Volos is a city located in Greece, known for its rich history and beautiful landscapes. One of the best things to do in Volos is to visit the Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni Church. This church is a symbol of the city, with its magnificent architecture and stunning frescoes. Inside the church, you can light a candle and say a personal prayer.

Another must-see in Volos is Mount Pelion. This mountain offers breathtaking views of the city and the surrounding areas. You can hike up the mountain and explore its many trails, or take a scenic drive to enjoy the natural beauty.

Greece is also famous for its mythology, and in Volos you can explore the rich history of the area. Visit the Dimini archaeological site, where you can see the remains of an ancient settlement. Sesklo is another archaeological site in Volos, where you can see the remains of a neolithic village.

If you’re interested in history, you should also visit the Railway Museum of Volos. This museum showcases the history of the railway in Greece, with exhibits on the different trains and locomotives that were used. It’s a great place to learn about the history of transportation in Greece.

One of the best things to do in Volos is to explore the city’s many churches. The Zachos Church is a must-see, with its beautiful frescoes and intricate artwork. You can also visit the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni, which is located in the city center. This church is known for its beautiful architecture and stunning light.

In addition to its historical and cultural attractions, Volos also offers many outdoor activities. You can take a boat tour of the Pagasetic Gulf, or go swimming in one of the city’s many beaches. There are also plenty of restaurants and cafes where you can enjoy delicious Greek cuisine.

Overall, there are many things to do in Volos, Greece. Whether you’re interested in history, mythology, or outdoor activities, this city has something for everyone. So, pack your bags and get ready to explore the best of Volos!

Table of Contents

Light a Candle at the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni

When visiting Volos, Greece, one of the best things to do is to light a candle at the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni. This beautiful Greek Orthodox church holds a significant place in the city’s history and culture.

The Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni is located near the railway station, making it easily accessible for visitors. It was built in the 19th century by the architect Evaristo De Chirico, the father of the famous Greek painter Giorgio De Chirico.

The church is dedicated to Saints Constantine and Helen, who were known for their contributions to both the Christian faith and the mythology of ancient Greece. According to mythology, Helen was born in the nearby city of Dimini, while Constantine was born in the city of Sesklo.

Lighting a candle at the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni is a personal and meaningful experience for many visitors. It is a way to pay respect and seek blessings from these revered saints. Visitors can also admire the beautiful architecture and serene atmosphere of the church.

Volos is known for its many churches, but the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni holds a special place among them. It is located on a hill, offering a breathtaking view of the city and the surrounding area, including the majestic Mount Pelion.

Explore the Magnificent Mount Pelion

Mount Pelion is one of the best places to visit when in Volos, Greece. This majestic mountain is located in the Thessaly region and offers stunning views of the surrounding areas. It is also known for its unique architecture, with traditional stone houses and picturesque villages scattered across its slopes.

The mountain is steeped in mythology, as it is believed to have been the summer residence of the gods. According to Greek mythology, Mount Pelion was the birthplace of the centaurs, mythical creatures that were half-human and half-horse.

One of the best things to do on Mount Pelion is to hike its many trails and explore its natural beauty. There are numerous hiking paths that lead to breathtaking viewpoints, hidden waterfalls, and serene forests. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced hiker, there is a trail for everyone to enjoy.

If you’re interested in history and culture, you can visit the ancient villages of Sesklo and Dimini, which are located at the foot of Mount Pelion. These archaeological sites offer a glimpse into the early Neolithic period and showcase ancient settlements and tombs.

For those who appreciate religious architecture, a visit to the Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni Church in Volos is a must. This beautiful church was designed by the architect Evaristo De Chirico, the father of the famous surrealist painter Giorgio De Chirico. The church is adorned with stunning frescoes and colorful stained glass windows.

Discover the Ruins of Demetrias

One of the best things to do in Volos, Greece, is to visit the ruins of Demetrias. This ancient city was known for its strategic location and played a significant role in history. The ruins of Demetrias are located about 15 kilometers southwest of Volos, making it easily accessible for visitors.

Demetrias was established in the 4th century BC and was named after Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and fertility in Greek mythology. The city was well-known for its impressive architecture, including temples, theaters, and public buildings. Exploring the ruins allows you to get a glimpse into the rich history of the region and witness the grandeur of the past.

At the ruins of Dimini and Sesklo, which are located nearby, you can also discover prehistoric settlements that date back to the 5th millennium BC. These archaeological sites provide insights into the early civilizations that inhabited the area before the city of Demetrias was founded.

To reach the ruins of Demetrias, you can take the scenic railway journey from Volos. The train ride offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes, including the majestic Mount Pelion. Once you arrive at the site, you can explore the ancient city at your own pace, taking in the historical significance and admiring the architectural remains.

In addition to the ruins, there are also several churches in the area that are worth visiting. The Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni is a popular site for religious pilgrimages, and its interior is adorned with beautiful frescoes and icons. Another notable church is the Church of Agioi Eleni and Zachos, which is dedicated to Saint Helen, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great.

As you explore the ruins of Demetrias and its surrounding areas, you will be immersed in the rich culture and history of Greece. Whether you are a history enthusiast or simply want to experience the beauty of ancient architecture, a visit to Demetrias is a must-do activity in Volos.

Walk along the Beautiful Promenade

Walk along the Beautiful Promenade

One of the best things to do in Volos, Greece is to take a leisurely walk along the beautiful Promenade. This popular pedestrian street stretches along the waterfront and offers stunning views of the Aegean Sea. As you stroll along the promenade, you will pass by numerous cafes, restaurants, and shops, making it a great place to stop for a refreshing drink or a bite to eat.

Along the promenade, you will also find several interesting landmarks and attractions. One of them is the Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni Church, a beautiful Greek Orthodox church that was built in the early 20th century. The church is dedicated to the saints Konstantinos and Eleni and features an impressive architecture.

Nearby, you will also find the Dimini and Sesklo archaeological sites, which are important historical areas dating back to the Neolithic period. These sites offer a fascinating glimpse into the ancient history of Volos and Greece as a whole. Make sure to visit the Dimini and Sesklo areas to explore the ancient ruins and learn about the mythology and history of the region.

As you continue your walk along the promenade, you will come across the Railway Park, a charming park that features a miniature train ride for children and adults alike. This park is a great spot to take a break and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. You can also visit the Evaristo Zachos Museum, located nearby, which showcases the personal collection of the famous Greek architect Evaristo Zachos.

One of the highlights of walking along the promenade is the opportunity to enjoy the stunning sunset views over Mount Pelion. The golden light of the setting sun illuminates the landscape, creating a magical atmosphere. Take a moment to pause and admire the beauty of nature as the sun dips below the horizon.

Whether you’re interested in history, architecture, or simply enjoying the beauty of Volos, a walk along the beautiful promenade is a must-do activity. Soak in the Greek charm, explore the landmarks, and take in the breathtaking views along the way. Don’t forget to stop by one of the charming cafes to enjoy a cup of Greek coffee and a traditional pastry.

Taste Delicious Seafood at the Local Restaurants

When visiting Volos, Greece, one of the best things to do is to taste delicious seafood at the local restaurants. The city’s proximity to the sea means that there is an abundance of fresh seafood available, including fish, shrimp, octopus, and more.

One popular restaurant in Volos is Eleni, located near the railway station. Eleni is known for its excellent seafood dishes, with a menu that includes grilled fish, seafood pasta, and fried calamari. The restaurant offers a cozy and welcoming atmosphere, making it the perfect place to enjoy a meal after a day of exploring the city.

Another great option is Zachos, a restaurant run by the renowned Greek architect Evaristo Konstantinos. The restaurant is known for its innovative seafood dishes, combining traditional Greek flavors with modern culinary techniques. The menu at Zachos includes dishes such as grilled octopus, stuffed squid, and seafood risotto.

If you’re looking for a more casual dining experience, head to one of the local fish taverns in the Agioi Anargyroi area of Volos. These taverns often have a laid-back atmosphere and offer a wide variety of seafood options. Some popular dishes to try include fried fish with garlic sauce, grilled shrimp, and seafood spaghetti.

No matter which restaurant you choose, be sure to start your meal with a candle at the Church of Agios Konstantinos. This church, located in the Dimini area of Volos, is known for its beautiful architecture and stunning views of the city. Lighting a candle before your meal is a popular tradition in Greece and adds to the overall experience.

In conclusion, exploring the local restaurant scene and tasting delicious seafood is one of the best things to do when visiting Volos, Greece. Whether you choose a fine dining experience or a casual fish tavern, you’re sure to have a memorable meal in this Greek coastal city.

Visit the Archaeological Museum of Volos

The Archaeological Museum of Volos is a fascinating place to explore the rich history of the city and the surrounding areas. Located in a beautiful building near the city center, the museum showcases a wide range of artifacts from various archaeological sites in the region.

One of the highlights of the museum is the collection of ceramics from the ancient settlements of Dimini and Sesklo. These artifacts provide valuable insights into the daily life and culture of these prehistoric communities. Visitors can marvel at the intricate designs and craftsmanship of the pottery, which reflect the artistic skills of the people who lived in these settlements.

Another noteworthy exhibit in the museum is the collection of ancient coins, which offer a glimpse into the economic and trade activities of the city throughout history. From Greek and Roman coins to Byzantine and Ottoman currency, this display presents a comprehensive overview of the monetary systems that influenced Volos over the centuries.

The museum also houses a section dedicated to the mythology and religious practices of ancient Greece. Visitors can learn about the cult of the Greek gods and goddesses, as well as the important role that religion played in the lives of the ancient Greeks. One particularly striking artifact is a collection of votive offerings, including miniature statues and small sculptures, which were dedicated to the gods in gratitude or supplication.

Additionally, the Archaeological Museum of Volos features a temporary exhibition space where visitors can enjoy rotating exhibits that explore various aspects of the city’s history and culture. These exhibitions provide a fresh perspective on Volos and allow visitors to delve even deeper into the fascinating stories that have shaped the city over the centuries.

Take a Boat Tour to the Sporades Islands

If you’re visiting Volos, Greece, one of the best things you can do is take a boat tour to the Sporades Islands. The Sporades Islands are a group of beautiful islands located in the Aegean Sea, and they are known for their stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and charming villages.

During the boat tour, you’ll have the opportunity to visit some of the most popular islands in the Sporades group, such as Skiathos, Skopelos, and Alonissos. These islands are famous for their picturesque landscapes and vibrant atmospheres, offering visitors a chance to relax on the beach, explore quaint villages, and enjoy delicious Greek cuisine.

In addition to the natural beauty of the islands, there are also many historical and cultural sights to see. For example, on the island of Alonissos, you can visit the Agioi Anargyroi church, which is located on a hill overlooking the sea. This church is known for its beautiful architecture and stunning views of the surrounding area.

Another interesting sight to see during the boat tour is the ancient city of Dimini. Dimini was an important city in ancient Greece and is now an archaeological site. Here, you can explore the ruins of the ancient city and learn about its history and significance in Greek mythology.

Whether you’re interested in history, nature, or simply enjoying the beauty of the Greek islands, a boat tour to the Sporades Islands is a must-do activity when visiting Volos, Greece. Soak up the sun, take a dip in the crystal-clear waters, and experience the magic of these enchanting islands.

Enjoy a Day at the Beach in Nea Anchialos

Nea Anchialos is a beautiful coastal town located near Volos, Greece. It is a popular destination for both locals and tourists looking to relax and unwind by the sea. The town is surrounded by stunning beaches with crystal clear waters, making it an ideal spot for sunbathing, swimming, and various water sports.

The name Nea Anchialos is derived from ancient mythology. According to legend, Anchialos was the son of Poseidon and Alcyone. He was born in the city of Sesklo, which is located near Nea Anchialos. Sesklo is known for its archaeological sites, including the remains of a Neolithic settlement.

One of the best things to do in Nea Anchialos is to visit the Church of Agioi Anargyroi. This beautiful church is located on a hill and offers panoramic views of the city and the sea. Inside the church, you can light a candle and say a personal prayer. The architecture of the church is truly impressive, with its intricate design and stunning stained glass windows.

Another interesting place to visit in Nea Anchialos is the Eleni Zachou Cultural Center. This center is named after Eleni Zachou Konstantinos, a well-known Greek architect. It hosts various cultural events, including art exhibitions, music concerts, and theater performances. The center is also home to a library and a museum, showcasing the rich history and heritage of the region.

If you’re looking for a peaceful and picturesque getaway, Nea Anchialos is the perfect destination. Whether you want to spend a day at the beach, explore ancient archaeological sites, or immerse yourself in the local culture, this charming town has something for everyone. Don’t miss the opportunity to bask in the warm Greek sun and enjoy the beauty of Nea Anchialos.

Explore the Traditional Village of Makrinitsa

A Picturesque Setting

Located just a short distance from Volos, the traditional village of Makrinitsa is a must-visit destination in Greece. Nestled on the slopes of Mount Pelion, this charming village offers a picturesque setting with breathtaking views of the city and the sea. The architecture here is truly unique, with stone-built houses and narrow cobblestone streets that create a tranquil and romantic atmosphere.

Discovering the Local Culture

When exploring Makrinitsa, you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of the area. The village is home to several churches, including the Agioi Evaristo and Agioi Konstantinos churches, which are known for their impressive frescoes and ornate design. There is also a museum in Makrinitsa dedicated to the region’s agricultural history, showcasing traditional tools and artifacts.

Visiting the Historical Sites

Makrinitsa is also known for its historical sites, such as the Church of Agios Giorgos and the Church of Agios Zachos. These ancient churches date back to the 17th century and offer a glimpse into the past with their intricate architecture and religious artifacts. You can also explore the ruins of the ancient cities of Sesklo and Dimini, which were once thriving centers of Greek civilization.

Enjoying Nature

Surrounded by lush greenery and stunning landscapes, Makrinitsa is an ideal destination for nature lovers. You can take a leisurely stroll through the village’s scenic paths, or venture out on a hike to enjoy the breathtaking views from the nearby mountains. Mount Pelion offers a variety of hiking trails, ranging from easy to challenging, and you can also take a ride on the scenic Pelion Railway to get a closer look at the natural beauty of the area.

Indulging in Local Cuisine

After exploring all that Makrinitsa has to offer, don’t forget to try some of the delicious local cuisine. The village is known for its traditional taverns and restaurants, where you can sample authentic Greek dishes made with fresh, local ingredients. From moussaka to souvlaki, there is something to satisfy every palate. And for dessert, be sure to try the famous Eleni’s Candle, a sweet treat that is as delightful as it is unique.


In conclusion, exploring the traditional village of Makrinitsa is one of the best things to do when visiting Volos, Greece. From its charming architecture and rich history to its stunning natural landscapes and delicious cuisine, there is something for everyone in this picturesque destination. So pack your bags, light a candle, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through the heart of Greek mythology and culture.

Take a Ride on the Pelion Steam Train

Take a Ride on the Pelion Steam Train

If you are visiting Volos, Greece, one of the best things to do is to take a ride on the Pelion Steam Train. This historic railway was built by Italian engineer Evaristo de Chirico and was inaugurated in 1895. The train journey takes you through the picturesque Mount Pelion region, offering stunning views of the surrounding areas.

The Pelion Steam Train, also known as the “Train of Mount Pelion,” is powered by a vintage steam locomotive. The train departs from the city’s railway station, located in Agios Konstantinos, and passes through charming villages like Ano Lehonia and Milies. Along the way, you can admire the beautiful landscape, including lush forests, olive groves, and traditional stone houses.

During the ride, you will have the opportunity to visit the Church of Agioi Taxiarches in Milies, which houses the famous “Eleni Zachos” candle. This candle is said to have been burning for over 200 years and is believed to protect the village from disasters. The candle is a personal offering made by a local woman named Eleni Zachos, who was born in the nearby village of Sesklo.

Apart from the Church of Agioi Taxiarches, there are several other churches and monasteries that you can explore along the way. These include the Monastery of Panagia Xenia in Ano Lechonia and the Church of Agia Marina in Agria. Each of these religious sites has its unique architecture and holds significance in Greek mythology.

So, if you want to experience a unique and memorable adventure during your visit to Volos, don’t miss the opportunity to take a ride on the Pelion Steam Train. As you journey through the picturesque Mount Pelion region, you will be transported back in time and immersed in the beauty of Greece’s natural landscapes and cultural heritage.

Admire the Panoramic View from the Port of Volos

The port of Volos is located in the city of Volos, Greece. It offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the cityscape and the surrounding areas. From the port, visitors can admire the beautiful coastal scenery and the clear blue waters of the Aegean Sea.

One of the best things to do at the port is to visit the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni, which is located near the water. The church is known for its magnificent architecture and its stunning interior. Visitors can light a candle and admire the beautiful icons and decorations inside the church.

Another must-see attraction at the port is the Mount Pelion Railway, which offers a scenic train ride through the picturesque landscapes of Volos. The train passes through the mountaintop village of Milies and offers stunning views of the surrounding area.

For history enthusiasts, a visit to the archaeological sites of Dimini and Sesklo is highly recommended. These ancient cities were born in the Neolithic period and offer a fascinating glimpse into the past. Visitors can explore the ruins and learn about the rich history and mythology of the region.

If you’re looking for a unique experience, head to the Zachos Light, located at the entrance of the port. This lighthouse has been in operation since 1893 and offers a stunning view of the sea and the city. Visitors can climb to the top of the lighthouse and enjoy the panoramic view.

Evaristo de Chirico Art Space is another interesting attraction near the port. This art gallery showcases the works of the renowned Greek artist Evaristo de Chirico. Visitors can admire his paintings and sculptures and learn about his life and artistic journey.

With its breathtaking views and a wide range of attractions, the port of Volos is undoubtedly a must-visit destination in Greece. Whether you’re interested in history, art, or simply taking in the natural beauty of the area, there is something for everyone here. Make sure to add it to your list of things to do in Volos!

Visit the Tsipouradiko Bars

If you’re visiting Volos, Greece, one of the best things to do is to visit the Tsipouradiko bars. These unique bars are an integral part of Greek tradition and culture. Tsipouradiko bars are known for serving tsipouro, a traditional Greek spirit.

Tsipouro is made from the by-products of wine production and it is usually served as an aperitif. The drink is known for its high alcohol content, so it’s usually enjoyed in small quantities. Tsipouradiko bars offer a wide variety of tsipouro, allowing visitors to taste different flavors and find their personal favorite.

Aside from the drinks, Tsipouradiko bars also offer a unique atmosphere. The dimly lit interiors create a cozy and intimate setting, perfect for socializing with friends or simply enjoying a quiet evening. Many bars also have live music or traditional Greek performances, adding to the overall experience.

When visiting Volos, make sure to check out some of the popular Tsipouradiko bars in the city. Some of the best ones include Agioi Eleni, Evaristo, and Zachos. These bars are often located in historic areas, near churches or landmarks, giving visitors a chance to explore the city’s rich history and architecture while enjoying a refreshing drink.

Take a Hike in the Centaurs’ Path

The Centaurs’ Path, also known as the Centaurs’ Trail, is a popular hiking route in the Volos area of Greece. According to Greek mythology, the Centaurs were half-human, half-horse creatures who inhabited the region. The trail offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, making it a favorite among nature enthusiasts.

The Centaurs’ Path starts at the village of Sesklo, located about 15 kilometers from Volos. From there, hikers can follow the well-marked trail that winds through picturesque landscapes, including dense forests and open meadows. Along the way, you’ll come across charming Greek churches, such as the Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni church, where you can light a candle and take a moment of personal reflection.

The trail is named after the Centaurs, but it is also associated with the ancient Greek city of Dimini. Dimini was a significant archaeological site and is believed to have been inhabited since the Neolithic period. As you hike through the area, you may come across ruins and artifacts that provide insight into the region’s history.

To make the most of your hike, it is recommended to bring sturdy footwear, as some sections of the trail can be steep and rocky. Additionally, pack plenty of water and snacks, as there are limited facilities along the route. It is also advisable to check the weather conditions before embarking on the hike, as the trail may be slippery or difficult to navigate in certain weather conditions.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for an adventure in Volos, Greece, taking a hike in the Centaurs’ Path is one of the best things to do. You’ll experience the beauty of the Greek countryside, discover ancient history, and enjoy breathtaking views along the way. Don’t forget to bring your camera to capture the memories!

Discover the Ancient City of Iolkos

Located in Volos, Greece, the ancient city of Iolkos is a fascinating destination with a rich history and many interesting things to do and see.

Mythology and History

Iolkos is best known as the birthplace of the ancient hero Jason, the man who led the Argonauts in their quest for the Golden Fleece. According to Greek mythology, Jason was born to the royal couple Aeson and Polymede in Iolkos. This mythological connection adds an extra layer of intrigue to the city’s history.

Throughout its history, Iolkos has been occupied by various civilizations and cultures. Archaeological excavations have uncovered remnants from different periods such as the Neolithic settlements of Sesklo and Dimini, showcasing the city’s ancient roots.

Churches and Architecture

Churches and Architecture

Iolkos is also known for its beautiful churches and architectural landmarks. One of the city’s standout churches is Agioi Apostoloi, an impressive Byzantine church dedicated to the Apostles Peter and Paul. Its unique architecture and stunning frescoes make it a must-visit attraction for history and art enthusiasts.

Another notable church in Iolkos is the Church of Agioi Taxiarches. Built in the early 20th century, this church is known for its picturesque setting at the foot of Mount Pelion and its distinctive bell tower.

Light a Candle for Eleni Zachos

If you’re in Iolkos, don’t miss the opportunity to light a candle at the Church of Agioi Apostoloi. This church holds special significance as the final resting place of Eleni Zachos, a beloved local figure known for her personal dedication to lighting candles in the church. Visitors can light a candle in her memory and experience the peaceful ambiance that surrounds this sacred space.

Overall, the ancient city of Iolkos in Volos, Greece, offers a unique blend of mythology, history, and architectural wonders. Exploring the city’s ancient areas, visiting its churches, and experiencing the personal connection with Eleni Zachos and the Church of Agioi Apostoloi are some of the best things to do during a visit to Iolkos.

Enjoy a Day of Skiing in Agriolefkes Ski Center

If you’re looking for an activity that combines the thrill of winter sports with the stunning natural beauty of the region, a day of skiing in Agriolefkes Ski Center is a must-do in Volos, Greece. Located on Mount Pelion, this ski center offers a variety of slopes for skiers of all levels, making it an ideal destination for both beginners and experienced skiers.

One of the best things about Agriolefkes Ski Center is its proximity to the city of Volos. Just a short drive away, you can easily escape the city’s hustle and bustle and enjoy a day on the slopes. The ski center is also easily accessible by the Volos railway, which provides a convenient transportation option for visitors.

Agriolefkes Ski Center is known for its well-maintained slopes and breathtaking views. As you ski down the mountain, you’ll be surrounded by a picturesque landscape, with the snow-covered peaks and dense forest creating a truly magical setting. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, the ski center offers a range of runs to suit every skill level.

If you’re interested in the history and mythology of the area, a visit to the nearby Church of Agioi Apostoloi is a must. This ancient church is believed to have been built in the 12th century and is famous for its beautiful architecture and stunning frescoes. Inside the church, you’ll find a peaceful and spiritual atmosphere, making it the perfect place to light a candle and offer a personal prayer.

Another attraction in the area is the archaeological sites of Dimini and Sesklo. These ancient settlements were inhabited in the Neolithic period and are among the oldest in Greece. Excavations have revealed fascinating artifacts and structures, providing insight into the lives of the people who lived here thousands of years ago.

After a day on the slopes or exploring the historical sites, you can head back to Volos to enjoy the city’s vibrant nightlife. The city is known for its lively bars and restaurants, where you can unwind with a tasty meal and drinks. Don’t miss the opportunity to try some traditional Greek dishes, such as moussaka and souvlaki.

So, if you’re looking for an unforgettable winter experience in Greece, make sure to include a day of skiing in Agriolefkes Ski Center in your itinerary. Whether you’re a skiing enthusiast or simply want to enjoy the beautiful scenery, this ski center offers something for everyone.

Experience the Vibrant Nightlife in Volos

Volos, a city in Greece, offers a vibrant nightlife scene that is sure to satisfy any partygoer. From trendy bars to lively nightclubs, there are plenty of options to choose from for a night out on the town.

One of the best things to do in Volos is to visit the city’s many churches, which are not only significant religious sites but also popular nightlife destinations. The Agioi Konstantinos Church and the Agioi Eleni Church, for example, are known for their beautiful architecture and the lively atmosphere they offer at night.

If you’re looking for a unique experience, you can also visit the Zachos and Dimini areas, which were once inhabited by the ancient Greeks. The ruins of Sesklo, a prehistoric settlement, can be explored during the day and offer a fascinating glimpse into the city’s history.

For those who enjoy a more spiritual experience, lighting a candle at one of Volos’ churches can be a deeply personal and meaningful activity. In Greek mythology, lighting a candle symbolizes bringing light into the darkness and is often done in honor of a loved one or to seek guidance and protection.

When it comes to nightlife, Volos has a diverse range of options. Whether you’re into live music, dancing, or simply enjoying a drink with friends, you’ll find something to suit your taste. The Eleni Evaristo, a popular club, is known for its energetic atmosphere and live performances by local bands.

To relax after a night out, you can take a stroll along the Volos promenade and enjoy the beautiful views of the city’s waterfront. The area is lined with cafes and restaurants, where you can grab a coffee or a meal while taking in the sights.

In conclusion, experiencing the vibrant nightlife in Volos is one of the top things to do in the city. Whether you’re exploring the ancient ruins, lighting a candle at a church, or dancing the night away at a nightclub, there’s something for everyone in this lively Greek city.


What are some popular things to do in Volos, Greece?

Some popular things to do in Volos, Greece include visiting the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni, exploring the Argonauts’ Museum, taking a walk along the seafront promenade, and enjoying the local cuisine at the traditional taverns.

Is the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni a must-visit in Volos?

Yes, the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni is definitely a must-visit in Volos. It is a beautiful church with stunning architecture and intricate details. Visitors can light a candle and experience a sense of peace and tranquility.

What is the significance of lighting a candle at the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni?

Lighting a candle at the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni is a common religious practice in Greek Orthodox tradition. It is a way of offering prayers and seeking guidance or protection from the saints. It is believed that the flickering light of the candle symbolizes the presence of the divine.

Can tourists visit the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni during religious ceremonies?

Yes, tourists are welcome to visit the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni during religious ceremonies. However, it is important to be respectful and follow any guidelines or instructions given by the church personnel. Visitors should dress modestly and avoid any disruptive behavior.

Are there any other attractions near the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni?

Yes, there are several other attractions near the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni. The Argonauts’ Museum is located nearby, which showcases the rich maritime history of Volos. Additionally, the seafront promenade offers a picturesque walking path with stunning views of the sea.

Are there any traditional taverns in Volos where visitors can enjoy local cuisine?

Yes, there are plenty of traditional taverns in Volos where visitors can enjoy local cuisine. These taverns offer a wide range of delicious Greek dishes, including fresh seafood, grilled meats, and various vegetarian options. Some popular taverns include “To Koutouki tou Nikola,” “Kritsini,” and “Petrino.”

Aside from the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni, what other cultural attractions are there in Volos?

In addition to the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni, Volos offers many other cultural attractions. The Argonauts’ Museum is a must-visit for those interested in the city’s maritime history. The Volos Municipal Gallery showcases contemporary art exhibitions. The Archaeological Museum of Volos displays artifacts from the region’s ancient past. Finally, the Volos City Museum provides insight into the city’s history and development.


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THINGS TO DO IN VOLOS, GREECE | 4 DAYS TRIP by Neval Ceren Zorlu 1 year ago 11 minutes, 2 seconds 6,863 views



  1. Volos looks like a fascinating city to explore! I would love to visit the Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni Church and experience the rich history and stunning landscapes. Mount Pelion also seems like a must-see for breathtaking views. The Railway Museum of Volos sounds like an interesting place to learn about the history of transportation in Greece. Can’t wait to have an unforgettable experience in Volos!

  2. Volos looks like a fascinating city to explore! I would love to visit the Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni Church to admire its beautiful architecture and light a candle for a moment of reflection. The landscapes in Volos seem stunning, especially the views from Mount Pelion. Learning about the area’s rich history at archaeological sites like Dimini and Sesklo sounds like a captivating experience. The Railway Museum of Volos also seems like a must-visit to delve into Greece’s transportation history. I can’t wait to explore the churches and immerse myself in the culture of Volos!

  3. Visiting Volos is on my bucket list! The Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni looks absolutely stunning, I can’t wait to light a candle there and soak in the atmosphere. The landscapes and historical sites in Volos seem like a perfect blend for a memorable trip.

  4. Volos is such a gem! I can’t wait to visit the Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni Church and experience the rich history and stunning landscapes. Mount Pelion sounds like a must-see for breathtaking views! Definitely adding Volos to my travel bucket list.

  5. EmilySmith on

    Volos is such a beautiful city with a rich history! I absolutely love visiting the Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni Church, it’s so peaceful and serene inside. The views from Mount Pelion are breathtaking, a must-see for nature lovers. Exploring the archaeological sites like Dimini and Sesklo really brings ancient history to life. The Railway Museum was also a fascinating stop, learning about the history of transportation in Greece was eye-opening. Can’t wait to plan my next trip to Volos!

  6. EmilyBelle91 on

    Visiting Volos, Greece is an absolute delight! I highly recommend exploring the Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni Church, the Mount Pelion for its stunning views, and the historical sites like Dimini and Sesklo. Don’t miss out on the Railway Museum of Volos for a fascinating look at the country’s transportation history.

  7. Volos looks like a fascinating city to explore! The Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni seems like a must-visit with its beautiful architecture. I would love to hike up Mount Pelion for the breathtaking views. The history and mythology in Volos make it a perfect destination for history enthusiasts like me. The Railway Museum sounds like a unique way to learn about Greece’s transportation history. Can’t wait to visit Volos for an unforgettable experience!

  8. Natalie_Belle on

    Visiting Volos sounds like a dream! I can’t wait to light a candle at the Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni and immerse myself in the rich history and beautiful landscapes. Exploring Mount Pelion and the archaeological sites in the area would be an unforgettable experience. Greece’s mythology truly comes to life in Volos!

  9. Volos looks like a fascinating city to explore! I would love to visit the Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni Church to admire its stunning architecture. Mount Pelion also seems like a must-see for those breathtaking views. The rich history and mythology in Volos make it a perfect destination for history enthusiasts like me.

  10. Visiting Volos is definitely a must-do! The city offers a perfect blend of history and natural beauty. Exploring the Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni Church is a serene experience, and the views from Mount Pelion are simply breathtaking. Don’t miss out on the chance to delve into the rich mythology and history of the area at sites like Dimini and Sesklo. The Railway Museum is also a fascinating glimpse into Greece’s transportation past. Volos is truly a gem waiting to be discovered!

  11. Volos offers a perfect blend of history, culture and natural beauty. Exploring the Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni Church is a must-do, allowing you to immerse yourself in the city’s rich traditions. Hiking Mount Pelion provides breathtaking views, making it a heavenly experience for nature lovers.

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