crucial to plan your trip wisely to make the most of your budget!

    • Yes, Emily! When traveling to Greece during the off-season, islands like Crete, Corfu, and Rhodes are known to be more budget-friendly. These islands offer affordable accommodations, local food at reasonable prices, and fewer crowds compared to the peak season destinations. It’s a great opportunity to explore the beauty of Greece without breaking the bank.

  16. As a frequent traveler to Greece, I can attest that visiting during the off-season, like in April or August, is indeed more budget-friendly. The cost savings on flights, accommodation, and activities make a significant difference. Planning your trip wisely can lead to an enjoyable and affordable experience in Greece.

  17. As a budget traveler myself, I can confirm that exploring Greece during the off-season is definitely a smart choice. The costs are more manageable, and you can truly enjoy the beauty of the country without breaking the bank. I highly recommend visiting Greece in April for a more affordable and authentic experience!

  18. Emily_Traveler on

    As a seasoned traveler, I highly recommend visiting Greece during the off-season for a more budget-friendly experience. In April or August, you can enjoy lower prices for flights, accommodations, and activities compared to the peak summer season. It’s the perfect opportunity to explore the beauty of Greece without breaking the bank!

  19. As a budget traveler, I have found that exploring Greece during the off-season, like in April, is much more wallet-friendly. The prices for flights, hotels, and activities are noticeably lower, making it a cost-effective choice. Plus, local eateries offer delicious meals at affordable prices. However, be cautious during the peak season in July and August, as the costs can spike significantly.

  20. Are the costs in Greece really lower during off-season compared to peak season? How significant is the price difference between the two periods?

  21. If you are a backpacker or budget traveler, traveling in Greece during the off-season, such as in April or August, will be more cost-effective. During these months, the prices for flights, hotels, and activities are usually lower compared to the peak summer season. You can find cheap accommodations in the form of guesthouses or budget hotels, and if you enjoy the local cuisine, tavernas and local eateries offer delicious meals at affordable prices. However, it’s important to note that during the peak season, especially in July and August, the cost of traveling in Greece can be significantly higher.

  22. As a budget traveler, I have found that visiting Greece during the off-season months like April or August is a much more affordable option. The prices for flights, hotels, and activities are noticeably lower, making it easier to stick to a budget. Plus, the local tavernas and eateries offer delicious meals at reasonable prices. Peak season travel, especially in July and August, can really break the bank.

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